OT Florida Universities tuition

My comments were just that one shouldn’t compare Arkansas State to other better universities. Schools like that fill an important need for those who can’t afford to go to a better school, and it’s great that one can go into a successful career from there. But don’t put down those of us who would rather spend more money to send our kids to more elite universities (or private high schools) just because we have the wherewithal to do so. I paid for my kids and my donations now pay for other kids I’ve never met. Anyone who is smart and works hard can be successful and there are many ways of getting to that endpoint. But there is a reason that more CEOs, CFOs, even Presidents, come from Ivy League or similar universities and not places like Arkansas State. It’s simply not the same level of education.
But you must admit, 6 figures is not a bad living.
So Won Sales Person of Year 2017 and 2018---in my 18' Sales Kick off Speech in front of 200 people ($100M Annual Recurring Revenue Company getting ready for IPO) How do you do what you do?

Easy--"If you Put your Weaknesses on the Table in Life- No One can Hold anything against You"

Multiple meanings--trust, humility this case...yeah "Hey guys I apologize-I was wrong--didnt mean to be inconsiderate and lack empathy not knowing nor understanding everyone's situation" "I mean this SINCERELY and will be careful in the future"

But..thats tuff....tuff....especially for Narcissist's.
Coaching taught me humility....had my ass handed to me for 2.5 seasons. Also learned that if I screwed up, it was best to admit it especially to my players that were invested in and loyal to the program. It doesn't pay to be the hypocrite who runs a film session pointing out everyone's mistakes except yours. I learned a long time ago that I'm never going to be compared to that guy Jesus. Who by the way wouldn't last long as the HFC at PSU.

PS I'm 8 days away from the 12 year anniversary of losing my wife to cancer. Try living that long with all the times you could have done better for the one you loved more than anything else on earth. Life will cut you down to size one way or another.
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Coaching taught me humility....had my ass handed to me for 2.5 seasons. Also learned that if I screwed up, it was best to admit it especially to my players that were invested in and loyal to the program. It doesn't pay to be the hypocrite who runs a film session pointing out everyone's mistakes except yours. I learned a long time ago that I'm never going to be compared to that guy Jesus. Who by the way wouldn't last long as the HFC at PSU.
Humility and learning Life Lessons for me came from Childhood--Army--College--Jobs--Coaching....All I do now is objectively call out people who do wrongs things Publicly and that affects others and make sure everyone gets credit for success they contributed equally...:)
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My comments were just that one shouldn’t compare Arkansas State to other better universities. Schools like that fill an important need for those who can’t afford to go to a better school, and it’s great that one can go into a successful career from there. But don’t put down those of us who would rather spend more money to send our kids to more elite universities (or private high schools) just because we have the wherewithal to do so. I paid for my kids and my donations now pay for other kids I’ve never met. Anyone who is smart and works hard can be successful and there are many ways of getting to that endpoint. But there is a reason that more CEOs, CFOs, even Presidents, come from Ivy League or similar universities and not places like Arkansas State. It’s simply not the same level of education.
I don't think you realize how arrogant and insulting your posts are coming off. I appreciate the points you are making but there are better ways to make your points that are less insulting and less braggadocious.
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Guys,,,,,easy----Dude is PSU alum---go easy...his Post was eh and probably didnt mean what he said....

