Following the death of a pledge...
Following the death of a pledge...
Will anyone miss them? I mean, plenty of places to party/get drunk.
Go ahead and shut them all down. Then students will never drink to excess. DUH.
. What separates the frat from say the lacrosse house? Or just a house full of dudes?
Think you are probably a little off on that one. I have never heard of a "fraternity only" zoning classification. Rather, the typical college town zones fraternity house and sorority house uses as "permitted non-confirming uses," conditioning the permitted use on continued university recognition of the fraternity or sorority that owns the chapter house in question. This gives the university considerable leverage when it threatens to revoke (as opposed to suspend) recognition of a given fraternity or sorority.State College recently passed law stating that fraternity houses that lose PSU recognition cannot be operated as boarding houses as area is zoned fraternity only. Property values of those houses would crash.