Mikey McQ is my hero

MM could have jumped in and stopped it immediately (whatever was going on), and clearly, he could have done a better (sooner, more direct) job of reporting it, and his testimony has been suspect all along, but I don't think you can accuse him of remaining silent.

MM wasn't entirely silent but this is the testimony:
  1. Dranov said that MM didn't tell them anything that would have warranted a call to the police.
  2. Paterno said that at no time did McQueary convey the things mentioned in the Grand Jury transcript.
  3. C&S testified that they interpreted MM's report to be horseplay.
So either he told them all about something extremely sexual and they're all lying, or he told just some of them and some of them are lying, or he didn't tell any of them about something so severe. If it's the latter, I'd say that he was somewhat silent.
MM wasn't entirely silent but this is the testimony:
  1. Dranov said that MM didn't tell them anything that would have warranted a call to the police.
  2. Paterno said that at no time did McQueary convey the things mentioned in the Grand Jury transcript.
  3. C&S testified that they interpreted MM's report to be horseplay.
So either he told them all about something extremely sexual and they're all lying, or he told just some of them and some of them are lying, or he didn't tell any of them about something so severe. If it's the latter, I'd say that he was somewhat silent.
My original point isn't to defend MM. It was to say that he isn't responsible for what Sandusky did. Only Sandusky was, and being angry at MM is not going to prevent the next Sandusky. Who really failed these kids? I would argue that it's TSM, CHildren and Youth, and the police, district attorney's and other government officials.
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My original point isn't to defend MM. It was to say that he isn't responsible for what Sandusky did. Only Sandusky was, and being angry at MM is not going to prevent the next Sandusky. Who really failed these kids? I would argue that it's TSM, CHildren and Youth, and the police, district attorney's and other government officials.

I agree that Sandusly is responsible and that the agencies, DA, etc. didn't get the job done. But MM also failed if he witnessed more than he initially reported to his family, Joe, C&S. And if he didn't witness more than he reported he is guilty of unjustly ruining the lives of many people and also unjustly ruining the reputation of the university.
did not rule out the possibility of new disclosures and additional criminal action.

The Fix was in. Tom Corbett was gunning for Dr. Spanier's head on a platter.

Mike was used. He was simply a pawn, and it didn't matter whether Joe was still coaching or not. It was never about Mike, it was never about "football" - it was never about Sandusky really, nor was it about "the children". It was always about a petty vendetta & election points.

I don't know how one who has been horribly used by the Office of Attorney General can be made whole again and hold those individuals that caused this destruction accountable.

"It was a calculated risk" - Tom Corbett

Off Topic slightly - Justice Eakin was also forced from the bench, swept up in a pornography & ethics power play with McCaffery and Castille - but he gets to keep his $14,000 A MONTH pension. So where's the justice in all this for the average schlub at PSU that got swept up in a power play by Fina, Corbett & Surma?
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The Fix was in. Tom Corbett was gunning for Dr. Spanier's head on a platter.

Mike was used. He was simply a pawn, and it didn't matter whether Joe was still coaching or not. It was never about Mike, it was never about "football" - it was never about Sandusky really, nor was it about "the children". It was always about a petty vendetta & election points.

I don't know how one who has been horribly used by the Office of Attorney General can be made whole again and hold those individuals that caused this destruction accountable.

"It was a calculated risk" - Tom Corbett

Off Topic slightly - Justice Eakin was also forced from the bench, swept up in a pornography & ethics power play with McCaffery and Castille - but he gets to keep his $14,000 A MONTH pension. So where's the justice in all this for the average schlub at PSU that got swept up in a power play by Fina, Corbett & Surma?

Was mike used? Sure, and the OAG has a lot of blame (I said many times that if he wanted to sue for defamation he should have sued the OAG/corbett) but he didn't HAVE to go along with the OAG's machinations.

Apparently MM was perfectly content telling Curley nothing more needed to be done outside of telling TSM and revoking JS' guest privileges then went on living his life for 9 yrs while watching JS access kids through his charity, coach hs kids, etc. and not once uttered a word to anyone, same with JM and Dr. D. JM couldn't even muster one word of discontent when he and Dr. D had their business powwow with Schultz a few months later and JS was still a free man...Hmmmm...

