NPR to do story on Coach Paterno

Originally posted by WeR0206:
Would it kill ANYONE in the media to actually mention/look into TSM, the actual victim farm??? All anyone ever talks about is Joe and his supposed moral duties, etc....

Enough already! What about TSM, CC CYS, PA DPW, CC DA, CC Judges, etc. etc.????
agree 100%
Cronk, you have a partner. It's stories are informative and educational.

I'm not sure where some people get off on NPR being biased. Most of its programming is apolitical. To some extent it seems to be an urban legend of the right.
I heard the segment this afternoon. Not in-depth at all.

The story was rather superficial and lasted about a couple minutes. The only part one might label anti-Paterno was a brief statement by a victim lawyer who used the worn out Joe had a moral obligation to do more. There were audios from Jay and students. Jay's point was he wants to correct the historical record. The students were unanimous in their adoration of Joe. Overall, I thought the piece was objective but far from an example of journalistic investigation. It was simply a brief situational update.
Re: I heard the segment this afternoon. Not in-depth at all.

Correct. It was a kernel of a scrap of a particle of dust.

Not much conveyed other than an awareness that some people do not agree with the BOT's purchased narrative.

Jay mentioned the BOT. No follow up.

But not negative except for a leech plaintiff's counsel passing judgement on Paterno. Yep, that's the world we live in. Thanks BOT.
Not overtly unfair, but it was too superficial to serve any purpose. I

think you could even argue that its superficiality helps those who are anti-Joe. They may inadvertently conflate listening to that pap with genuinely considering the merits of a counter-argument, then come away even more sure of their opinions.
Nitfan1974 wrote:
"Victims cruise around in the porches PSU bought for them.."

Penn State provided victims with porches?? That's incredible. My wife and I have been talking about getting a new deck for the back of our house. I should have claimed to be a Sandusky victim. I would love to have PSU buy me a new porch. Perhaps one with awning. Definitely enough space for my grill and outdoor furniture.

This post was edited on 4/1 7:23 AM by WesMcCool
Stop the political bullshit!!!!!

It was evil, selfish, greedy acts by dishonorable people on both sides of the damn isle who did what they did to us..........WE ARE.