1. I used to be able to hover over the title of a thread and information would pop up about the thread. Maybe the entire thread itself or the 1st sentence or two. Now, it no longer does this. I have to click directly on the thread to see/read its beginning content. Never had to do this before.
2. The 'Flag' that alerts (you) that somebody commented or 'like' or 'quoted' your post is different in design. It has a 'ripple' or 'furl' to it. It never did before and, to that end, (you) also used to be able to hover your mouse over it and it would "drop-down" without clicking on it to reveal 'liked' or 'comments-on' your post. If you had lets say (6) comments or likes, you could basically view them as the all appeared (again without clicking on it) This is no longer the case.
What changed?
Can it be corrected?
I liked it better the other way.
Do respond.
Thank you!

2. The 'Flag' that alerts (you) that somebody commented or 'like' or 'quoted' your post is different in design. It has a 'ripple' or 'furl' to it. It never did before and, to that end, (you) also used to be able to hover your mouse over it and it would "drop-down" without clicking on it to reveal 'liked' or 'comments-on' your post. If you had lets say (6) comments or likes, you could basically view them as the all appeared (again without clicking on it) This is no longer the case.
What changed?
Can it be corrected?
I liked it better the other way.
Do respond.
Thank you!