Then once fap fina got his claws into MM he was able to get MM to play ball somehow and write that he reported certain sodomy. That is on him. He had to be a complete idiot to not see how his revionist bs would screw over everyone he told about 2001. Either that or he knew it would but did it anyway to save his own hide.

Without him fina had no way to tie this whole mess to psu football, etc. and the case would have most likely died on the vine since the emails showed the oag had no interest in really pursuing the case until the magical MM tip landed on SPM's desk (coincidentally the day after corbett secured the governorship) who then forwarded it along. Once they had a way to pin it on PSU the OAG got super interested in the case. Fancy that.
Well, since you asked... I think blaming McQuery is no better than blaming Joe. Just because someone is 6' 5" doesn't make them perceptive to what may be going on or trigger him to spring into action amidst the confusion. While McQuery hasn't been the most consistant witness and maybe could have stopped Sandusky on that same day, it's possible that the same failures/bad decisions within the child welfare/police groups could have take place even if McQuerry called 911 that night.

If there is one truth to come out of this whole mess is that Penn State (players, coaches, & admin) and America as a whole was terribly naive about child predators, how to spot them, and who is to blame.Everyone wants someone to blame beyond Sandusky. Penn Staters blame McQuerry, TSM, BOT, Corbett, etc. People outside the Penn State community blame Joe, Curley, Spanier, and Penn State football. Who knows how much tangential blame each of these persons or groups deserve. Most are not as guilty as others want them to be, but this doesn't satisfy our desire for placing blame. I'm no psychologist, but maybe it's because we are afraid that we could have been in their shoes (not Sandusky's) and their must have been something wrong with them because we would never have let this happen.

Your point (and oblivax's as well) are well taken. Especially the last paragraph.. in 2000 nobody really got it.

BUT, he didn't need to go in and kick the crap out of JS. All he needed to do was walk into the shower area ("sorry, didn't know anyone was in here") and make eye contact. IF he sees something, THEN he has to determine if he's going to man up and stop it. If not, he's alerted both JS and by that he's in the locker room and that alone would have ended the situation.

So yes, JS takes the boy elsewhere but mike can now tell people what he actually saw and let the powers that be do whatever they are supposed to do (hopefully).

Instead, he surmises something of which he can't be sure and leaves the room. His comment about making noise so they knew someone else was there has always sounded like a crafted dodge to excuse his failure to engage.

This isn't some kid, folks. This is a guy who welcomed mano v mano with andy katzenmoyer prior to (and during) the 97 game. All I get out of his actions are that he made a concious decision to not walk into the shower because he might have to do something.

He wants to be a hero... all he has to do is hold a press conference and set the record straight.

of course, the puppet press will blame joe paterno for applying pressure from the grave.........
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Phone call re-enactment:
Mike: Dad, I just saw Coach Sandusky in the shower with a young boy.
John McQ: Mike, were they having anal sex? Did you see any...........penetration? Did you see anything you could verify, sodomy?
Mike: Dad, I didn't see that.
John McQ: Mike, come home my son!
Yeah, I bet my father's first question would involve............. penetration.

Not sure what you are getting at?[/QUOTE]

I think he's got a pretty good point. It's 2001... does anyone really think MM's dad asked him those questions in that manner and used the word penetration? highly unlikely.

Was mike used? Sure, and the OAG has a lot of blame (I said many times that if he wanted to sue for defamation he should have sued the OAG/corbett) but he didn't HAVE to go along with the OAG's machinations.

Apparently MM was perfectly content telling Curley nothing more needed to be done outside of telling TSM and revoking JS' guest privileges then went on living his life for 9 yrs while watching JS access kids through his charity, coach hs kids, etc. and not once uttered a word to anyone, same with JM and Dr. D. JM couldn't even muster one word of discontent when he and Dr. D had their business powwow with Schultz a few months later and JS was still a free man...Hmmmm...

Then once fap fina got his claws into MM he was able to get MM to play ball somehow and write that he reported certain sodomy. That is on him. He had to be a complete idiot to not see how his revionist bs would screw over everyone he told about 2001. Either that or he knew it would but did it anyway to save his own hide.

