Official Graham Spanier trial thread.

Summarizing what I've heard about this trial:
  • The commonwealth opened by letting the jury know they could expect Curley and Schultz to provide them with all the info necessary to find Graham Spanier guilty, and
  • The commonwealth closed by calling Curley and Schultz liars and criminals.

Well played, commonwealth.
Toxine was foaming at the mouth to put Ziegler behind bars

You two...we can see and feel the heat!!!!!

Summarizing what I've heard about this trial:
  • The commonwealth opened by letting the jury know they could expect Curley and Schultz to provide them with all the info necessary to find Graham Spanier guilty, and
  • The commonwealth closed by calling Curley and Schultz liars and criminals.
Well played, commonwealth.
I don't think they're wrong
funny. . . Curley only referenced Joe as "coach" once in the emails provided by the Freeh Report. and all we know is he was anxious.

There are two references to "coach" from Curley in the e-mails.

E-Mail #1: There was the "touched base with coach" e-mail on May 5, 1998
E-mail #2: There was the "coach is anxious to know" e-mail on May 13, 1998

The Penn Live article that references what Curley said indicates that in the former e-mail "coach" is in reference to Paterno. The article then throws in a reference to the other e-mail implying it also refers to Paterno, but that is not explicitly stated; given how the media has distorted the facts for sensationalism during this story, I'm not jumping to any conclusions about E-mail #2 until I see a transcript of the trial.

Furthermore, someone previously indicated that Harmon said that the coach in E-mail #2 was in reference to Sandusky.

So.... let's wait and see what is clarified.

Regardless, I don't think Paterno knowing that a 1998 investigation existed means much of anything. It depends on what details he was told and we have no clarity on that.
Ha...I predicted this yesterday. By resting without calling a witness, you are saying the state's case is so weak, you don't NEED to defend. I am sure they got this message across to the jury.

I don't know if that strategy will work with this jury. Won't be surprised with a guilty verdict.
Summarizing what I've heard about this trial:
  • The commonwealth opened by letting the jury know they could expect Curley and Schultz to provide them with all the info necessary to find Graham Spanier guilty, and
  • The commonwealth closed by calling Curley and Schultz liars and criminals.
Well played, commonwealth.
I'd not expect a minimum sentence now if I were either of them.
Really, who could help them? C&S didn't really hurt them yesterday.
The Federal agent who made the report stating there was no evidence of a cover & cleared the way for Spanier to keep his federal security clearance was at the courthouse. Seems like his testimony would have helped. Maybe the defense is taking a knee do the lack of case the prosecution made.
The Federal agent who made the report stating there was no evidence of a cover & cleared the way for Spanier to keep his federal security clearance was at the courthouse. Seems like his testimony would have helped. Maybe the defense is taking a knee do the lack of case the prosecution made.

They had to take a knee. mcqueary wasn't available for the touchdown bomb since he testified for the prosecution.

I don't know if that strategy will work with this jury. Won't be surprised with a guilty verdict.
The deliberation process should be interesting. 7 women and 5 men. Hopefully there is at least one intelligent individual on the jury who can be a voice of objective reason and demonstrate to the others that the State of Pa. came no where close to proving their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
My prediction, they nail Spanier on the misdemeanor that the other two plead guilty to for some unknown reason, despite obviously doing what they thought was right.
I'm afraid that is what will happen also. Then Spanier will appeal the case, and it will drag on for another year.
Wasn't he ex-FBI?

The guy who did the security clearance investigation on Spanier? I have no idea if he was ever in the FBI. The entity that he was working for at the time he did the investigation was Federal Investigative Services, which falls under the umbrella of OPM (Office of Personnel Management). Having said all that, FIS doesn't exist anymore. A new entity was created to do Federal background checks called the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB).
No. You said based on what Joe told them, waiting ten days to get back to MM was understandable. Consulting an attorney as quick as they did debunks that.

Why? They knew they were going to talk to McQueary and that they were likely to hear something where they would eventually need an attorney's input. Timing indicates nothing.
The deliberation process should be interesting. 7 women and 5 men. Hopefully there is at least one intelligent individual on the jury who can be a voice of objective reason and demonstrate to the others that the State of Pa. came no where close to proving their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
I think at worse there is a hung jury, at best he is a free man.
Did the defense ever bring up the Defense Dept. security clearance investigation of Spanier that indicated, IIRC, that there was no coverup?
Apparently not, & Zigler said the man was in the courthouse. Seems as thought the Defense is taking a knee. The problem with that is that they jury may say Not Guilty to the felony charge, but say guilty to the misdemeanor thinking that somebody should pay regardless of intent or not.
Isn't this the outcome Frank Sheeran predicted? Get all of this over with quickly. "It's bad for business". End of story.
All part of the master plan from Day 1 IMO. We'll never know the real story which is exactly what they want, yet on top of it, they get a guilty misdemeanor on C/S and my prediction is not guilty on Spanier. Also, trial shows no cover-up which allows University to dust off Joe's statute.
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There are two references to "coach" from Curley in the e-mails.

E-Mail #1: There was the "touched base with coach" e-mail on May 5, 1998
E-mail #2: There was the "coach is anxious to know" e-mail on May 13, 1998

The Penn Live article that references what Curley said indicates that in the former e-mail "coach" is in reference to Paterno. The article then throws in a reference to the other e-mail implying it also refers to Paterno, but that is not explicitly stated; given how the media has distorted the facts for sensationalism during this story, I'm not jumping to any conclusions about E-mail #2 until I see a transcript of the trial.

Furthermore, someone previously indicated that Harmon said that the coach in E-mail #2 was in reference to Sandusky.

So.... let's wait and see what is clarified.

Regardless, I don't think Paterno knowing that a 1998 investigation existed means much of anything. It depends on what details he was told and we have no clarity on that.

I thought email 1 was from 2001? Are they saying 1998 now?
Why? They knew they were going to talk to McQueary and that they were likely to hear something where they would eventually need an attorney's input. Timing indicates nothing.
You continue to deflect from your original point. That is, what Joe told them wasn't urgent alarming enough that waiting ten days was understandable. Talking to an attorney as fast as they did indicates otherwise
You continue to deflect from your original point. That is, what Joe told them wasn't urgent alarming enough that waiting ten days was understandable. Talking to an attorney as fast as they did indicates otherwise

Are you scared? I see the rest of the Poofter Platoon has gone silent as well.
How does Curley "te(sic)-think things" when he was given a report of sodomy by Mike? How can Joe offer an argument to not report something that Joe was told was "sexual"? There are only two possible conclusions: 1) they agreed to a coverup; or 2) the description of the incident that Mike gave to both men wasn't as crystal clear as Mike would have us believe. Take your choice.
Or Paterno simply wanted nothing to do with this and did a lot of heeing and hawing. Maybe Paterno thought he conveyed that something of a sexual nature but Tim didn't see it that way. No one knows. I have an opinion that I think is reasonable, but I acknowledge that it is only an opinion (and it doesn't include Paterno being a mastermind). Why that would upset you, I do not know.
The Federal agent who made the report stating there was no evidence of a cover & cleared the way for Spanier to keep his federal security clearance was at the courthouse. Seems like his testimony would have helped. Maybe the defense is taking a knee do the lack of case the prosecution made.
Could very well be.
Summarizing what I've heard about this trial:
  • The commonwealth opened by letting the jury know they could expect Curley and Schultz to provide them with all the info necessary to find Graham Spanier guilty, and
  • The commonwealth closed by calling Curley and Schultz liars and criminals.
Well played, commonwealth.

So I am confused. Who was on trial again?;)
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