Nate Parker - more trouble for Penn State?

I'm generally pretty liberal on this stuff, but I'm a LOT more bothered by the fact that there is apparently a "director of the gender violence program at Harvard Law School" than I am by the fact that somebody may have failed to dot the "i"s properly in 1999.

This is really getting out of hand.
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Jimmy W@ScottPaterno
The DOE's Clery Act report on PSU is due any day now. Expect Nate Parker story to feature prominently

The student trainer said she then met with Mr. Curley and other athletic officials. They encouraged her to report it to the police, she said. But she decided not to pursue it further, she said, because she feared the impact that such a move might have on her college experience. She is not being identified because she is the possible victim of sexual misconduct.

“It was my decision not to report,” she said.
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Jimmy W@ScottPaterno
The DOE's Clery Act report on PSU is due any day now. Expect Nate Parker story to feature prominently
Beemer's rock-solid case needs some support? The media will taint the jury with this article!
"Now the Parker case has drawn the attention of the state attorney general’s office here, which is prosecuting three former university officials on charges that they failed to report Mr. Sandusky’s sexual abuse of children.

One of the three, Tim Curley, the former athletic director, played a role in how the university dealt with the exposure complaint against Mr. Parker, according to interviews with several people, including the woman who made the complaint."
"Prosecutors are trying to assess whether the school’s handling of Mr. Parker suggests a broader pattern of inaction by the athletic department when it came to complaints of sexual misconduct, according to two law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation who are not authorized to discuss it publicly."

So the OAG is behind this one, too? Shouldn't Tim Curley and PSU Athletics be celebrated for encouraging the woman to report to police? Why do we keep getting vilified for following policy & procedure and state law?
From now until the end of time, any sexual misconduct allegations that occur at Penn State, whether true or not, whether serious or not, whether believable or not, will make national news. They will reinforce the perception that State College is a place where bad things happen and are swept under the rug.
From now until the end of time, any sexual misconduct allegations that occur at Penn State, whether true or not, whether serious or not, whether believable or not, will make national news. They will reinforce the perception that State College is a place where bad things happen and are swept under the rug.
Meanwhile in Waco ... ?
Meanwhile in Waco ... ?
People don't care about Waco. People care about a place that was thought of as Camelot. We all helped create an image of Penn State (Happy Valley) that was probably impossible to sustain. When you continually boast (even today) that you are better than other places, you better not have any chinks in your armor. If you do, when something bad happens, people will joyfully attack what they perceive as hypocrisy. I can't blame them. When things happen at other schools, many here are quick to throw stones. Living in a glass house, we all know how that works out.
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From now until the end of time, any sexual misconduct allegations that occur at Penn State, whether true or not, whether serious or not, whether believable or not, will make national news. They will reinforce the perception that State College is a place where bad things happen and are swept under the rug.

It appears that the National Media isn't finished with us yet. On the bright side the public seems to be done with the National Media. Onward and upward to 10 wins!
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It appears that the National Media isn't finished with us yet. On the bright side the public seems to be done with the National Media. Onward and upward to 10 wins!

I do agree that I think nationally most people are numb to more PSU 'news'. The media still likes to go after PSU for some reason, most likely because it is an easy story and they think they will get clicks out of it. The MM articles are already gone after less than 24 hours. I actually hope this comes out next week as everything will be drown out by the election. And from a sports cycle perspective there is the World Series, start of NHL and NBA, mid season NFL and College football, nothing will stick around for long.
I continue to have trouble grasping why the AG's office (with a new cast of characters) seems intent upon destroying the state's flagship university. This is ancient history. There is no imperative to investigate, at this point, 17 years later. Very discouraging. All the decisions makers from then are long gone and all the procedures have been re-vamped. On a related note - does the AG's office not acknowledge the existence of statutes of limitation?

Would this happen in Texas, or Alabama, or Michigan?
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this is a non issue as they told her to report to the police. It was her choice not to.
People don't care about Waco. People care about a place that was thought of as Camelot. We all helped create an image of Penn State (Happy Valley) that was probably impossible to sustain. When you continually boast (even today) that you are better than other places, you better not have any chinks in your armor. If you do, when something bad happens, people will joyfully attack what they perceive as hypocrisy. I can't blame them. When things happen at other schools, many here are quick to throw stones. Living in a glass house, we all know how that works out.

I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.
$2 million unless she mentions Sandusky, then it will be $8 million.

What me worry?

I continue to have trouble grasping why the AG's office (with a new cast of characters) seems intent upon destroying the state's flagship university. This is ancient history. There is no imperative to investigate, at this point, 17 years later. Very discouraging. All the decisions makers from then are long gone and all the procedures have been re-vamped. On a related note - does the AG's office not acknowledge the existence of statutes of limitation?

