If you'be been able to stay in decent shape and make a decent living, you are going to find that the worm has turned in reference to who has the power when dating. When you were young, the gals had their pick and were quite spoiled. In the mid-thirties, that changes (of course, I will speak in generalities and there are always exceptions):
- First and foremost, women feel vulnerable and seek a safe spot.
- you'll find a lot of "damaged women". by that I mean women that have been abused, had really bad relationships, have angry ex's and have child care burdons. These women are often desperate to find a good guy who wants to help take care of them. You have to be careful here. Can these women be "saved". meaning, are they forever tainted or can they recover if they find the right person?
- Others may not have had bad relationships but still feel their clock ticking. One is time is running out to have children. But women are also much more tied to their physical looks. As we all know, physical looks fade. So they feel that time is running out and are much less aloof.
- What you will find is that there are plenty of women and that they want to please you much more than younger gals did.
- the downside is that many will stock you. For a guy, you may want a gal to have to see a movie or go golfing once in a while. She is looking for a commitment. Don't be surprised that a gal starts texting you daily after the first date and once a commitment after the third date. You may find yourself overwhelmed with choices and pressure. Few women just want a guy to hang with for a day every other week. They are looking for life partners.
- Sex. Jeebus, what a mess. My advice is to avoid sex until you are deep in a relationship and you feel the woman is stable. Ask Tiger Woods and half of any professional men athletes. Listen to Kanye's "Golddigger" song.
Finally, the best advice I ever got on dating was from a Priest that shared my health club. And I've given this advice many times and get thanked for it often. So here it is. The best life partners are people who have realized that they need to reinvent and improve as life goes on. That takes a solid work ethic and the ability to self-assess, good and bad. What you DON"T want is a partner that wants to be entertained. That partner that thinks they are good to go and you are their to entertain them (dinner, movies, vacations, concerts, etc.). That is OK for dating, but not for a long-term solution. So look for people who are always reinventing and improving. Those people can be found at health clubs, college courses, cooking classes, book of the month clubs, volunteer work, charities, etc. They are not often found at bars, nightclubs, dance clubs, wine tasting events, or strip joints.