Stick together

Lots of PSU alums are jerks. Hey, maybe I'm one. But his status as an alum means nothing. He embarrassed himself. At least he should be embarrassed. Guessing he isn't.
Lots of PSU alums are jerks. Hey, maybe I'm one. But his status as an alum means nothing. He embarrassed himself. At least he should be embarrassed. Guessing he isn't.
True---I was trying to promote loyalty and integrity to the unit---but most civilians are jerks IMHO...maybe he will come out and ask for forgiveness...Maybe?
What’s funny is Mary lives in Florida, posted about the affordability of good schools there, then mentioned her daughters all went to a different school out of state. 🙃
My move to my home in FL was after all 3 girls graduated from Arkansas State. My youngest got most of her expenses paid due to 12 years of straight As. I gave her a new Mustang convertible when she graduated. My last move to FL was my 13th since leaving Penn State. My oldest is 50. I am 77.
I would not call florida property taxes cheap, especially south florida. The florida state school system has university of florida, and then everyone else. The problem is most of the k-12 public schools stink due to reasons I won’t get into. So yeah, your four year degree at FSU is cheap. But Your private HS degree probably wasn’t. When you add it all up, you didn’t save anything. That’s life.
Lake County schools are very good and our property taxes remain low because the Homestead act llimits increases to 1% a year. Broward County is affectionately called the socialist Republic of South FL but even their taxes are,a fraction of NY or NJ.
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Lake County schools are very good and our property taxes remain low because the Homestead act llimits increases to 1% a year. Broward County is affectionately called the socialist Republic of South FL but even their taxes are,a fraction of NY or NJ.
We are and I run around with US Paratrooper license plates :) thats my FU to these people I live around who lack perspective. Lot of hypocrites and weak people. They all come calling when they need something....

Our schools are really good--9's and 10's in my town--wife has 8 years left of teaching then retirement. Then after that might move north near you Mary...but love the Bahamas and my fishing :D

Taxes--if u make XXXXX then the No state income benefits you--if you have lived in your home long time that helps too--Mary pointed out Homestead Act.

Lot of NY'ers came down since Covid and few Californians I met--sold big property's and bought double house for half the cost--I sarcastically and sometimes publicly tell them if you like it here then Vote the way it is--all I say just like that--they get it F'em! Been in my town 21 years---youngest owner at 27--my joke is "My own Money and Legally" yes double joke---first one I wont comment on....
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The college of pharmacy is within the medical school. She could have easily been a doctor. Straight As from 1sr grade thru HS and in college. She was a dedicated student yet captain of the dance team.

All beauty flows from the heart and is seen on the face. Hate is very ugly.

It seems deceptive to me and I’m sure your daughter doesn’t tell people she graduated from medical school.

Do you think somebody with a law degree aka Juris Doctor would refer to himself/herself as a “Doctor”?
my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges.
I started at UC Santa Barbara at a time in which you had to be in top 12% to be admitted. Hated it and the drugs and transferred to Bowling Green in Ohio. Noticed no difference in quality (this was a while ago) and had no trouble getting into Ohio State Law School (best in the state, since renamed). Where you went to law school has zero affect on your abilities as a lawyer although going to a highly ranked law school does get you into big law firms paying high salaries where you do scut work and churn out mostly useless billable hours at the beginning of your career.

Sort of interesting that my one time boss's wife went to Duke Medical School and most probably she would think it would have very little impact on a doctor's actual capabilities as compared to other competent medical schools. Based on my interactions with Cleveland Clinic while practicing workers' compensation law, I would judge that it is very highly over-rated as a medical institution in an analogous situation.
Respectfully Mary, I had to google where lake county was located. Ill just say it’s probably very different from broward. If that’s your thing, great.
Homestead is nice, but it really only makes a difference if you buy and stay in that place forever. Oh, it also gets abused by everyone and their mother. Florida worked hard to earn its reputation as the fraud capital of the US.
Typically, if you find yourself in a good public school, you are in a higher income area and your property taxes are equally higher so either way you pay. Nothing is free.

I don’t get all hot and bothered by the florida school rating system…Its only use is a marketing tool for realtors. If you like your local school, great. But most are weak. Again, I won’t get into it.
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Respectfully Mary, I had to google where lake county was located. Ill just say it’s probably very different from broward. If that’s your thing, great.
Homestead is nice, but it really only makes a difference if you buy and stay in that place forever. Oh, it also gets abused by everyone and their mother. Florida worked hard to earn its reputation as the fraud capital of the US.
Typically, if you find yourself in a good public school, you are in a higher income area and your property taxes are equally higher so either way you pay. Nothing is free.

I don’t get all hot and bothered by the florida school rating system…Its only use is a marketing tool for realtors. If you like your local school, great. But most are weak. Again, I won’t get into it.
LMAOROFL not one fact but lots of cow manure. Feel free to stop those caravans of Florida's moving to NY, PA and NJ.
It seems deceptive to me and I’m sure your daughter doesn’t tell people she graduated from medical school.

