Really I can't understand the lack of questions?
Mr R - were you of the opinion that Mr Curley was trained to investigate something like this.
Mr R- did Mr Curley explain or did you ask what sort of follow up was done
Mr R. - aren't you required to investigate every report?.
You said he told you nothing came of it and yet you reported it to your board. Is that standard protocol. Your wife has been quoted as saying "we have had to tell jerry to back off kids before". Was this before or after this episode?
You said you were told nothing came of it yet you followed up with Mr Sandusky. Why would you do that? You have been quoted as saying "if you are trying to tell me Jerry is a pedophile I am telling you you're crazy".
Does that sound like a comment from someone who investigated and found nothing.
In summary Mr R you said you didn't investigate because Mr Curley told you he had and found nothing inappropriate and yet
you reported it your board
you met with Mr Sandusky
your wife had made previous comments "warning" about Jerry
you informed Mr Curley that his inference if he was making one about JS was all wrong
and finally regardless of what report you received you are legally obligated to investigate because YOU SIR are the trained professional not a college athletic director.
Is that an accurate summary sir
why don't they do that??
The defense attorney isn't dumb. Trying to shred the witnesses is the same as trying Sandusky all over again. Do that and he loses. His job is to prove no direct line between them and Spanier. He saves his ammunition for Curley and Schultz. Turning what they said to prior witnesses may help.