Without him fina had no way to tie this whole mess to psu football, etc. and the case would have most likely died on the vine since the emails showed the oag had no interest in really pursuing the case until the magical MM tip landed on SPM's desk (coincidentally the day after corbett secured the governorship) who then forwarded it along. Once they had a way to pin it on PSU the OAG got super interested in the case. Fancy that.

This post is incredibly good. McQueary allowed himself to be a useful idiot in the OAG's sinister scheme.
Not sure what you are getting at?

I think he's got a pretty good point. It's 2001... does anyone really think MM's dad asked him those questions in that manner and used the word penetration? highly unlikely.


Whether John used any of those specific words, who knows. Even John said he wasn't exactly sure of the words to describe sex that he used. But, John testified to the point that he asked Mike twice to verify if he saw anything more than JS in the shower with a boy and his testimony is that Mike told him 2 times he saw nothing more than Jerry in the shower with a boy.
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If Mike had testified that:

He heard slapping sounds
He saw Jerry in the shower with a kid
He didn't see intercourse or penetration
The kid didn't scream or make any sounds
The kid didn't look distressed
He wasn't really sure what he saw but thought it was at least very odd
Because he didn't see anything sexual he was hesitant to intervene or to call police
He alerted Paterno, Curley and Shultz and trusted the process to determine if anything wrong had occurred
He assumed that had occurred and there was nothing more he needed to do

If he would have stopped there, he would have been fine in how he handled 2001 and a decade later in my eyes. But he did not stop there on the stand. Not even close. Because he did not, he either f'd up massively in 2001 or embellished his story on the stand a decade later to the detriment of many. There is no other way I can look at his role and reconcile his behavior.
If Mike had testified that:

He heard slapping sounds
He saw Jerry in the shower with a kid
He didn't see intercourse or penetration
The kid didn't scream or make any sounds
The kid didn't look distressed
He wasn't really sure what he saw but thought it was at least very odd
Because he didn't see anything sexual he was hesitant to intervene or to call police
He alerted Paterno, Curley and Shultz and trusted the process to determine if anything wrong had occurred
He assumed that had occurred and there was nothing more he needed to do

If he would have stopped there, he would have been fine in how he handled 2001 and a decade later in my eyes. But he did not stop there on the stand. Not even close. Because he did not, he either f'd up massively in 2001 or embellished his story on the stand a decade later to the detriment of many. There is no other way I can look at his role and reconcile his behavior.

This ^^^^^^^.

In a normal world where the OAG aren't politically motivated scumbags they would have told MM his story isn't believable and never even put him on the stand due to risk of their witness getting shredded by competent counsel (plus the credibility issues if the gambling/sexting was true). MM pretty must testified to everything you listed above except he added the little nugget that based on the sounds/positioning he observed he was 99.999% sure that JS was having sex with the kid.

The problem with that is from MM's own description he did not witness any sex and it would have been physically IMPOSSIBLE for sex to be occurring if they were both standing upright due to the height difference unless there was a stool of some sort in the shower which there wasn't. So why was MM allowed by the OAG/Judge/defense to make such absurd statements/speculation?? Because the OAG wanted him to since it fit their plan/narrative. The fact that rominger and amendola didn't cause a scene when the OAG busted out the stool in court to make the physics of MM's absurd claim/story make sense (how the judge allowed this is beyond me since none of MM's testimony included a stool being there) leads me to believe they were in the bag or just didn't care about actually mounting a defense.

I'm still waiting for MM to get grilled on this by at least one competent attorney under oath. "How did you come to the conclusion sex was occurring if it would have been physically impossible based on your description of the incident and there not being a stool in the shower?"

and... "If you were 99% sure sex was occurring why didn't you ever file an official police report or express dissatisfaction with Curley when he called a few weeks later to follow up and JS was still walking around a free man accessing TSM kids?"

"Why didn't you or your dad ask schultz why no one from UPPD ever came to get your written statement so an official criminal investigation could get started?"

This is why I feel the CSS trials will never happen. MM would get destroyed.
I didn't really respond to posts regarding the "norm" for people's reaction to being in MQ's situation.. the jist being that most people do not respond to it and slink away.

And yeah, i'll grant that.

But when I reference MQ's size it isn't that alone. First, not every big guy is ready to rumble.. I've known many who run and hide while guys 5'3 145 are killers. So no, it isn't just about size.

