Ha! And, sadly, the Dr. Pepper guy has been more entertaining then the Thursday night games they've been showing.
and there it is. LOL.
Ha! And, sadly, the Dr. Pepper guy has been more entertaining then the Thursday night games they've been showing.
That is an excellent point and a very big problem. Because, as another poster noted, the League already seems to be catering to the Millenials. My thinking is they aren't going to stick around to watch it let alone go to the games. They don't have the vested interest in it let alone the ability to sit and watch it for more than an hour.
I see the same thing creeping into the college game as well.
Obli.....great list.
I don’t like all the “look at me” personal celebrations....like when a guy makes a tackle for a yd loss while his team is losing 35-0. All the TD celebrations are crap crap crap.
Wentz played under center as ND St ran a pro style offense. Goff struggled in 1st year and is doing better in 2nd year with new coach and system. Link below to an article that discusses the issueWentz and Goff are doing ok in year 2.
The original point was that when Brady et al retire, there will be a huge drop in QB play. My point is that Wentz and Goff are now playing at a high level. There’s reason to believe some of the younger QBs will develop into the All Pros who need to be replaced.Wentz played under center as ND St ran a pro style offense. Goff struggled in 1st year and is doing better in 2nd year with new coach and system. Link below to an article that discusses the issue
In recent years, NFL coaches and executives have lamented the difficulty in evaluating and training spread quarterbacks. The league has borrowed concepts from the spread, but two primary features — spacing of players and quarterback runs — can be smothered by fast, sophisticated NFL defenses.
Don't get me started on the History Channel. Let me know the next time they air a show about history. Prime example, September 11. I don't know why, but I cannot watch enough 9/11 shows. Tune in to the History Channel on 9/11/17...3 hours of Pawn Stars in prime time.well, you missed a hell of a rerun on American Pickers.
I like the contrarian idea but I think the NFL is much more intelligent than people believe.
They are trying to shift their base from 50+ overweight white male to 20-30 something mixed ethnicity (not individuals but I mean appealing to all ethnicities)
The NFL could have chosen to bury the kneeling thing but they did not. The went and showed it on TV constantly.
It is all part of the plan.
I agree with the original poster regarding the saturation and parity, plus, the game has changed. You don't see the big hits anymore, there are too many penalties, and the penalties/reviews take all the flow out of the game.
I also agree with you about looking to a new demographic but they should have kept the politics out of it. You don't piss off the older fans that have made the league what it is.
Question for those who are saying the league is catering to millennials - what specifically are they doing in your estimation to cater to that demographic?
I'm personally on the borderline between Gen X and Millennial so I don't fit into either category and I'd like to know what you think the league is doing that is trying to influence the millennial demographic. Whatever it is it's obviously not working.
Question for those who are saying the league is catering to millennials - what specifically are they doing in your estimation to cater to that demographic?
I'm personally on the borderline between Gen X and Millennial so I don't fit into either category and I'd like to know what you think the league is doing that is trying to influence the millennial demographic. Whatever it is it's obviously not working.
The 18-34 year olds are watching more soccer. I have heard this from numerous people. Its in the AM, 1'45 minutes...done. Looks at the reasons stated here; too long, too many commercials, too many stops in play. All the things soccer avoids (aside from the diving, which the NFL has adopted).
Also the media controls the NFL. Look at the coverage of the "kneeling." ESPN was listing who was kneeling on the ticker. There was a great piece NBC did on Michael Bennett (after his Vegas incident) and how he reached out to his local law enforcement. Both sides were open and honest. Great middle ground working on a solution. Never saw it again. Media doesn't like middle ground. It thrives on extremes.
NFL is a boring game, OSU gets crushed by Iowa then crushes MSU. PSU destroys Michigan. NFL doesn't offer this unexpected excitement. College offers more plays, more gadget plays, NFL just plods along and makes sure to get in far too many commercials, college may get in the commercials too but not as noticeable.IMHO, NFL is no longer what it was when I was a kid. The NFL used to be a ton of hard working guys who put the team before their personal interests. They taught, by example, that you could accomplish more working together than working apart.
so the problem is much more nuanced and these several nuances are creating lack of interest:
I don't have the solutions...just pointing out the issues that have caused me to watch very little NFL this year.
