Totally and absolutely correct. Recruit’s parents see this too.Special Teams: The Wade KR experience is almost as baffling as the Hodges pr experience.....let's end that now.
Offense: Quicker decision making please when the qb is riding the read. I was watching the game with some friends over that really aren't football people and even the one asked my why it took so long for Penn state to hand the ball off.
Defense: develop a blitz like the porter blitz and GO!!! the middle blitzes are slow and almost never get home, thus leaving the middle of the field wide open. If you think about it we were two middle drops from them away from the last drive not even mattering.
Coaching: No excuse, be able to do basic math when it comes to clock management. However, it is time for the coaching staff to stop the we are a team rah-rah-rah bullshit. Be accountable and don't throw your 20 year old sophomore that 2 weeks ago was #3 under the bus. I don't care if you dedicated 3 periods to not scoring a touchdown during the week. In the press conference Franklin should have manned up and said he should have downed the ball. Even if he didn't believe it he should have taken the bullet. CJF has done a great job backing up his players off the field and through issues that a 20 year will go through. However, he still has a little bit of Brian Kelly in him when it comes to him defending a call.
It isn't that hard:
"I don't know what I was thinking. I blew it. I should have downed the ball, made them waste a timeout, and kicked a field goal and then they would have had about 15-20 seconds to go 80 yards for a Touchdown. This one is one me."
But that is too hard for him to do because he prides himself on being prepared for every situation in a game.
Don't think recruits don't see this and that other coaches don't use it against him.
Enough is enough.