The fact that Legal Counsel was sought will stick with the jury. It shows that advice was sought, there was no "conspiracy" and the fact still remains that Spanier was not in this loop. It was all Gary doing the information gathering and decision making. Gary is not on trial - Dr. Spanier is.
We will have to see what happens today when Gary gets on the stand.
Let me save everyone the time needed to get further trial details. Here is what is happening and what will happen.
First (and foremost) -
this has NEVER been a legal issue for any of the actions taken by the OAG and the State of PA. Face it….based upon the State of PA's (OAG) continuous actions, the state does not care a whit about any victims or preventing crimes in the future!!!!
This has ALWAYS been a political assassination!! As I have stated NUMEROUS times in the past -
the political DNA here is beyond compelling. This has ALWAYS been a politically-driven,
negative public relations campaign, conducted in the media in the same manner as what you see when there is a political opponent someone needs to "take out" as a means to get elected.
Troll patrol...I’d love to see you "debate" this fact!!! In this debate we can all listen to the "crickets".
What has been the formula used here is this...
1) control the information which would normally be used as "evidence" to prove/disprove
2) create, through the corrupt (and on "payroll") media allies, MISINFORMATION - the misinformation is centered in edited statements, possible - but less than "most likely" OPINIONS (A/K/A allegations) which can be promoted to the public in "emotionally-charged" labels. Make sure to use these "labels" as a means to shout down any opposition or discussion of facts which "challenge the Story".
3) Apply the standards of law
anyway the State of PA wants – i.e. Perjury charges against Penn State (on technicalities of testimony) - yet
just plain forget about 100% certified perjury by state investigators (so many examples here it would take pages to cover SOME of what we have seen over 6 years!)
4) FOCUS on the "One-Term Tommy" prize - Nail Paterno, Spanier, PSU Football - make them all APPEAR guilty without anything like
reasonable LEGAL evidenc. Create crimes which hide the crimes of the State of PA.
5) Use each legal process as a method of promoting "reasonable to assume" guilt (no real facts needed) so that your on-going negative media barrage APPEARS to be legally based - when, in fact, it is all MEDIA ILLUSION
(6) Continuously use the “time misalignment” factor as a way to back-fill manufactured "could bes" in your constructed “Story”. With enough time, ANYTHING can be alleged and the issue alleged CAN NOT BE 100% proven FALSE! (Check why we have laws on Statutes Of Limitations)!
(6) Use the "power of the state" to promote a legal climate that CAN NOT FAIL – it’s core components are all based on
technicality of what
APPEARS to be legal - but these issues are all skewed well beyond what REAL legal justice allows.
We have seen this "formula" (
and it IS A FORMULA) used by the State of PA to engineer its "Trophy Kill" for over 6 years. It is continuing in this "Trial" and will not stop until the final KILL is made! (funny, but I thought Kangaroos where endangered species).
The trial will go like this....the State will continue to parade "Sandusky Guilt" images in front of the jury - the Judge will make sure that the real issue - that of the crimes of malicious prosecution and legal misconduct – remain hidden from the jury. Any attempt to expose these critical issues will be struck down by our hand-selected, “out-of-retirement” judge (sound familiar??? - remember..its a "formula").
The State will hang its hat on
extended interpretations of biased legal “words and descriptive phrases” – i.e. “Spanier’s conspiracy of silence” covered up for Sandusky’s dozens of new victims” and that, without this "criminal action" our crack Police and Child protection agencies would have prevented these “new victims”.
CRITICAL FACT....The State NEEDED to obtain C/S “admissions of guilt” (the media’s terms – not reality!) as it needs to continuously reinforce the misinformation pool that the State requires for insuring its “Tainted” Jury Pool will be deceived. Linkage of ONLY negativites to anything associated to PSU is ESSENTIAL for this deception method to succeed.
The testimony obtained from here on out will rely on
all the techniques we have seen in the past so that the REAL crimes committed by those whose political interests need protection can use this absurd ^ year old absurd story constructed as permanent protection. The real issue of this trial is NOT about Spanier and PSU…
it is about TSM involvement with Politics (remember $650K in “donations”) and the POTENTIAL CRIMES that some within the State of PA are conducting in a money laundering operation and “Protection Racket” for Pedophiles with MONEY & INFLUENCE!!! ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!!!
DECEPTION is what this case is built on…it relies on the Power inherent in the State of PA to create its own standards of enforcing the laws and it is justified by a corrupt, connected media providing the public with “managed news”.
As long as those who started this State of PA cover-up can influence the courts….PA should save the money….the “trial” results will only be what the State promotes – the Hell with reality.
This is a sad statement, but, unfortunately, an accurate one!