Next years (2020) tournament tickets go on sale soon.

confused? so does the general fan have to wait until Wednesday? how is one able to 'qualify' for the internet pre sale?
I know there is always the risk of a shortage again like this year but if the seats that are being sold are the nose bleed seats like in the arenas.... the ones in the vikings stadium are going to be TRUE nose bleed seats when it comes to watching wrestling..
No need to buy nosebleed tickets so soon. There will be plenty of better seats available in the month prior to the tournament at better prices than this year. It'll be a completely different animal compared to being in a smaller venue in the middle of PSU territory when our guys are favored.
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My point as well above...

Yeah, next year will be like tournaments in St. Louis where you could get tickets for face value outside the arena. I expect next year there will be even more tickets available than usual. Depends on how many tickets they actually have for sale, but I expect it to be 25-30K.
confused? so does the general fan have to wait until Wednesday? how is one able to 'qualify' for the internet pre sale?

can't believe no one has any info on this... this presale code must be locked up with the nuclear bomb launch codes ... what gives with the 'pre sale online' option versus the general public option.
I am still on the fence with going to Natty is a football stadium, will there really be any good seats?

Why wouldn't there be? The first row of seats and those behind them will be just as close to the mats as they are in any arena.
Why wouldn't there be? The first row of seats and those behind them will be just as close to the mats as they are in any arena.
That sounds logical; however, it isn't accurate.

2019 venue:

2020 venue (check out NCAA court views :rolleyes:):

I'll be there next year since it's an hour from my home, but US Bank Stadium is cavernous. I've been there a number of times, and I still can't believe the NCAA is hosting these college events there.
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That sounds logical; however, it isn't accurate.

2019 venue:

2020 venue (check out NCAA court views :rolleyes:):

I'll be there next year since it's an hour from my home, but US Bank Stadium is cavernous. I've been there a number of times, and I still can't believe the NCAA is hosting these college events there.

The first picture is worthless since 8 mats and 8 scorers tables and the head table don;t come close to fitting in the space taken up by an ice hockey rink.
The first picture is worthless since 8 mats and 8 scorers tables and the head table don;t come close to fitting in the space taken up by an ice hockey rink.
i think most people will see the perspective, but if not they can google other pictures of PPG Arena . I’m not telling people not to go... as I said, I am. But anyone who’s been in both places as I have knows that it’s ridiculous to say that the first row of seats in US Bank Football Stadium will be “just as close to the mats as they are in any other arena”
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Why wouldn't there be? The first row of seats and those behind them will be just as close to the mats as they are in any arena.
Not saying your wrong, I have never been to this venue. Just looking at the width of a football field and the way most football stadiums are laid out. I am thinking the seats are less the idea for wrestling.

I would hate to miss Cenzo winning his 4th. But I also do not like the thought using binoculars for 3 days of wrestling.

Time well tell for me.
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Not saying your wrong, I have never been to this venue. Just looking at the width of a football field and the way most football stadiums are laid out. I am thinking the seats are less the idea for wrestling.

I would hate to miss Cenzo winning his 4th. But I also do not like the thought using binoculars for 3 days of wrestling.

Time well tell for me.

Forget the venue. Yes, the seats at the top will stink. However, the mats aren't going to be out on the 50 yard line. They will be in one of the endzones and out to maybe the 5 or 10 yard line. Honestly people, try and use a little common sense as to what the configuration will be instead of going off the deep end and assuming the worst.
Forget the venue. Yes, the seats at the top will stink. However, the mats aren't going to be out on the 50 yard line. They will be in one of the endzones and out to maybe the 5 or 10 yard line. Honestly people, try and use a little common sense as to what the configuration will be instead of going off the deep end and assuming the worst.
Agree mats will be on 1 end.The issue is tickets go on sale tomorrow and Wednesday but nobody knows the layout to know what tickets to buy.Im gonna skip 2020 me and my group are gonna watch online and have food catered in.
Agree mats will be on 1 end.The issue is tickets go on sale tomorrow and Wednesday but nobody knows the layout to know what tickets to buy.Im gonna skip 2020 me and my group are gonna watch online and have food catered in.
I'm pretty sure you won't have your choice of which seats to buy tomorrow. I think the ticket site is going to ask how many you want, and then the only choice you are going to have will be "Best Available". Those best available will be in the upper decks. You won't be selecting sections and seats.
That sounds logical; however, it isn't accurate.

