Nate Parker - more trouble for Penn State?

I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.
We are, will, and always will be Penn State and for that I am proud. You can hide your head and run or go cheer for another team but when people ask me who I cheer for I say with 100% conviction Pemn State. We were, are , and always will be special and I couldn't be more proud.
Jesus, this is the worst idea I have ever heard.

Now more than ever "We Are..Penn State" is needed. We cannot forget who we are, nor where we have come from. Even if the university somehow bans this cheer, I will proudly lead it at every opportunity.

Sandy need to give Horn a punch in the nose Trump style. At least he blamed the BOT.
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I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.
Yeah. Let's stop using a cheer which a number of other apparently arrogant schools also use. That'll make everything alright.
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Alright, let's cut through the nonsensical factual information. The real question is how much will Penn State more than willingly pay out and to whom will they pay it?

They are probably waiting to hear back from insurance.
I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.

Yeah, we learned from your wisdom last week before the OSU game:
"Be prepared to be disappointed. We are a long way from a player on the national stage. We're not even a player in our division right now. The sanctions put us on the mat and it is next to impossible to get back off that mat especially in the division we find ourselves"

That alone should have been enough for a 1-game penalty around here. But you're back.
I continue to have trouble grasping why the AG's office (with a new cast of characters) seems intent upon destroying the state's flagship university. This is ancient history. There is no imperative to investigate, at this point, 17 years later. Very discouraging. All the decisions makers from then are long gone and all the procedures have been re-vamped. On a related note - does the AG's office not acknowledge the existence of statutes of limitation?

Would this happen in Texas, or Alabama, or Michigan?
Their flagship universities all have law schools of long standing, from which the makers and shakers come from. So no.
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I know what I'm about to say is blasphemous on this board but your comment is why I wish we would bury once and for all the arrogant "We Are... Penn State" cheer. In light of what has transpired, however unfair, the cheer is divisive and offensive to other schools and society at large. For the outside world looking at us through a micro-scope this is why they believe we just don't get it.

Or you could grow some thicker skin and just stop giving a shit about what other people think about us.

Oh and...

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Exposed himself to a student trainer. So was he working on his lasso skills with his rope or did he just happen to be naked in the locker room when the trainer was around?
this is a non issue as they told her to report to the police. It was her choice not to.
You don't have any problem with Penn State doing nothing about it? If a Ohio State or Michigan play harrassed and exposed themselves to an Ohio State employee would you be ok if they decided no internal discipline was needed because the victim decided not to press charges? I would think a school who touted "Success with Honor" would have higher standards for behavior of it athletes towards a staff member/staff memeber.
Exposed himself to a student trainer. So was he working on his lasso skills with his rope or did he just happen to be naked in the locker room when the trainer was around?
I student trainer would not be in the locker room but in the training room. In addition he had made other sexual harrasing comments previously.
You don't have any problem with Penn State doing nothing about it? If a Ohio State or Michigan play harrassed and exposed themselves to an Ohio State employee would you be ok if they decided no internal discipline was needed because the victim decided not to press charges? I would think a school who touted "Success with Honor" would have higher standards for behavior of it athletes towards a staff member/staff memeber.
Have you ever been in a college locker room or the adjacent training room? Any woman within earshot could claim harassment. Not saying this situation isn't serious, but let the story unfold.
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You don't have any problem with Penn State doing nothing about it? If a Ohio State or Michigan play harrassed and exposed themselves to an Ohio State employee would you be ok if they decided no internal discipline was needed because the victim decided not to press charges? I would think a school who touted "Success with Honor" would have higher standards for behavior of it athletes towards a staff member/staff memeber.

Wouldn't want to wait and see if this actually happened...much better to fits the narrative better. I get it.
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I student trainer would not be in the locker room but in the training room. In addition he had made other sexual harrasing comments previously.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Trainers, male and female, enter the locker room regularly.
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I student trainer would not be in the locker room but in the training room. In addition he had made other sexual harrasing comments previously.

I gotta tell you, if you're disclosing his university personal record in any way you could be putting the university in legal jeopardy.
You don't have any problem with Penn State doing nothing about it? If a Ohio State or Michigan play harrassed and exposed themselves to an Ohio State employee would you be ok if they decided no internal discipline was needed because the victim decided not to press charges? I would think a school who touted "Success with Honor" would have higher standards for behavior of it athletes towards a staff member/staff memeber.
Involving law enforcement in criminal proceedings is doing nothing about it?
You don't have any problem with Penn State doing nothing about it? If a Ohio State or Michigan play harrassed and exposed themselves to an Ohio State employee would you be ok if they decided no internal discipline was needed because the victim decided not to press charges? I would think a school who touted "Success with Honor" would have higher standards for behavior of it athletes towards a staff member/staff memeber.

Peyton Manning says Hi.
Every major university has issues with Clery compliance.
THIS. Which is why the comments in this thread about Baylor, Texas about Waco are not generally appreciated. Baylor's BOR is a carbon copy of the OGPSUBOT, non-transparent but actually you can see right through their games.

On the same day as this gem of an article appeared in the NYT (Recall the Lanny Davis PSUBOT in the Teterboro airport PR tour put out by the NYT where Steffie et al played the crocodile tears game) , Baylor's BOR tried the same lame tactic in the WSJ. How they "cried" and instead of fixing the problem, which is campuswide, paid Pepper Hamilton to help them slough it off onto "football". 2 out of 100's of other cases with credible info involved football players and upon notice of allegations, were not allowed to be involved with the team.

A local WACO station has been doing a great job of investigating and of course every Eastern-seaboard myopic media organization ignores the facts, documents, and tapes they have uncovered that disprove the false narrative. Because "Football" scandals sell newspapers, so let's never mind all those other victims. They play right into the dishonest tactics of the muckety-mucks. These BOR and BOT members should have shame for marginalizing the actual scope of the issue, but it's not in their DNA.

BTW, the DOE's Title IX investigation at PSU has ZERO to do with the Sandusky situation, they only used that as an excuse to open one. The Clery law, Section 3F, IIRC, is abundantly clear and does not apply to the Sandusky case at all.

End rant.
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