Minnesota vs Michigan thread


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
Some interesting matchups. Gable in the house. Still waiting to see if Micic will go.

Suriano taking down McKee at will. 11-5 in P2
Interesting penalty point against NS for trying to bait McKee into a locked hands call.
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Micic is clearly too small for 141. Two biggest tells are: not being able to get out from bottom and not being able to finish shots. He got in on great shots on Bergeland's legs that got easily stalemated.
How the heck was THAT an escape and TD compared to a week ago???

Exactly what I was saying last week - once the Ref gives the point (which he did last week), it immediately enables TD. Complete horseshit for a Ref to award ESC and subsequent 2T (then have a coaches challenge brick.... then have Ref say it's an Official's Review as Michigan didn't have a Challenge I believe..... then reverse the calls that he clearly made!). Furthermore, there was no separation today (one of the criteria - often they will call delayed ESC if they go OB in that position, but don't call ESC if top wrestler returns to control without separation) - there was separation in Carter's Michigan match. Lastly, I believe it might be same Official today which makes last week's reversal doubley absurd as both conditions (separation and wrestlers facing one another) were met last week and were not today.
Anyone else watching scUM tonight.....thinking what I'm thinking.....I might need to tone it down
Exactly what I was saying last week - once the Ref gives the point (which he did last week), it immediately enables TD. Complete horseshit for a Ref to award ESC and subsequent 2T (then have a coaches challenge brick.... then have Ref say it's an Official's Review as Michigan didn't have a Challenge I believe..... then reverse the calls that he clearly made!). Furthermore, there was no separation today (one of the criteria - often they will call delayed ESC if they go OB in that position, but don't call ESC if top wrestler returns to control without separation) - there was separation in Carter's Michigan match. Lastly, I believe it might be same Official today which makes last week's reversal doubley absurd as both conditions (separation and wrestlers facing one another) were met last week and were not today.
They need to get rid of the officials review. If the official is questioning his own call, he should consult with his partner and if still not sure then the original call stands. If a team is out of challenges, these officials should not be persuaded by the coaches and crowd to call for an officials review. You lost your brick, no way you and your home crowd should in essence get it back for you.
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