Larry, you simply are not an honest person. I have copied relevant posts below. We all can clearly see that CJsE makes an initial claim that my position is based upon race. Then 76 SmithLion tells CJsE that he is clearly race-baiting. Then your interest is apparently peaked and you come out and clearly imply racism. Later you actually post that you have never accused anyone of racism after you had just strongly implied that it was racist to criticize Tomlin as I had and SmithLion defended. Own up to it. You strongly implied that SmithLion and I took our positions based upon race. Show me where you conceded that it was not due to race and have apologized and we can end this discussion. This is certainly not the 1st time on this site that I have had to quote you directly to prove that you misrepresented information purposely to defend your arguments. In the long run, it is better to admit when you have lost an argument than to be caught in a lie to conceal it.
The resume of Tomlin and Cowher are nearly identical, with a slight edge to Tomlin in most statistics. One is considered a great coach and is revered by Steelers fans. The other is constantly called disappointing, underwhelming, underachieving, unfit to coach the Steelers, a token hire, below average, unprofessional, etc.
There must be some glaring difference between the two coaches. Something that is plainly visible that would cause people to judge the two coaches differently based on a criteria other than results and statistics. For the life of me, I can't figure out what it could be. It's almost as if people were bias against Tomlin for some reason. *cough*
75 CJsE,
Yesterday at 4:29 PM
I think this is pure race baiting.
Tomlin isn't perfect, but he's pretty good. I've never heard him blame his race for anything that's gone wrong, or for any criticism, including Bradshaw's remarks.
Obviously you do not have the same degree of self-discipline as Mike Tomlin.
76 SmithtonLion,
Yesterday at 4:36 PM
So, ignoring a comparison which seems like it could be affected by racism is "disciplined." I guess suggesting reasons other than race to explain why the coach is held in lower regard even though the stats show a small advantage would be easy, you being so nonracist and all. So explain it.
80 demlion,
Yesterday at 9:21 PM
I don't give a damn about the steelers anyway. Never called anybody a racist, I just said your whining was not backed up by any facts. You still make a summary which is little better than a guess and totally unsourced.
85 demlion,
Today at 8:04 AM