It's about dealing with conflict and violence. Those of us in the gym and accustomed to handling situation with our fists know exactly what we'd do. The concept that we'd walk away and leave some kid with what we perceive to be a sexual predator is, frankly, inconceivable. It is not in ouir nature.. in our blood.

But many of us come from another time zone... a time when kids grew up knowing what it meant to take it on... to throw hands, if you will. Today's kids throw hands when backed by a weapon... or plenty of help.

So yes, there are a lot out there who would have pulled a mikey and left the scene. But most of us who grew up with our fists ready would hardly have walked. And that a man who openly admitted to wanting to take on andy katzenmoyer and accustomed to being a gym warrior would slink away like some whipped puppy is inconceivable to me.

And disgusting. And yeah, I hope the puke is reading. i'm easy to find if mikey boo is so inclined.

My anger... my hatred? Because his inactions and later actions caused the downfall of one of the truly great men of our time. And because all he had to do was step up to a mic and talk about it. Talk about hoiw great a man Joe Paterno was and how Joe was not the problem here. But like Judas, the punk sat back and watched the man who spit blood for him go down.

About the only thing i am ever truly grateful for is that my Dad did not live to see what happened to Joe... it would've killed him.
I didn't really respond to posts regarding the "norm" for people's reaction to being in MQ's situation.. the jist being that most people do not respond to it and slink away.

And yeah, i'll grant that.

But when I reference MQ's size it isn't that alone. First, not every big guy is ready to rumble.. I've known many who run and hide while guys 5'3 145 are killers. So no, it isn't just about size.

It's about dealing with conflict and violence. Those of us in the gym and accustomed to handling situation with our fists know exactly what we'd do. The concept that we'd walk away and leave some kid with what we perceive to be a sexual predator is, frankly, inconceivable. It is not in ouir nature.. in our blood.

But many of us come from another time zone... a time when kids grew up knowing what it meant to take it on... to throw hands, if you will. Today's kids throw hands when backed by a weapon... or plenty of help.

So yes, there are a lot out there who would have pulled a mikey and left the scene. But most of us who grew up with our fists ready would hardly have walked. And that a man who openly admitted to wanting to take on andy katzenmoyer and accustomed to being a gym warrior would slink away like some whipped puppy is inconceivable to me.

And disgusting. And yeah, I hope the puke is reading. i'm easy to find if mikey boo is so inclined.

My anger... my hatred? Because his inactions and later actions caused the downfall of one of the truly great men of our time. And because all he had to do was step up to a mic and talk about it. Talk about hoiw great a man Joe Paterno was and how Joe was not the problem here. But like Judas, the punk sat back and watched the man who spit blood for him go down.

About the only thing i am ever truly grateful for is that my Dad did not live to see what happened to Joe... it would've killed him.
Good grief
Well, since you asked... I think blaming McQuery is no better than blaming Joe. Just because someone is 6' 5" doesn't make them perceptive to what may be going on or trigger him to spring into action amidst the confusion. While McQuery hasn't been the most consistant witness and maybe could have stopped Sandusky on that same day, it's possible that the same failures/bad decisions within the child welfare/police groups could have take place even if McQuerry called 911 that night.

If there is one truth to come out of this whole mess is that Penn State (players, coaches, & admin) and America as a whole was terribly naive about child predators, how to spot them, and who is to blame.Everyone wants someone to blame beyond Sandusky. Penn Staters blame McQuerry, TSM, BOT, Corbett, etc. People outside the Penn State community blame Joe, Curley, Spanier, and Penn State football. Who knows how much tangential blame each of these persons or groups deserve. Most are not as guilty as others want them to be, but this doesn't satisfy our desire for placing blame. I'm no psychologist, but maybe it's because we are afraid that we could have been in their shoes (not Sandusky's) and their must have been something wrong with them because we would never have let this happen.
Thanks Preach!
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Please shut up - you know nothing of the mores and norms that were once prominent in society which did not see an adult and child showering together as an issue. You are beyond obtuse.


Please shut up - you know nothing of the mores and norms that were once prominent in society which did not see an adult and child showering together as an issue. You are beyond obtuse.

