One more addition is needed for the 2025 football

OSU has a sports psychologist. Drew does not play his best football under pressure. Our defense can not hold leads, late in big games going by ack to the 2017 Rose Bowl. Some people have a natural gift under pressure. Others need help. If you can't beat them, join them.
Look at the Championship game ND did well against that OSU D just about as well as they did against us.

Our problem in losses have rarely been laid at the feet of the defense and shouldn't have been the case in the ND game. We lost that game because we didn't move the ball late. The biggest things that must get solved in the spring are on O. See OSU, they moved the ball late in the game and won. We did not.

On O we can argue that the WO's screwed the pooch and have been lacking for two years well yes but is the O really designed to attract 5-Star WO's or any WO to be a difference maker? Certainly, they must perform far better than they did against ND and certainly better than they did in any of our big games. But I don't think they will be the major focus in an AK offense. However, NO catches Not good.

I have been on the side of MH being under the microscope. But I'm not sure I am getting that right and maybe I'm premature in my assessment of his performance. For any coach I usually wait until he has recruited his own players and see them on the field before developing an opinion positive or negative. So, starting today coach H should be getting a pass at least for another year and it seems he's not going anywhere anyway.

Hope springs eternal so I'm anxious to see how the receiving corps shakes out after the Spring Game and in Fall practice.
The wrestling team has a sports psychologist. She even shows up in many team pictures. I would be surprised if the football team does not have one.
OSU has a sports psychologist. Drew does not play his best football under pressure. Our defense can not hold leads, late in big games going by ack to the 2017 Rose Bowl. Some people have a natural gift under pressure. Others need help. If you can't beat them, join them.
What concerns me the most about Drew is his "revert back to bad habits" under pressure. Part of me thinks that it's the biggest issue facing PSU next year and the biggest issue facing the future of this your mans career. Let's face it PSU plays a 2-3 game schedule and there is some much pressure on him to preform in these games it might be too much mentally.
The only analogy I can draw from my own athletic experience is competitive golf. I was a range rat and spent hours perfecting my short game. I was money during our weekend skins game but once the pressure builds like the club championship or 3 day MG my perfected form began to fold. In golf in showed up with chipping under extreme or perceived pressure.
I guessing what we are seeing is the same for Drew and his throwing motion. The big question is how does he get past this?
I know in golf I was instructed to simulate pressure conditions which was difficult to do. I'm hoping some success early on against Oregon acts as the confidence builder for what could be a special year. Just my observations from short lived D3 QB playing career and continued golf quest.