New PSU campaign: Make Game Day Great!


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2015
Basically, be good fans, good hosts. The video is posted on and YouTube. Here is the link:

I say kill the Rutgers fans with kindness off the field and on the field keep it clean, hard and tough for all 60 minutes then console them after the game. Smile and say maybe some other year.....
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I say kill the Rutgers fans with kindness off the field and on the field keep it clean, hard and tough for all 60 minutes then console them after the game. Smile and say maybe some other year.....

That used to be what we were known for as a fanbase. Nebraska still is.
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I never understood why fans would give another team's fans a big bunch of crap. They are in your town spending money in your local economy. But forget about that for a minute... Just as a matter of personal safety you wouldn't walk up to some total stranger in a train station or in any other public venue and start running your mouth or hollering some vile crap from across the street unless you were nuts. Nobody wants this. Put a different color jersey on near a stadium though, and watch out. Pack mentality. I'm here with all my boys and I'm going to be playing the fool.

People like to say this is the 3rd largest PA city on game day but then don't fully grasp what goes along with that. You don't have any idea what kind of loonbat you are dealing with or what kind of axe they are grinding. If people could see a cross section of the populace and knew the likelihood that the average person walking around had a rap sheet and what was on it, you'd think again, believe me. Then add a lot of alcohol and whatever else.

Enjoy your stay, though and if you're a sane person come back often. Live and let live.
I never understood why fans would give another team's fans a big bunch of crap. They are in your town spending money in your local economy. But forget about that for a minute... Just as a matter of personal safety you wouldn't walk up to some total stranger in a train station or in any other public venue and start running your mouth or hollering some vile crap from across the street unless you were nuts. Nobody wants this. Put a different color jersey on near a stadium though, and watch out. Pack mentality. I'm here with all my boys and I'm going to be playing the fool.

People like to say this is the 3rd largest PA city on game day but then don't fully grasp what goes along with that. You don't have any idea what kind of loonbat you are dealing with or what kind of axe they are grinding. If people could see a cross section of the populace and knew the likelihood that the average person walking around had a rap sheet and what was on it, you'd think again, believe me. Then add a lot of alcohol and whatever else.

Enjoy your stay, though and if you're a sane person come back often. Live and let live.

I don't get it either. It's amazing that you can walk into a stadium with another jersey on and can be called an a$$ hole over and over again. Honestly, where else in the rest of your life is that okay? Why is it ok at a sporting event? I was in Cleveland for last year's Steelers game and wore Steelers colors as my buddies are big Steelers fans. I love the NFL, but don't have a team that I live and die for so I didn't mind it.. I've never been cursed at that much in my life. It was non stop wherever I went in the stadium. Mind boggling to me as several meatheads got close enough that it was personal. Do the A-hole chant when you see a Steeler fan.. or yell it from wherever you're sitting.. I honestly don't care. I've got pretty thick skin. But to get in a stranger's face and curse or call them names.. you're just plain in the wrong.
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Basically, be good fans, good hosts. The video is posted on and YouTube. Here is the link:

I don't need a childish reminder of how to behave in public. I have always teated opposing fans with respect, and so has every other Penn State fan I know. All schools have a few jerks and they wouldn't pay attention to this video lecture even if it was delivered personally by Coach Franklin himself. I am tired of being told by our leadership that we are all in need of remediation.
And now, I am informed, that because of my little tirade here, I must take a time out.

"Please do not boo President Erickson or Director of Athletics Dave Joyner when they receive their distinguished service awards at halftime of this week's game...."

This is where I get of the "kindness off the field and on the field keep it clean" train....
I didn't boo, but I wasn't embarrassed with others booing...
I do dislike the students booing the visitors coming to the field....
I hope the hell they behave them selves for the Army game
This is where I get of the "kindness off the field and on the field keep it clean" train....
I didn't boo, but I wasn't embarrassed with others booing...
I do dislike the students booing the visitors coming to the field....
I hope the hell they behave them selves for the Army game

I don't think you have to worry about the Army game everyone, especially the students were very good when Navy was here a few years ago.
The Navy fans were probably the nicest fan base I've sat beside, Alabama fans being the other.
I don't need a childish reminder of how to behave in public. I have always teated opposing fans with respect, and so has every other Penn State fan I know. All schools have a few jerks and they wouldn't pay attention to this video lecture even if it was delivered personally by Coach Franklin himself. I am tired of being told by our leadership that we are all in need of remediation.
And now, I am informed, that because of my little tirade here, I must take a time out.


