OT Florida Universities tuition

Combine very low State assistance, relative to other states, and incompetent management, and you have the financial mess that is PSU.
Since my daughter went to a PSU some 25 years ago, academically it has gone in one direction.
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Well I’m retired and independently wealthy so you’re wrong about me. I was never concerned about the cost of private schools’ tuition because I could afford to pay it without blinking, and my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges. I’m sure you know that. It’s not exactly the Harvard of the south, is it? It’s Arkansas State. But there are lots of ways to skin a cat. If you can’t afford an expensive college, go somewhere cheaper. Some of us are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t a factor.
Why this post? Curious
Florida college is a great deal and if they get the bright futures scholarship it is even better. My son has the bright futures and lives at home. He is finishing his 4th semester and we have paid a total of$500. He will graduate with no student loans and we may pay out around $4000 when he is done.
What’s funny is Mary lives in Florida, posted about the affordability of good schools there, then mentioned her daughters all went to a different school out of state. 🙃
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Well I’m retired and independently wealthy so you’re wrong about me. I was never concerned about the cost of private schools’ tuition because I could afford to pay it without blinking, and my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges. I’m sure you know that. It’s not exactly the Harvard of the south, is it? It’s Arkansas State. But there are lots of ways to skin a cat. If you can’t afford an expensive college, go somewhere cheaper. Some of us are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t a factor.
My friend. The personal info wasn't necessary. We know who you are.
What’s funny is Mary lives in Florida, posted about the affordability of good schools there, then mentioned her daughters all went to a different school out of state. 🙃
She clearly states that her kids lived at home when they attended Arkansas State. So because she lives in FL now, doesn't mean she did then. Duh.
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Well I’m retired and independently wealthy so you’re wrong about me. I was never concerned about the cost of private schools’ tuition because I could afford to pay it without blinking, and my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges. I’m sure you know that. It’s not exactly the Harvard of the south, is it? It’s Arkansas State. But there are lots of ways to skin a cat. If you can’t afford an expensive college, go somewhere cheaper. Some of us are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t a factor.
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She clearly states that her kids lived at home when they attended Arkansas State. So because she lives in FL now, doesn't mean she did then. Duh.
The title to her post is "OT: Florida Universities Tuition". What does in-state Arkansas tuition have to do with the title.
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Hmmm......I would prefer to be a guy struggling to pay a debt over being arrogant. I don't believe that is an admired trait.

Who said anything about admiration. I'm simply pointing out that Conemaugh insinuated that Nitwit couldn't afford tuition and Nitwit's responded accordingly (tone-deaf or not).
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Hmmm......I would prefer to be a guy struggling to pay a debt over being arrogant. I don't believe that is an admired trait.

And as an aside, the two traits are not mutually exclusive. There are plenty of arrogant folks who live paycheck to paycheck. And there are also plenty of wealthy folks who are virtuous.
There was a guy a few years back who had his own jet......LOL
I had to sell mine. Maintenance costs and all.

Then I was sharing w/ Ernie Els for awhile until he beat the piss out of me on the way back to Palm Beach one night. I should have listened to Steve Marino.
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My comments were just that one shouldn’t compare Arkansas State to other better universities. Schools like that fill an important need for those who can’t afford to go to a better school, and it’s great that one can go into a successful career from there. But don’t put down those of us who would rather spend more money to send our kids to more elite universities (or private high schools) just because we have the wherewithal to do so. I paid for my kids and my donations now pay for other kids I’ve never met. Anyone who is smart and works hard can be successful and there are many ways of getting to that endpoint. But there is a reason that more CEOs, CFOs, even Presidents, come from Ivy League or similar universities and not places like Arkansas State. It’s simply not the same level of education.
Well I’m retired and independently wealthy so you’re wrong about me. I was never concerned about the cost of private schools’ tuition because I could afford to pay it without blinking, and my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges. I’m sure you know that. It’s not exactly the Harvard of the south, is it? It’s Arkansas State. But there are lots of ways to skin a cat. If you can’t afford an expensive college, go somewhere cheaper. Some of us are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t a factor.
It's great that you could afford top schools for your kids and that they're doing well. But criticizing someone who sent their kids to a lesser known school was a real dick move. Especially when they tell you the kids are making 6 figure incomes.
Why this post? Curious
Connemaugh stated I was struggling to pay off student loans. My response was to correct him. It’s been 40 years since I graduated and I paid for my education mostly from money I earned working in a factory during the summer, plus a scholastic scholarship I was awarded. He was dead wrong and my post was directed at his erroneous assertion.
Combine very low State assistance, relative to other states, and incompetent management, and you have the financial mess that is PSU.
Since my daughter went to a PSU some 25 years ago, academically it has gone in one direction.