And you know nothing about standing up against a crime. How sweet to see you making excuses for a pedophile and a coward who did nothing to stop a pedophile.
And you know nothing about standing up against a crime. How sweet to see you making excuses for a pedophile and a coward who did nothing to stop a pedophile.
All evidence points to 2001 being no different than 1998. One was considered a crime. One is not.
Some interesting stuff in the 500+ pages of job applications in here. PLAINTIFFS EXHIBIT 79.pdf
That is some very interesting reading indeed. While I feel bad for McQ's difficulty in finding ANY type of employment after the debacle, I must say I would NEVER hire someone with such a shitty command of the English language. One glaring example found on page 281/549: "Coach Narduzzi: Please except this resume and know of my interest in doing your coaching staff at PITT." It literally gets worse from there. In reading his correspondence with professional employment recruiters and other coaches that he doesn't have a relationship with, he comes off as a total buffoon. This exhibit should have been a negative for him in his trial. But, alas, it worked for him showing how hard he applied himself trying to find a job. This makes one wonder about our legal/judicial system once again.
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Not making excuses - just reminding you once again that you're a moron.

And you know nothing about standing up against a crime. How sweet to see you making excuses for a pedophile and a coward who did nothing to stop a pedophile.
That is some very interesting reading indeed. While I feel bad for McQ's difficulty in finding ANY type of employment after the debacle, I must say I would NEVER hire someone with such a shitty command of the English language. One glaring example found on page 281/549: "Coach Narduzzi: Please except this resume and know of my interest in doing your coaching staff at PITT." It literally gets worse from there. In reading his correspondence with professional employment recruiters and other coaches that he doesn't have a relationship with, he comes off as a total buffoon. This exhibit should have been a negative for him in his trial. But, alas, it worked for him showing how hard he applied himself trying to find a job. This makes one wonder about our legal/judicial system once again.
Based on that one sentence directed to Narduzzi it sounds like someone who made a bad impression on purpose.
Im not sure I would characterize my feelings that way. My disappointment, My frustration, towards MM is that he lacked the character and courage to say something. For better or worse, fate put Mike at the center of a horrendous episode. He was put in a situation where lives were going to be inexorably changed no matter what he did but never the less events required that he take stock of his convictions and take a stand. Remaining silent was, in my opinion, the worst thing he could have done. By doing so, everyone was horribly effected; the child, Joe, Curley, Schultze, Spanier, the program, the university and even himself.

In the end he got the big money. The others were ruined.
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All great points. And in a perfect world, I agree.

MM is clearly at odds with Curley and Schultz. There is a sharp disagreement on what MM may have told them.

But my point is that MM is not all that different from others who have been in similar situations (especially when that person is a person of power). His actions, or inactions, are inside the bell curve to others that have witnessed or come to be aware of sexual predators. Does that make him a hero? Heck no. Does that make him a monster? No.

Does it make him more of a monster than Paterno? The public perception is that Joe is a monster and Mike is a hero whistleblower.

And you are here defending Mike.
Does it make him more of a monster than Paterno? The public perception is that Joe is a monster and Mike is a hero whistleblower.

And you are here defending Mike.

The public perception was not defined by me or Mike M. This was a MSM effort that was promoted by our very own Board of Trustees.

I blame MM like I blame the USA hostages in Iran. I blame MM like I blame sneezing when I have a flu. I blame MM like I blame 18 year old draftees in Vietnam. I blame MM like I blame Earnest Byner for the Browns not making it to the super bowl.

There are soooo many people to blame more than MM. Those include, but are not limited to, the BOT, Freeh, The Second Mile, the MSM, OspreyLion and many more. I even blame Schultz and Curley for their lack of documentation and audit trail (trust me when I tell you that I'd have published a friggen book on this if I was in their shoes).
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Does it make him more of a monster than Paterno? The public perception is that Joe is a monster and Mike is a hero whistleblower.

And you are here defending Mike.

I also have to add that Curley and Schultz carry much blame. As stated, it is ridiculous their lack of documentation. And even given the watered down story that MM probably gave them, there is ample evidence to suggest that they should have done more. Where was the investigation, for God's sake? I get that JS was powerful. i get that they may have turned it over to TSM....but if they did that, it should have been noted in a certified letter or more. MM trusted those guys to do something, anything. Joe did too. They did, at least from what we know at this point, next to nothing.
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I also have to add that Curley and Schultz carry much blame. As stated, it is ridiculous their lack of documentation. And even given the watered down story that MM probably gave them, there is ample evidence to suggest that they should have done more. Where was the investigation, for God's sake? I get that JS was powerful. i get that they may have turned it over to TSM....but if they did that, it should have been noted in a certified letter or more. MM trusted those guys to do something, anything. Joe did too. They did, at least from what we know at this point, next to nothing.