- Free agency causes the fans to feel used and cheated after investing their hearts on a particular star player.
- Franchise free agency....the ongoing movement of franchises and the fleecing of communities is off putting
- Lack of humility....the ongoing and meaningless sack dances and TD celebrations (like a dog pissing) are off putting, especially when trying to raise an impressionable young man
- Over saturation
- Anthem protests...again, putting personal priorities over team
- ambiguous rules on PI and holding calls.
- Passing game rules have become ridiculous
- Head injuries...but its not just head, it is almost NFL doesn't offer these swingsto watch a game without there being a season-ending/career threatening injury.
It is the obvious. It is boring and appears scripted. I don't find high scoring games that interesting. The players are a bunch of spoiled millionaires who are self indulgent. There is no running game to speak of, so the rest of the game seems to be two-hand touch for millionaires. Way too many games on TV. Announcers are awful. Over patronizing to military crap. Fans have been completely hosed by the teams and local governments. To quote the formerly famous Duane Thomas to Tom Landry after losing a super bowl game: Coach, if it is so important, how come they are going to this again next year.That is an excellent point and a very big problem. Because, as another poster noted, the League already seems to be catering to the Millenials. My thinking is they aren't going to stick around to watch it let alone go to the games. They don't have the vested interest in it let alone the ability to sit and watch it for more than an hour.
I see the same thing creeping into the college game as well.
People may hate Goodell, but owners have made millions upon millions during his tenure.How an owner would want to retain Goodall is beyond me. it would be like hiring Bernie Madoff to do your taxes.
I think every franchise is trying to copy the Patriots which leads to the teams being identical. The first team to break the mold will have success at least for a while.From a guy who has been around longer than most of you, though probably not as all of you. The idea that the new thug era of athlete is a turnoff is nothing new.
Yes,it’s tattoos, rap, and jewelry now, but a few decades ago it was long hair, Afros, rock and roll, and bell bottoms. There was a generation that thought it was the end of the civilized world as well.
Players of today not being committed and working together for the good of the team? They’ve never worked more together. Plays are more complicated than ever, the players are all specialized and review not only every game film, but every practice film together. They are expected to know the playbook from the first day of camp, and attend OTAs throughout the year. They used to show up at camp cor the first time since the last season ended, and would play their way into shape over a 6 game pre-season. Plays were more simple and while teamwork was still necessary, it wasn’t the fine exact maneuvering of today’s game.
What has changed is less diversity in styles of play. Teams are pretty much identical in what they run, some teams are just better and more talented. Free agency has changed the relationship with players. For better or worse, the players your team drafted used to generally stay with the team for most of their career. Your players may have been bad on your favorite team, but they were your players.
I think that there has also been an over exposure of the sport. You can see your team any time. It used to be if your favorite team wasn’t your local team, the only time you got to see them in action was on Monday Night Football, if they were a playoff contender or were playing a playoff contender, and on the weekly NFL Films highlights.
Finally the expectations have changed. Patriot fans still like the NFL, but if your team isn’t in the playoffs every other year, or hasn’t won a Super Bowl in the past three or four years, it is a disappointment.
Finally, as stated above kids don’t follow the NFL or even play football as much as they used to so so. You used to watch with your dad and emulate your older brothers who played.
And local teams no loner have as many guaranteed fans in the making. Used to be that you cheer for the teams you see in person or live (with few live or , or perhaps a particular player. But it’s becoming harder and harder for average Joe to afford tix for his family, players move all the time and the local team isn’t the only one on TV. So teams will have a harder time developing the next gen of rabid fans.1. The game is boring.
2. There are far too many commercials.
3. The in-stadium experience is awful, for the reasons stated above.
4. Players are playing for a paycheck, not for their teams/fans, and I can't blame them, but it does take some fire out of the action.