Would this happen in Texas, or Alabama, or Michigan?
It's not a new cast of characters, there are many "loyal hold-overs" from the Corbett regime.
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I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.

:confused: did you really just go there?

Every story about a coed or football team member for the next 20 is going to mention the Sandusky thing. It ain't going away and people have already made up their minds about PSU. Screw those people.

Kids still applied and graduates still got hired during the 3 year shit storm PSU brought upon itself in 2011.
If enrollment ever plummets and kids can't get I hired then I will worry, but stopping a chant aint going to change jackshit.
I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.

I think the light of what transpired, we need to be together more than ever. And no matter what we do the world is going to think what they will. If we abandon what we're all about then it will look like we collectively did something wrong. Should the Duke LAX team stop wearing Duke shirts because the rest of the world still wrongly brands them as bad guys?
I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.

I/we so need an "unlike" button. but until then this will have to do. Booooooooooo....
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:confused: did you really just go there?

Every story about a coed or football team member for the next 20 is going to mention the Sandusky thing. It ain't going away and people have already made up their minds about PSU. Screw those people.

Kids still applied and graduates still got hired during the 3 year shit storm PSU brought upon itself in 2011.
If enrollment ever plummets and kids can't get I hired then I will worry, but stopping a chant aint going to change jackshit.

True. Good Point
:confused: did you really just go there?

Every story about a coed or football team member for the next 20 is going to mention the Sandusky thing. It ain't going away and people have already made up their minds about PSU. Screw those people.

Kids still applied and graduates still got hired during the 3 year shit storm PSU brought upon itself in 2011.
If enrollment ever plummets and kids can't get I hired then I will worry, but stopping a chant aint going to change jackshit.

I see your point.
I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.
If that's the case, why does Notre Dame use it? They chant WE ARE......ND!! Isn't that arrogant of them?
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There are some people in the "We" part with whom I'd rather not be associated, so in that regard I understand the sentiment. Some of those in the "We" part think that by buying shirts and season tickets, "we" are responsible for the undoing of the place and I don't subscribe to that kind of thinking. It's beneath reason.
I do not understand why we continue to link and talk up negative media reports against PSU. Every effing time an article comes out, the natives get restless, we click the hell out of these articles, and all of the outsiders go, "look at these loons working themselves into a frenzy again." "We" are half of the problem with the effing persecution complex. The post about this crap coming up for the next 20 years is spot on and the more click bait we give these the aholes, the more we are doing to fan the flames that ever so slowly are extinguishing.
I do not understand why we continue to link and talk up negative media reports against PSU. Every effing time an article comes out, the natives get restless, we click the hell out of these articles, and all of the outsiders go, "look at these loons working themselves into a frenzy again." "We" are half of the problem with the effing persecution complex. The post about this crap coming up for the next 20 years is spot on and the more click bait we give these the aholes, the more we are doing to fan the flames that ever so slowly are extinguishing.


Feeling sad, mad, critical or otherwise awful? Surprise: negative emotions are essential for mental health
“Instead of backing away from negative emotions, accept them. Acknowledge how you are feeling without rushing to change your emotional state. Many people find it helpful to breathe slowly and deeply while learning to tolerate strong feelings or to imagine the feelings as floating clouds, as a reminder that they will pass. I often tell my clients that a thought is just a thought and a feeling just a feeling, nothing more’

“It is impossible to avoid negative emotions altogether because to live is to experience setbacks and conflicts,” Sauer-Zavala says. Learning how to cope with those emotions is the key, she adds. Indeed, once my client accepted his thoughts and feelings, shaking off his shame and guilt, he saw his problems with greater clarity and proceeded down the path to recovery.”

Feeling sad, mad, critical or otherwise awful? Surprise: negative emotions are essential for mental health
“Instead of backing away from negative emotions, accept them. Acknowledge how you are feeling without rushing to change your emotional state. Many people find it helpful to breathe slowly and deeply while learning to tolerate strong feelings or to imagine the feelings as floating clouds, as a reminder that they will pass. I often tell my clients that a thought is just a thought and a feeling just a feeling, nothing more’

“It is impossible to avoid negative emotions altogether because to live is to experience setbacks and conflicts,” Sauer-Zavala says. Learning how to cope with those emotions is the key, she adds. Indeed, once my client accepted his thoughts and feelings, shaking off his shame and guilt, he saw his problems with greater clarity and proceeded down the path to recovery.”

Ok. You now lose your ability to ever attack a troll from another team or mock people going nuts (see Pitt/VT thread) without me referencing this.
I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.

Jesus, this is the worst idea I have ever heard.

Now more than ever "We Are..Penn State" is needed. We cannot forget who we are, nor where we have come from. Even if the university somehow bans this cheer, I will proudly lead it at every opportunity.