PSU should have checked themselves when the AG, who was no friend of PSU, publically asked why its witnesses were being fired and suspended. The law is the law, and PSU violated it. It is also meant to be very punitive. PSU's big mistake was not paying his contract to its complete entirety when he first asked, and then not settling with MM when he asked for relatively paltry sums. For the record, yeah, I'd call that little bot lap dog Bob a liar, not that it particularly matters. The majority of the retaliation had already occurred by then. Rhule became irrelevant and was a curious witness since Mike didn't have to prove why Rhule didn't hire him. In addition, Rhule represents his employer and would not be interested in making it look bad.
Honestly, I'm no fan of Mike's actions, and I am still befuddled at how people overlook what PSU did. I could understand if people wanted to claim Mike was merely a contractor and not an employee, but even that would still be a huge, huge stretch.