I'm not saying that Joe controlled the decision. It appears per the email that whatever Joe said to Curley made him te-think things. But that is an email from TC himself so who knows exactly what was said between him and Paterno. Maybe Tim was BS'ing Spanier and he decided to change the COA himself. Maybe Paterno told him something to change his mind. All I'm saying is that either one is a possibility. It's impossible to know though because Tim isn't talking and Joe is dead. So again I ask why my opinion bothers you so much when nobody here knows the details of what happened?
How does Curley "te(sic)-think things" when he was given a report of sodomy by Mike? How can Joe offer an argument to not report something that Joe was told was "sexual"? There are only two possible conclusions: 1) they agreed to a coverup; or 2) the description of the incident that Mike gave to both men wasn't as crystal clear as Mike would have us believe. Take your choice.