My friends usually call me eagle or golden eagle...

Ranger Dan

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 31, 2003
York PA
I'm watching Foxcatcher now, The movie is slow, but great performances from Steve Carell and Channing Tatum (my doppelganger). That Dupont guy was a whack job... very creepy.
recent generations of Duponts and Kennedys = argument against

inherited wealth. Total losers who become quite dangerous given their money and power.

Give the Bushes a few more generations and they'll have scions bumped off skiing into trees while playing touch football or arrested for hiring hit men.
Frankly, I don't think so.

Say what you want about George HW Bush, but as a person and a father, he is far far far superior to Joseph Kennedy.
Joe Kennedy was an evil bastard

That said, this isn't meant to be an observation based on political lines - we were focused on the Duponts and the Kennedys immediately come to mind as a moneyed family with screw ups littering the lineage.

I'm sure we could come up with scads of conservative old money families on the GOP side with family trees full of sociopaths and dipshits.

I like the elder George Bush - I'll leave it at that.
Re: Frankly, I don't think so.

But HW's father Prescott Bush and grandfather (Walker) were as bad or worse than Joe Kennedy. Major financial supporters of Germany even into the beginning of WW2.
Yeah, it's actually true that many of the rich folk in the U.S.

in the 1930's had business interests that benefited from a relationship with Germany, including the Ford family, General Electric, and others.

While disappointing, that is still different than Joe Kennedy's personal admiration of Hitler and of Nazi politics.