125 Howard
133 RBY
141 Lee
149 Verkleeren
157 Teemer
165 Manville
174 Storacci
184 Brooks
197 Beard
285 Kirkvliet
133 RBY
141 Lee
149 Verkleeren
157 Teemer
165 Manville
174 Storacci
184 Brooks
197 Beard
285 Kirkvliet
"Star"occi125 Howard
133 RBY
141 Lee
149 Verkleeren
157 Teemer
165 Manville
174 Storacci
184 Brooks
197 Beard
285 Kirkvliet
Teemer?125 Howard
133 RBY
141 Lee
149 Verkleeren
157 Teemer
165 Manville
174 Storacci
184 Brooks
197 Beard
285 Kirkvliet
Yeah, Teemer.
Yeah! And I’m putting me and Charlize down for dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (once it opens back up)!If you’re throwing names out on a whim, why dont you have Lee at 25?
I love watching Joe. I think some people are going to be really surprised when he starts throwing guys around on the mat.Joe Lee will definitely be in the lineup at 157 or 165
Give me more Lees. The kids can scrap and they kind of look like Johnny Unitas with their short hair.Joe Lee will definitely be in the lineup at 157 or 165
They even have Johnny's hi-tops!Give me more Lees. The kids can scrap and they kind of look like Johnny Unitas with their short hair.
Old School never goes out of style
Can Joe make 157 so manville can go 165 (if Berge is not able to return ). I would have thought joe would hVe went 157 this past year if he could have
I think people writing us off next year don't rememebr how PSU freshman tend to look off of their redshirts ....
This isn't accounting for how they'll progress throughout the actual season for Cael's annual late March peak.
Didnt want to keep searching for a recruiting thread so it’s going here. Anyone else here pyles say rumor is we are top two for Richie Figs, and he was going to visit if not for the corona virus? Any insiders with some more info?
Along these lines: Montoursville 220 state champ Cameron Wood received numerous late D1 offers but could not visit any schools because of the shutdown.I did not think about the impact this is having on the the young athletes in the midst of selecting a school. You would often hear a lot of them say they picked a school based on meeting the teammates or walking around campus it felt right. These poor kids are really and unfortunately screwed.
I was only thinking about the wrestlers who missed the year end or my fandom, not these 16, 17 year olds making future decisions. Down the road, the transfer portal may get pretty crowded with young men realizing the selected school just doesn't fit as their selection process was hijacked.