OT: Does your spouse try to rationalize everything to the n-th degree?

I'd like to change the approval rules to make spouses have to approve status updates. I'm soooooooooooo tired of family and friends asking me about things I haven't told them about yet, but they saw on Facebook because my wife posted. I'm making a new rule, starting today, that I'm not answering questions related to posts she made. They can ask her if they are that curious.
This is my biggest pet peeve. My wife will take a picture of the kids. When I ask her to send it, I am the last one to get it. Order of importance: her sister, Facebook, then me. Humph!
...I chuckled a few times while scanning through this thread... wife noticed and asked, "What are you reading that seems so funny?"...
...I made a big mistake and passed her my phone...she glanced at it for a few moments and asked, " Where do you think we fit in?"...
... I pleaded the Fifth and got no further response ... at least for now... :)
She will occasionally mention that she understands why I don't listen all the time. The key is knowing WHEN to listen- this can't be taught, only learned from experience.
For me, it being asked for my advice or opinion. It always places me in a quandary, does she really want me to respond or did she think out loud. I have found that it is best to be noncommittal and ask, "Oh, I don't know, what are you thinking about."
We just bought a new modem and need to return the rental to Comcast. “Can you return it today?” “Sure.” “I’d really like you to return it today because (three minutes of explanations follow).” Do you get this?

Do get some every now and then?

If so stfu
...I chuckled a few times while scanning through this thread... wife noticed and asked, "What are you reading that seems so funny?"...
...I made a big mistake and passed her my phone...she glanced at it for a few moments and asked, " Where do you think we fit in?"...
... I pleaded the Fifth and got no further response ... at least for now... :)
Tell us where to send the flowers. (For you, not your wife.)
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So you are basically saying that you have a wife that (on at least one occassion) has admitted when she is wrong? I think it is safe to say that you've got yourself a winner and we all hate you for it.
Not convinced its acknowledgment of being wrong as much as changing her mind on her own terms. Who knows.

They’re smart and curious creatures with a keen sense of self-preservation (and they love us too—in most cases). It’s not like she hasn’t got an interest in that giant poopie sausage remaining inside the casing.

The cheap diaper genie refills break, he’d have solid ground for requiring her to pitch in. So... worth 4 bucks?
I'd like to change the approval rules to make spouses have to approve status updates. I'm soooooooooooo tired of family and friends asking me about things I haven't told them about yet, but they saw on Facebook because my wife posted. I'm making a new rule, starting today, that I'm not answering questions related to posts she made. They can ask her if they are that curious.
Good rule. Another is to be sure she doesn’t announce to her gazillion “friends” that you’re enjoying day 1 of your two-week getaway to [wherever leaves your home exposed to burglary.]
Once dated a woman like that. "But why don't you want to (fill in the blank)". Does there have to be a reason for everything??? That only last 4 months. Probably explains why I am 59 and still single :)
She will occasionally mention that she understands why I don't listen all the time. The key is knowing WHEN to listen- this can't be taught, only learned from experience.
It’s called auto-record.
I don't know about all of you, but my wife is perfect and I thank god every day that he put her on this earth just to tell me when I'm wrong, or remind me to take out the trash...

There is a line in an old Jerry Reed county song that goes something like “Why didn't you just learn how to cook?!?!”

I'd like to change the approval rules to make spouses have to approve status updates. I'm soooooooooooo tired of family and friends asking me about things I haven't told them about yet, but they saw on Facebook because my wife posted. I'm making a new rule, starting today, that I'm not answering questions related to posts she made. They can ask her if they are that curious.
It won't help if you and your spouse are both friends with the same person on Facebook, but you can set it so that your spouses posts won't be visible on your page unless you approve it. My wife does this so there isn't any questionable content (photo with beer in hand) that could threaten her job.
That is funny. I tune out after 30 seconds. I typically say I will get to it when I get to it and if it is that important to her go for it herself.

I probably do that to her more especially with sense of time for planning. I have to go thru scenarios all the time to prove we need to leave earlier for this or find someone to take our kids somewhere for that, etc.
I usually let my wife go on her rant/ rationalization then when she's done I say something to the effect of "were you saying something, I wasn't paying attention".

Our couch is pretty comfortable.
Good Stuff! That’s exactly why I let the wife buy a top notch couch. She was stunned when I gave it my endorsement. I could see into the future I tell you. I knew I would be spending some nights on it. So might as well be chilling in style.