My Anniversary tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2001
I have never mentioned this on this board before, but tomorrow, March 23, 2015 marks my six-month anniversary of my successful double lung transplant that was done at UPMC. Though I am not a University of Pittsburgh sports fan, I cannot say enough about the care, service and support that I received and continue to receive at UPMC. Last year at this time I was functioning at less than 10% expected lung capacity due to a progressive generic disease and just last week I tested at greater than 130% of expected capacity for my age, height, weight, etc. I traveled to Pittsburgh to have the surgery as UPMC is one of the top Cardiothoracic Transplant facilities in the country and it was in Pittsburgh where my health issues were original diagnosed nearly 45 years ago. So, I will say this, "Hail to UPMC", but let's kick the crap out of the Panthers when we play them again!!!
Great to hear KC. All the best! We are really lucky to have some world class medical centers and medical schools in Pennsylvania.
I have a cousin who had a liver transplant there and now awaits a kidney.

My oral & maxillofacial surgeon was educated at Pitt. Hopefully, we can all separate the contributions of Pitt's medical center from the often petty barbs of a sports rivalry. My best to your health, KCLion.
We love our sports and rivalries, but Family and Health trumps everything. Here's a shout out to UPMC and a We Are!
That is a terrific story. Congrats and continued good health.****

I live in the tri-state area and it's amazing how many doctors here were trained or interned at UPMC.
Absolutely outstanding and here's to many years of

good health. It is funny about Pitt. Their fans are ratbags without question. At the same time it's a world class school in a world class city. The Med School is about as good as it gets anywhere, and has been for a long time. Don't forget they had that Jonas Salk guy - he was pretty good. Then there was that Tom Starzl guy - he did a couple things here and there.

My doc is a Pitt/Pitt School of Medicine grad. She gives me a hard time every time I go in (I make sure to wear either a Villanova cap or a PSU something). I love her - wouldn't trade under any circumstance.
It will be great to use that 130% lung capacity cheering as we kick Pitt all over the field next year! Congrats, thanks for sharing a great story, and best wishes!
The only thing i dislike about Pitt

is a small percent of their fans. Pittsburgh is a great city.
A great story! Some things in life are more important than rivalries. Though Pitt football is one thing, I always pull for Suzie McConnell with Pitt BB and their medical facilities are top notch.
God bless you. Before I moved to FL I drove a woman from my church from Warren, PA to UMPC quite s few times. It is a world class hospital.