I don't think you have to worry about the Army game everyone, especially the students were very good when Navy was here a few years ago.
The Navy fans were probably the nicest fan base I've sat beside, Alabama fans being the other.
Thanks BB
I was at the Navy game also....unfortunately I don't remember. Unfortunately, I am also forgetting to remember to zip-up after the restroom..:(
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This is where I get of the "kindness off the field and on the field keep it clean" train....
I didn't boo, but I wasn't embarrassed with others booing...
I do dislike the students booing the visitors coming to the field....
I hope the hell they behave them selves for the Army game

I don't get why this is such a big deal to people.. I doubt any of the opposing coaches or players go home crying because the fans booed them when they ran on the field or yelled stuff at them from the stands behind their bench. On the probably just fires them up more and/or entertains them more than if the fans are "nice". As long as fans aren't doing anything physical like throwing objects at them, I don't see the harm in a little good-natured "booing". .

Having said that...I'm pretty sure the students won't boo Army...service academies are treated differently by fans than other teams.

I wonder how many of the PSU fans that were booing our own team after the first failed 3rd down attempt this past Saturday will be booing the opposing team this weekend when they run out of the tunnel.
Does that mean you do or do not care? I've completely lost track.
I know it get's confusing because if I make any post about Penn State, some people say I care. In fairness, I never said I don't care, I said I barely care. Now, what makes it even more confusing is that I don't care that I barely care, but I do care that others think that I care when I barely care. :confused:
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Basically, don't be like Rutgers fans.

Or at least the small minority of Rutgers Fans who acted like jerks last year.

I will be at the game, wearing something from Rutgers. My wife will be wearing Blue as she will side with our son who is a Penn State senior. We have been invited to several tailgates hosted by our son's friends families. We will be staying at the Nittany Lion Inn. While I have been to past games this one will be different, being a night game against a rival ;). I do expect to be treated well by the home fans.

So here's my question. My wife has been telling me that even though I hold 2 degrees from RU and have been a season ticket holder for over 20 years, that I should wear PSU colors. I say no, I have to be true to my team and my son agrees with me. Would any of you do anything differently?
The timing of the video obviously is not a coincidence.

Yep- basically don't treat Rutgers fans like they treated Penn St fans in New Jersey. I would not be surprised if a F Rutgers chant started in the student section in response to all the attention Rutgers got with the F Penn St chant they apparently do at every game. Drunk students are guaranteed to do stupid things. Other than that I don't expect any issues.
Or at least the small minority of Rutgers Fans who acted like jerks last year.

I will be at the game, wearing something from Rutgers. My wife will be wearing Blue as she will side with our son who is a Penn State senior. We have been invited to several tailgates hosted by our son's friends families. We will be staying at the Nittany Lion Inn. While I have been to past games this one will be different, being a night game against a rival ;). I do expect to be treated well by the home fans.

So here's my question. My wife has been telling me that even though I hold 2 degrees from RU and have been a season ticket holder for over 20 years, that I should wear PSU colors. I say no, I have to be true to my team and my son agrees with me. Would any of you do anything differently?
Sorry but it was not a small minority.
I hope you are treated well here and enjoy the weekend. I have been to opposing stadia over the years and found Pitt to be the worst and Alabama to be the best!
Or at least the small minority of Rutgers Fans who acted like jerks last year.

I will be at the game, wearing something from Rutgers. My wife will be wearing Blue as she will side with our son who is a Penn State senior. We have been invited to several tailgates hosted by our son's friends families. We will be staying at the Nittany Lion Inn. While I have been to past games this one will be different, being a night game against a rival ;). I do expect to be treated well by the home fans.

So here's my question. My wife has been telling me that even though I hold 2 degrees from RU and have been a season ticket holder for over 20 years, that I should wear PSU colors. I say no, I have to be true to my team and my son agrees with me. Would any of you do anything differently?

BigLou, listen to your wife. Women are never wrong.