Only sheep like @NJPSU didn't question why his "resignation" was going to be in a couple of weeks instead of immediately. He's not going to go anywhere. Watch.
Sen. Al Franken’s curiously phrased resignation speech – in which he called out Republicans accused of sexual misconduct, did not admit wrongdoing and scheduled his departure for “the coming weeks” – has spurred a conspiracy theory that may be too captivating to ignore.
What if the comedian-turned-politician is giving himself time to reverse course?
The theory centers on Tuesday’s Senate election in Alabama, where Republican Roy Moore is trading the lead in polls with Democrat Doug Jones despite a wave of sexual misconduct allegations involving Moore’s pursuit of teenage girls when he was in his 30’s.
Moore denies them. But Democratic leaders, who demanded Franken’s resignation earlier this week, are gearing up for an epic battle with Republicans over Moore’s seating should he win.
Here’s where Franken makes his move. Amid that political melee, the theory goes, Franken, D-Minn., could argue his alleged misdeeds are lesser than Moore’s and so he should remain.
Sen. Al Franken’s curiously phrased resignation speech – in which he called out Republicans accused of sexual misconduct, did not admit wrongdoing and scheduled his departure for “the coming weeks” – has spurred a conspiracy theory that may be too captivating to ignore.
What if the comedian-turned-politician is giving himself time to reverse course?
The theory centers on Tuesday’s Senate election in Alabama, where Republican Roy Moore is trading the lead in polls with Democrat Doug Jones despite a wave of sexual misconduct allegations involving Moore’s pursuit of teenage girls when he was in his 30’s.
Moore denies them. But Democratic leaders, who demanded Franken’s resignation earlier this week, are gearing up for an epic battle with Republicans over Moore’s seating should he win.
Here’s where Franken makes his move. Amid that political melee, the theory goes, Franken, D-Minn., could argue his alleged misdeeds are lesser than Moore’s and so he should remain.