Holly crap the Ref gave that match away...DID NOT WANT TO SEE THE WORLD CHAMP LOSE...FRANK WAS PUT ON THE CLOCK 3 TIMES...THAT GUY TOOK 1 SHOOT !!!! FREAKIN SAD BIG TIME !!!! THAT'S OKAY FRANK IS RIGHT THERE AND HAS A GREAT SHOT FOR GOLD !!!! WILL HAVE TO SETTLE FOR SILVER TODAY...WOW...UNREAL....By 'now' I evidently meant after multiple Greco awards ceremonies. But Frank will be the next match.
No...What lost the match is the ref putting Frank on the clock 3 times....That guy took 1 shot...That ref was not going to let the 2012 World Champ loss..That is a bunch of crap...Frank did go defense too much after the lead but that guy was smart enough to make it look like he was trying to score..Only scored 3 points on push outs. 1 with 3 seconds left in the match....GREAT MATCH BY FRANK THOUGH...HE KNOWS HE CAN WIN THE GOLD NOW !!!!another pushout with, I believe, 6 sec, and Tank falls 4-5
Hopefully Metcalf is there for both Frank and Daniel.
Probably deserved to go on the clock each time, couldn't hold center. That being said, looked like Asgarov got a PO point and yet Frank remained in the clock and gave up a point 5 seconds later, which wouldn't be correct. I also thought the 3rd PO could've been waved off for a straight push. Frustrating that Asgarov could get 5 points by doing nothing but working under hooks and driving forward like some type of sumo match