The NFL is simply too expensive for me to attend.* Truth be told, that's starting to happen with other sports for me too. I *was* a season ticket holder for PSU, for example. I thought about attending the tOSU-Okla game (I have access to tickets as an alum)--but not at $162 each. Still a season ticket holder (10 games) for the Jackets and Crew (full). But they keep doing little things that make you want to stay home more than come. The loud music thread was one. If it's as bad this season for the Jackets as it was during the playoffs, I might have to drop my tickets due to tinnitus. Then there's security. I get why it might be needed--but it's just one added layer that makes it less fun to attend a game.
I'm not the only one here--a buddy of mine recently dropped his tOSU season tix after at least 30 years and another friend is rethinking his Bills season tickets. Sports seem to be becoming another entertainment option rather than a passion, and that has to make it tougher to sell seats.
*Edit: Then again, Stubhub has a large number of Colts tickets this weekend for $10....