Yeah, but they got a lot of new, expensive, and expensive to operate buildings.
My oldest daughter graduated from UF. First year tuition was $16k minus $3k bright futures scholarship back in 2007-2008. Total $13k as an out of stater compared to $26k for PSU, her second choice for a school. She was a NucE major.

Senior year her tuition had gone up to $23k IIRC minus $3k scholarship. In state tuition her freshman year was $2800. With a bright futures scholarship, that left $200 over to apply to housing for in state students. Dorms back then were $3k per year.

It is nearly impossible to game the system in FL to get in state tuition. If parents don’t live in FL or you don’t have income that supports you that is based in FL, you are outta luck. If you try to transfer custody to a FL relative they need to have that custody relationship for 5 years before attending a FL state university to get in state tuition. I had my sister and parents as long term FL residents but couldn’t use them. We researched this at length and there was no way to get in state residency for my daughter. It was frustrating because in Ohio, after attending one year at state university an out of state student could claim residency as an in stater after that. A couple of my daughter’s friends did this.
Well I’m retired and independently wealthy so you’re wrong about me. I was never concerned about the cost of private schools’ tuition because I could afford to pay it without blinking, and my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges. I’m sure you know that. It’s not exactly the Harvard of the south, is it? It’s Arkansas State. But there are lots of ways to skin a cat. If you can’t afford an expensive college, go somewhere cheaper. Some of us are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t a factor.

Wow, what a colossal jerk you are. You sure didn't buy any class with all your money.
My comments were just that one shouldn’t compare Arkansas State to other better universities. Schools like that fill an important need for those who can’t afford to go to a better school, and it’s great that one can go into a successful career from there. But don’t put down those of us who would rather spend more money to send our kids to more elite universities (or private high schools) just because we have the wherewithal to do so. I paid for my kids and my donations now pay for other kids I’ve never met. Anyone who is smart and works hard can be successful and there are many ways of getting to that endpoint. But there is a reason that more CEOs, CFOs, even Presidents, come from Ivy League or similar universities and not places like Arkansas State. It’s simply not the same level of education.

Mary didn't do what you assert.
The college of pharmacy is within the medical school. She could have easily been a doctor. Straight As from 1sr grade thru HS and in college. She was a dedicated student yet captain of the dance team.
When you say 'Medical School', are you saying she then attended medical school and became a medical doctor?
All beauty flows from the heart and is seen on the face. Hate is very ugly.
Well I’m retired and independently wealthy so you’re wrong about me. I was never concerned about the cost of private schools’ tuition because I could afford to pay it without blinking, and my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges. I’m sure you know that. It’s not exactly the Harvard of the south, is it? It’s Arkansas State. But there are lots of ways to skin a cat. If you can’t afford an expensive college, go somewhere cheaper. Some of us are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t a factor.
Hopefully your kids are less of a dick then you. Probably not though.
Guys,,,,,easy----Dude is PSU alum---go easy...his Post was eh and probably didnt mean what he said....

Stick together
I would not call florida property taxes cheap, especially south florida. The florida state school system has university of florida, and then everyone else. The problem is most of the k-12 public schools stink due to reasons I won’t get into. So yeah, your four year degree at FSU is cheap. But Your private HS degree probably wasn’t. When you add it all up, you didn’t save anything. That’s life.
All he has to do is admit that he was drunk.
So Won Sales Person of Year 2017 and 2018---in my 18' Sales Kick off Speech in front of 200 people ($100M Annual Recurring Revenue Company getting ready for IPO) How do you do what you do?

Easy--"If you Put your Weaknesses on the Table in Life- No One can Hold anything against You"

Multiple meanings--trust, humility this case...yeah "Hey guys I apologize-I was wrong--didnt mean to be inconsiderate and lack empathy not knowing nor understanding everyone's situation" "I mean this SINCERELY and will be careful in the future"

But..thats tuff....tuff....especially for Narcissist's.
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