Agreed, this is not a capital offense...or something that should get him suspended. So they talked to the kid and with their helpful input, he followed up with what amounts to a retraction saying that he loves everybody, blah, blah. It brought tears to my eyes. Story over.
But during the talk hopefully they also informed him that there are only two categories of American citizens who can be smeared with impunity: working-class white males and conservative Christians. He might want to keep that in mind for future reference.
Since it's no big deal, why did a scUM Board Member (who also happens to be Jewish by faith and descent) make a public statement via his Twitter page, after Donovan Edwards posted this yesterday to his Twitter page, stating that it was unacceptable and he was going to take the matter up internally at scUM (which he absolutely did do as his latest post says he spoke with both HC Harbaugh and position coach Hart.....etc.....)??? Rather sad that Harbaugh has not said a word about this topic despite a University Board Member going public with a statement and Edwards' actions making multiple national news feeds.