MM wasn't evil. Corbett and Fina and company were evil. Mike was just their useful idiot. But the entire media frenzy/our ruined reputation doesn't occur without Mike and his malleable testimony.
MM wasn't evil. Corbett and Fina and company were evil. Mike was just their useful idiot. But the entire media frenzy/our ruined reputation doesn't occur without Mike and his malleable testimony.

Totally agree. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Mike's Social Security Number is clearly visible in a text message conversation in this exhibit.
Is it wise to have sensitive personal information like that on the Interwebz?

Good catch...they should probably remove that.

On a related note, as I mentioned in another thread, the OAG posted a discovery list provided to Amendola back in May 2012. It was on the docket for 3-4 hours and then removed because sensitive info on the victims was included. Pretty sure this is how Ziegler got the October 2011 interview with Paterno and Sassano. That was posted as well. In addition, the discovery list apparently stated there were 19 pages of emails related to the 2001 incident, far more than Freeh made public in his report. I've always been of the opinion that we only have a fraction of the story in the 5 years since this broke and this list (which I came across in CDT article only recently) confirms it. I can't personally cast judgement on Mike or any of the others until I have all the facts in front of me. I do not think the Freeh report shed much light on anything about this.

BTW, did anyone happen to get a hold of this discovery list at the time it was posted? It was only up for a few hours. It came out in early May 2012.
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[QUOTE="didier, post: 2545149, member: 23427"I do not think the Freeh report shed much light on anything about this.
Ya think?


Given that $10 million was spent for that "report"
Given who commisioned that "report"
Given how forthcoming those folks have been wrt the "source material" of that "report"

Do we think it's an accident that the "report" doesn't "......shed much light on anything....."?
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Mike's Social Security Number is clearly visible in a text message conversation in this exhibit.
Is it wise to have sensitive personal information like that on the Interwebz?

No. In fact it's incredibly dangerous. The fraud criminals of today only need scraps of information to form enough to create false credit cards, even access to bank accounts in some cases. The number one key part of that information is the SS number. If they have that, they have a good chunk of what they need. They can then go from there and work on finding or hacking more information. They have all the rest of the equipment to then create a card, complete with a magnet, and back numbers, to match the originals.

If this is true, of course McQueary can simply put a stop on all his cards and accounts and create all new codes and passwords, which I'm sure he has done. They work in windows of time: These criminals need to act quickly and strike fast, then they move on, that's how their scam works.
The public perception was not defined by me or Mike M. This was a MSM effort that was promoted by our very own Board of Trustees.

I blame MM like I blame the USA hostages in Iran. I blame MM like I blame sneezing when I have a flu. I blame MM like I blame 18 year old draftees in Vietnam. I blame MM like I blame Earnest Byner for the Browns not making it to the super bowl.

There are soooo many people to blame more than MM. Those include, but are not limited to, the BOT, Freeh, The Second Mile, the MSM, OspreyLion and many more. I even blame Schultz and Curley for their lack of documentation and audit trail (trust me when I tell you that I'd have published a friggen book on this if I was in their shoes).

So MM isn't to blame for claiming in his 2010 statement to the OAG he was certain JS was sodomizing a boy and reported it as such? Even though every other person who knew about his 2001 story doesnt corroborate that?? They all claim it was an inappropriate shower that made MM uncomfortable/upset.

Ten years later MM claims he reporter child abuse yet he also said that when Curley called him a few weeks later to follow up (with a plan that did NOT involve JS being hauled off in cuffs mind you), that MM expressed no dissatisfaction and never said that MORE needed to be done. That's quite the discrepancy.
So MM isn't to blame for claiming in his 2010 statement to the OAG he was certain JS was sodomizing a boy and reported it as such? Even though every other person who knew about his 2001 story doesnt corroborate that?? They all claim it was an inappropriate shower that made MM uncomfortable/upset.