Do you think somebody with a law degree aka Juris Doctor would refer to himself/herself as a “Doc
It seems deceptive to me and I’m sure your daughter doesn’t tell people she graduated from medical school.

Do you think somebody with a law degree aka Juris Doctor would refer to himself/herself as a “Doctor”?
Not meant to be deceptive. Tuition for all students within the med college were far less that psu undergrad. State is extremely over priced as are all PA schools. It is ruled by corrupt people in both parties.
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It seems deceptive to me and I’m sure your daughter doesn’t tell people she graduated from medical school.

Do you think somebody with a law degree aka Juris Doctor would refer to himself/herself as a “Doctor”?

How is stating her daughter went to medical school for a pharmacy degree deceptive in any way?
Well I’m retired and independently wealthy so you’re wrong about me. I was never concerned about the cost of private schools’ tuition because I could afford to pay it without blinking, and my kids got into good law (NYU) and medical schools (Duke) as a result. Believe me, Arkansas State is not exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement. I’m happy for your daughters’ success but they could have gotten a much better education at a hundred better colleges. I’m sure you know that. It’s not exactly the Harvard of the south, is it? It’s Arkansas State. But there are lots of ways to skin a cat. If you can’t afford an expensive college, go somewhere cheaper. Some of us are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t a factor.
It was Marylovesthelions daughters who went to school at Arkansas State, not mine. Your reading compression is rather lacking.
Connemaugh stated I was struggling to pay off student loans. My response was to correct him. It’s been 40 years since I graduated and I paid for my education mostly from money I earned working in a factory during the summer, plus a scholastic scholarship I was awarded. He was dead wrong and my post was directed at his erroneous assertion.
I take back my statement that you are struggling to pay back your student loans. I can admit I was wrong on that one and I apologize for that poor assumption. My assumption that you are dick because of your original post appears to be spot on though. One out of two isn't bad!
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Question for parents who had their children live at home during college...was the main factor to save money? I think we all realize there is a lot of 'questionable' time/money at college for kids, but I really enjoyed my 4 years away from home. It's hard to say how that experience changed me bc I have nothing else to compare it to, but I'd be curious people's thoughts on the overall experience for kids who commuted vs on campus?
I suspect it's a state with a growing population and a good state finacial position which allows it to support their state universities.
Correct. The Florida legislature has invested in higher education while Pennsylvania’s state government has not.

Pennsylvania saw a 33.4 percent reduction in higher education funding from 2008 to 2019. The state spent 33.4 percent or $2,538 less on each student in 2019 than it did before the recession of 2009/10.
Correct. The Florida legislature has invested in higher education while Pennsylvania’s state government has not.

Pennsylvania saw a 33.4 percent reduction in higher education funding from 2008 to 2019. The state spent 33.4 percent or $2,538 less on each student in 2019 than it did before the recession of 2009/10.
PA's legislators are too busy lining their own pockets to worry about education- they prefer uneducated voters anyway
Correct. The Florida legislature has invested in higher education while Pennsylvania’s state government has not.

Pennsylvania saw a 33.4 percent reduction in higher education funding from 2008 to 2019. The state spent 33.4 percent or $2,538 less on each student in 2019 than it did before the recession of 2009/10.

Yeah, a Florida has a structure that makes schools in its state system accountable. The state-related schools in PA aren't accountable for dogshit.
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Yeah, a Florida has a structure that makes schools in its state system accountable. The state-related schools in PA aren't accountable for dogshit.

All the more reason we’re blessed to have quality leaderers at Penn State. barren will leave a major void when he retires.
All the more reason we’re blessed to have quality leaderers at Penn State. barren will leave a major void when he retires.

And a new museum, because new buildings like museums are the key to a quality education, not all this actual educator crap.
All the more reason we’re blessed to have quality leaderers at Penn State. barren will leave a major void when he retires.
Well, Barron cut his teeth in the State University of Florida System. Coincidentally, Frank Brogan left as Chancellor of SUFS to become Chancellor of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education. Brogan left that job three years ago. Can't say which organization was luckier.
Florida worked hard to earn its reputation as the fraud capital of the US.
