More money for Mike

Okay, so who engineered this "retaliation?" Fraudney? Fester? Tom Foole?

Well, Surma got asked at a press conference about Mike, responded the bot weren't focused on him, and then a few days later Mike was magically suspended for "safety" concerns and lost pay as he roamed around town freely to the point reporters had no problem finding him outside his house.
Well, Surma got asked at a press conference about Mike, responded the bot weren't focused on him, and then a few days later Mike was magically suspended for "safety" concerns and lost pay as he roamed around town freely to the point reporters had no problem finding him outside his house.

So who ordered the retaliation?
So who ordered the retaliation?

My guess, and its strictly a guess because Mike didn't depose them, was members of the bot, probably Surma and Frazier or whoever else was busy stroking off Corbett. Of course, the "who" wasn't terribly germane. If you notice in this ruling, it wasn't just attorneys fees awarded, but back pay for the bowl (good job Joyner) and some other pay and benefits.
PSU absolutely retaliated, and that is the standard, not necessarily firing.
The court might have said that but I don't buy it. Besides, that's not the point. Damages should be based on MM's losses and those are nowhere near what he was awarded. BOB & Rhule testified that MM being a whistle-blower had nothing to do with their decision not to hire him. Are you calling BOB & Rhule liars?
My guess, and its strictly a guess because Mike didn't depose them, was members of the bot, probably Surma and Frazier or whoever else was busy stroking off Corbett. Of course, the "who" wasn't terribly germane. If you notice in this ruling, it wasn't just attorneys fees awarded, but back pay for the bowl (good job Joyner) and some other pay and benefits.

But Frazier and especially Surma go what they wanted which was Joe's head served up on a platter. Why would they want to screw Mike?
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How can someone blow a whistle on them self.... Is the a monetary form of auto-felatio... Now I could understand Mike being involved in something like that.
I have a feeling that he'd have to be awfully damned flexible. What am I thinking??? He's been more flexible than Gumby.
The court might have said that but I don't buy it. Besides, that's not the point. Damages should be based on MM's losses and those are nowhere near what he was awarded. BOB & Rhule testified that MM being a whistle-blower had nothing to do with their decision not to hire him. Are you calling BOB & Rhule liars?

PSU should have checked themselves when the AG, who was no friend of PSU, publically asked why its witnesses were being fired and suspended. The law is the law, and PSU violated it. It is also meant to be very punitive. PSU's big mistake was not paying his contract to its complete entirety when he first asked, and then not settling with MM when he asked for relatively paltry sums. For the record, yeah, I'd call that little bot lap dog Bob a liar, not that it particularly matters. The majority of the retaliation had already occurred by then. Rhule became irrelevant and was a curious witness since Mike didn't have to prove why Rhule didn't hire him. In addition, Rhule represents his employer and would not be interested in making it look bad.

Honestly, I'm no fan of Mike's actions, and I am still befuddled at how people overlook what PSU did. I could understand if people wanted to claim Mike was merely a contractor and not an employee, but even that would still be a huge, huge stretch.
Have that asshole and asshole Sandusky hold hands and put about 200 amps of electricity into them.
PSU should have checked themselves when the AG, who was no friend of PSU, publically asked why its witnesses were being fired and suspended. The law is the law, and PSU violated it. It is also meant to be very punitive. PSU's big mistake was not paying his contract to its complete entirety when he first asked, and then not settling with MM when he asked for relatively paltry sums. For the record, yeah, I'd call that little bot lap dog Bob a liar, not that it particularly matters. The majority of the retaliation had already occurred by then. Rhule became irrelevant and was a curious witness since Mike didn't have to prove why Rhule didn't hire him. In addition, Rhule represents his employer and would not be interested in making it look bad.

Honestly, I'm no fan of Mike's actions, and I am still befuddled at how people overlook what PSU did. I could understand if people wanted to claim Mike was merely a contractor and not an employee, but even that would still be a huge, huge stretch.

I don't know the law, I just go by common sense. I think that a person who is "damaged" deserves to be compensated for those damages. I don't think they should be "rewarded" for being damaged.

Mike's employment is no different than yours or mine except to the extent that he had a contract. PSU had an obligation to pay him through his contract and that's all. If he says nobody would hire him because he was a whistle-blower he is in effect saying that all employers discriminate against such people. I think that's absurd. I think people would hire him in a NY minute if they thought he could make a meaningful impact on their team. Who wouldn't want to hire a hero? If anything I think it's possible that they would avoid hiring Mike because he was not such a great coach or because they questioned the way he handled the JS affair. That would be on him. Even if PSU's actions did harm MM you have to make an incredible stretch to think that he would have earned anything near the amount he was awarded.

This is a perfect example of why companies would rather hire robots than people. The robots can't sue them for ridiculous amounts. I don't that's a good thing for our society.