Ten years later MM claims he reporter child abuse yet he also said that when Curley called him a few weeks later to follow up (with a plan that did NOT involve JS being hauled off in cuffs mind you), that MM expressed no dissatisfaction and never said that MORE needed to be done. That's quite the discrepancy.

Never said that, of course. None of that would have ever been of consequence had Curley & Schultz documented and done more. None of that would have been of consequence had the BOT done their jobs. MM is no hero, he's also not evil. When I think of who is to blame for this mess, MM is way down the list.
Never said that, of course. None of that would have ever been of consequence had Curley & Schultz documented and done more. None of that would have been of consequence had the BOT done their jobs. MM is no hero, he's also not evil. When I think of who is to blame for this mess, MM is way down the list.

None of that would have been of consequence had MM filed a damned police report with UPPD if he really was 99.9% certain JS was sodomizing a kid. Waiting 10 days to have an informal chat with admins makes sense if he wasnt sure what they were doing in the shower but makes no sense if he wanted to file a criminal complaint.

How do you know there isn't more documentation? Why would CSS "do more" when the one and only witness (and his dad) were fine with their action plan (confront JS, revoke guest privileges, and inform mandatory reporters/child care experts at TSM)?? They all went on with their lives for 9 yrs as if everything was fine (knowing JS was still accessing kids at TSM) until the oag came looking for MM then all of the sudden he is rdy to finally make a written statement about the incident to law enforcement. And that statement happens to be completely incongruent with everyone's actions at the time and everyone else's testimony. Mmmhmm.

All we've seen is what freeh/OAG have allowed us to see. We know already they have withheld exculpatory info.

MM isn't the number 1 bad guy but he was a key person in why psu was looped into this mess. Are you disputing that MM was the key for the OAG to tie this scandal to PSU/psu fb?? There's a reason that "tip" to speak to him magically found it's way to corbett right after he was elected and V1 mom was about to go to the feds. Corbett had no interest in prosecuting this case until he had a way to tie in psu, he certainly didn't want it rolling back up on the oag due to their failure to oversee TSM and also state agency failures.
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None of that would have been of consequence had MM filed a damned police report with UPPD if he really was 99.9% certain JS was sodomizing a kid. Waiting 10 days to have an informal chat with admins makes sense if he wasnt sure what they were doing in the shower but makes no sense if he wanted to file a criminal complaint.

How do you know there isn't more documentation? Why would CSS "do more" when the one and only witness (and his dad) were fine with their action plan (confront JS, revoke guest privileges, and inform mandatory reporters/child care experts at TSM)?? They all went on with their lives for 9 yrs as if everything was fine (knowing JS was still accessing kids at TSM) until the oag came looking for MM then all of the sudden he is rdy to finally make a written statement about the incident to law enforcement. And that statement happens to be completely incongruent with everyone's actions at the time and everyone else's testimony. Mmmhmm.

All we've seen is what freeh/OAG have allowed us to see. We know already they have withheld exculpatory info.

MM isn't the number 1 bad guy but he was a key person in why psu was looped into this mess. Are you disputing that MM was the key for the OAG to tie this scandal to PSU/psu fb?? There's a reason that "tip" to speak to him magically found it's way to corbett right after he was elected and V1 mom was about to go to the feds. Corbett had no interest in prosecuting this case until he had a way to tie in psu, he certainly didn't want it rolling back up on the oag due to their failure to oversee TSM and also state agency failures.

he was told to go to people he trusted: paterno. Joe sent him to Curley Schultz. If they were so "damned" smart, why didn't THEY send him to UPPD. He doesn't know the process. IMHO, that's on Schultz. he should have told MM to go someplace else. MM thought he turned it over to people he trusted. Paterno said the same thing; he turned it over to people he trusted.
That is some very interesting reading indeed. While I feel bad for McQ's difficulty in finding ANY type of employment after the debacle, I must say I would NEVER hire someone with such a shitty command of the English language. One glaring example found on page 281/549: "Coach Narduzzi: Please except this resume and know of my interest in doing your coaching staff at PITT." It literally gets worse from there. In reading his correspondence with professional employment recruiters and other coaches that he doesn't have a relationship with, he comes off as a total buffoon. This exhibit should have been a negative for him in his trial. But, alas, it worked for him showing how hard he applied himself trying to find a job. This makes one wonder about our legal/judicial system once again.