Airplane. Good one. Can I add a fifth?Airplane!
Animal House
Holy Grail
Kind of hurts my feelings to keep Naked Gun off of there but there is not any more room.
1 Blazing Saddles- Excuse me while I whip this out.
2 Airplane!- I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.
3 Animal House- Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
4 Young Frankenstein- ] Are you saying that I put an abnormal brain into a seven and a half foot long, fifty-four inch wide GORILLA?
This is Spinal Tap
Blazing Saddles
The Big Lebowski
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles -"I never saw a guy get picked up by his nuts before".
There's something about Mary -"Is that the franks or the beans? ...Franks and Beans!", "You already laid the tracks. We just gotta back em out"
Tommy Boy -"I can hear you getting fatter"
Hollywood Knights !!!!! especially the one-armed violinist![]()
Not on the mount, but this is a classic!! Good Call.Unless I missed it, Slap shot wasn't mentioned.
I like the scene in Watts when the thieves have just boosted tires ("let's get these tires and split, brotha"), and the pledges come by naked except for the tires they had to carry around and white sheets they stole. Just then the owners of the car come out of the house
"Lawrence...Lawrence of Ara-bia...He's an English guy....He came to fight the Turkish"I like the scene in Watts when the thieves have just boosted tires ("let's get these tires and split, brotha"), and the pledges come by naked except for the tires they had to carry around and white sheets they stole. Just then the owners of the car come out of the house
Agree 100% hands downAnimal House is the funniest movie I have ever seen and nothing else comes close. I've probably watched it 50 times and it never fails to make me laugh as much as the very 1st time I saw it. Because of that, I would not desecrate my Mt. Rushmore by putting any other movie next to it. Animal Hose stands alone!
My son is 21 and we started watching 80's movies when he turned 16. Caddyshack is his favorite movie of all time and he quotes lines from it all the time. Some comedies are timeless.
You may want to check page 1. I mentioned Role Models. And for those who aren't familiar with the movie, here is a clip:
As for Borat (which also made my list), why would you not include it?
Massive use of illicit drugs wiped out the comedic appreciation genome for those born after 1975.I'm sure there are plenty of younger people who can appreciate the older films just fine. But I don't know any of my peers who enjoy those 70s and 80s comedies enough for repeat viewing. So I'm guessing its only timeless for a very small portion of the population.
Massive use of illicit drugs wiped out the comedic appreciation genome for those born after 1975.
We weep for your generation.
Ruthless PeopleThe thread about the Dudley Moore movie, Arthur, got me reminiscing a little.... My two buddies and I used to quote the iconic lines from the great comedic movies from the 70's and 80's when we hung out or had some beers back in the day. We were all in agreement that Stripes, Caddy Shack, and Animal House were all on mount rushmore. My buddies thought that Arthur also deserved to be there as well, but I didn't think it was quite that deserving. It's a funny movie, don't get me wrong, but I'd put Airplane, Blazing Saddles, The Big Lebowski, Monty Pythons Holy Grail, Ghostbusters, and others as funnier movies in the 1970's and 80's.
From the 90's on through today, we have a bunch of other seriously funny movies: Something About Mary, 40 Year Old Virgin, Anchor Man, The Hangover.
What would be your "mount rushmore" of movie comedies since 1970? It's up to you to determine how many movies to include, and where the list drops off to the second tier.
National Lampoon's Vacation
Bad News Bears
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
If I consider "FARGO" a comedy, and place it on the Mountain, is that "wrong"?The thread about the Dudley Moore movie, Arthur, got me reminiscing a little.... My two buddies and I used to quote the iconic lines from the great comedic movies from the 70's and 80's when we hung out or had some beers back in the day. We were all in agreement that Stripes, Caddy Shack, and Animal House were all on mount rushmore. My buddies thought that Arthur also deserved to be there as well, but I didn't think it was quite that deserving. It's a funny movie, don't get me wrong, but I'd put Airplane, Blazing Saddles, The Big Lebowski, Monty Pythons Holy Grail, Ghostbusters, and others as funnier movies in the 1970's and 80's.
From the 90's on through today, we have a bunch of other seriously funny movies: Something About Mary, 40 Year Old Virgin, Anchor Man, The Hangover.
What would be your "mount rushmore" of movie comedies since 1970? It's up to you to determine how many movies to include, and where the list drops off to the second tier.
If I consider "FARGO" a comedy, and place it on the Mountain, is that "wrong"?
"But first......."Holy Grail...."And then the oral sex."....."I guess I could stay a bit longer!"