Call me crazy but what about 2.5 points for a TD? 5-2 score after 2 TDs and 2 Es is much better than 4-2 (as stated above 6-2 is probably too much). They rewarded NF a few years ago when they went to the 4 point rule so why not reward neutral offense also?
Many matches have an TD and E in the 1st. Let's say 2.5 red, 1 green with 25 seconds of ride time. 2nd period R goes down and can't get out. Still 2.5 red, 1 green with 1:35 ride time green. 3rd period green goes down. He really needs to get out in 35 seconds to save his ride time. Let's say he does, now it's 2.5 red and 2 green with 65 seconds left. I think this would make for a really exciting 3rd period. Green is losing so he has to go for it. Get the TD, keep his ride time and he's in a great spot. Likewise, if red stays offensive he can almost certainly put the match away with a TD. If there was any top or bottom stalling in the 2nd then it would really limit that wrestler's ability to run in the 3rd. Even if green doesn't get out in time to save his RT he can still win the match with a late TD (score would be 4.5 green to 2.5 red) - both wrestlers had a TD but green had 2 escapes and that would be the difference.
If it just ends 2.5 red to 2 green then I'm ok with that too. Reward offense. If you want ride someone after a TD then fine. If you want to ride and turn someone then fine. However, if you want to ride just to ride then I think you should lose the match IF you gave up a TD at some point.
NOTE: I don't think I would like this change for high school though since there is no ride time. I would have to think that one through a little bit more.