2019 venue:

2020 venue (check out NCAA court views :rolleyes:):

I'll be there next year since it's an hour from my home, but US Bank Stadium is cavernous. I've been there a number of times, and I still can't believe the NCAA is hosting these college events there.

you have to wonder what the layout for wrestling will be? In past threads I think someone on here claimed to have seen the plan if I am not mistaken.
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you have to wonder what the layout for wrestling will be? In past threads I think someone on here claimed to have seen the plan if I am not mistaken.
went into presale and took a look. No lower level available. Two tiers "lowest price" for $158 plus fees and "best seats" at $313 plus fees.
I think I'll wait and try to get lower level through Penn State or other school.
This "process" has not changed, for as long as I can remember.

NCAA markets and sells "end-zone-only, upper level seats" prior to the start of the tournament each year. If a venue isn't sold out (note: they have been since 2011), these are the seats that would be hardest to sell. Smart to do it this way, with an advance sale.

That's followed, almost 8 months later, with the school allocations, and the scrambling begins. In between the advance sale and the allocations, of course, the NCAA takes their share, the host venue takes theirs, and a couple organizations, like NWCA, get theirs..

Just read the couple of posts prior to this one. Not sure I remember lower bowl seats ever sold during the advance sale.
This "process" has not changed, for as long as I can remember.

NCAA markets and sells "end-zone-only, upper level seats" prior to the start of the tournament each year. If a venue isn't sold out (note: they have been since 2011), these are the seats that would be hardest to sell. Smart to do it this way, with an advance sale.

That's followed, almost 8 months later, with the school allocations, and the scrambling begins. In between the advance sale and the allocations, of course, the NCAA takes their share, the host venue takes theirs, and a couple organizations, like NWCA, get theirs..

Just read the couple of posts prior to this one. Not sure I remember lower bowl seats ever sold during the advance sale.
Copy and agree. Just thought it was worth a look since a larger venue.
I'm pretty sure you won't have your choice of which seats to buy tomorrow. I think the ticket site is going to ask how many you want, and then the only choice you are going to have will be "Best Available". Those best available will be in the upper decks. You won't be selecting sections and seats.
It's not that way tickets for sale all over the stadium and in both end zones.So either the NCAA and Ticketmaster arent on the same page or they plan on using the whole stadium.
SPORTSMPLS is the presale code through the Gopher Tix Office. Some seats in the club section. I have never been to the stadium so I cannot comment on the quality of the location.
There are multiple promotion codes that seems to unlock different seats. I originally put in "wrestlemania" and it showed certain seats. Gray52 listed WRE2020 and Ticketmaster emailed me NCAA2020.
Sorry. I didn’t understand that there were different codes. WRE2020 vs NCAA2020. My bad.
I know the WRE2020 code has everything on the lower level that’s open. I purchased seats in section 111 ($305/each). Decided to take a better look at options and purchased another set in V7 ($342/each), which are considered club seats. There’s an 8 ticket max.
Any idea which endzone they will set up in next year? It seems absurd they're selling lower level seats at both ends if they're planning on tightening up the space. I'm assuming the "verizon" gate side since there's more upper level seating, but I'm curious if anyone knows anything.
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I bought mine at the opposite end thinking they will want to showcase the view and use their bigger jumbo-tron. Previously I heard eggum say they were going to curtain it off and sell 25K seats and none of those will be in the upper deck. With what they opened up to sell Monday it pretty much shoots that theory down.