5. Too many flags.
6. Antiseptic stadiums.
7. Boorish fans (college has its share of these bozos, too, but NFL games are downright awful)
8. Oversaturation
9. Gouging fans for everything -- tickets, food, drink, parking, merchandise. At some point people wise up and realize it's not worth the money.
10. CTE
11. Lack of loyalty to fans. You can't just move a franchise and expect people to think you give a crap about them, their city, etc.
It's way too easy to blame everything on the anthem protests. That stuff is ultimately irrelevant. The slide started years ago.
only reason I’d care if it folded is that it’d presumably hurt the college game. It’d kill the top incentive for the top college players.I have been bored silly by the NFL for AT LEAST 25 years. Last time I had a fave team that I really gave a damn about was in HS.
It may just be me, but I would not care if it folded up.
I also happen to find so much of the NFL is just plain boring. Everything is played so tight and there aren't many surprises.
With few exceptions, NFL teams are generally copies of each other with the variation coming in the quality of the copies. In contrast, tune into a college game and you may see two teams with entirely different approaches to offense and defense. If you don't have a rooting interest, it's still interesting. There's also a level of enthusiasm and spirit in the college game that just isn't there at the pro level. Most of my NFL viewing is through the Red Zone channel with some exceptions for the Steelers and Eagles. I get to skip a lot of predictable, dull play and still the see of stuff that matters.
It is the obvious. It is boring and appears scripted. I don't find high scoring games that interesting. The players are a bunch of spoiled millionaires who are self indulgent. There is no running game to speak of, so the rest of the game seems to be two-hand touch for millionaires. Way too many games on TV. Announcers are awful. Over patronizing to military crap. Fans have been completely hosed by the teams and local governments. To quote the formerly famous Duane Thomas to Tom Landry after losing a super bowl game: Coach, if it is so important, how come they are going to this again next year.
I've tried to watch a few games this year for the first time in a long time. After a few series of handoff, handoff, short pass...handoff, handoff, short pass, not to mention three or four penalties, I get bored and find something else to watch. I don't recall pro football being this boring in the past. Watching Marino, Kelly, Favre and others sling the ball all over the field, it's tough to watch Jay Cutler dink and dunk it in between 27 handoffs. Bottom line, it's boring as hell.
So we have kijanacat saying that the game is too boring due to too much scoring and no run game and AWS1022 saying the game is too boring due to too many runs.
To kijanacat - you can't be upset with the players for being millionaires, it's the teams and the cba that set the salaries. No one said a team has to use all their cap space and the league minimum for a year 1 rookie is $465k.
And no one has explained to me yet how the league panders to millennials.
Bring back this guy, the Mad Bomber:I've tried to watch a few games this year for the first time in a long time. After a few series of handoff, handoff, short pass...handoff, handoff, short pass, not to mention three or four penalties, I get bored and find something else to watch. I don't recall pro football being this boring in the past. Watching Marino, Kelly, Favre and others sling the ball all over the field, it's tough to watch Jay Cutler dink and dunk it in between 27 handoffs. Bottom line, it's boring as hell.
I've got an acquaintance that works for EA Sports and worked on Madden 18. He said that EA Sports is changing to make sure that millennials are invested in the NFL to maintain their gaming skill set. This, along with spending a ton to finance fantasy football, is their plan to bring Millennials into the fold.
Sports betting and Fantasy Football have been two things keeping the NFL as lucrative as it has been, and will keep it from dying completely. Eventually I expect it to become a flag football league.
So we have kijanacat saying that the game is too boring due to too much scoring and no run game and AWS1022 saying the game is too boring due to too many runs.
To kijanacat - you can't be upset with the players for being millionaires, it's the teams and the cba that set the salaries. No one said a team has to use all their cap space and the league minimum for a year 1 rookie is $465k.
And no one has explained to me yet how the league panders to millennials.
Jerry Jones is more troubled by his players having opinions than he is by his players beating up women. That's his right, but it isn't right.