I don't think there is anything new to the public to change their mind about JVP.
My thought is that the general public would be exposed to news that they had not seen before, would cause some people to re-think their assumptions, such as:
Escbach's testimony about making up "anal rape" - the single most inflammatory phrase used in this entire saga.
The possibility that the date of McQ's witnessing whatever he witnessed is actually a month and a half prior to him going to JVP with the info.
The coercion of a couple of victim witnesses.
The lack of vetting of claims, and treating them as nuisance claims.
TSM being informed, and Jack's testimony that he was a proper reporting authority.
The personal aspects of Surma's and Corbett's actions.
Miss Cynthia.
And on and on.
I'm not suggesting that the Middle School teacher in Frozen Peas, Iowa, or the truck driver in Tumbleweed, Texas, or the HR guy from Harrisburg, PA who have never changed their minds about anything they've come to believe will change their minds. I'm suggesting that open-minded people, who absorb news and information from various sources, will be open to re-thinking what they thought.
As I've said countless times, I am most pissed about what has happened to JVP in all this (and I'm plenty pissed about numerous things, as many of us are). I believe the world of college football and college sports in general, and in some ways beyond even those boundaries, are being cheated out of his true legacy - one of Success with Honor in all areas of life. The way he is perceived by the uninformed public now goes a long way to silencing even his most staunchly supportive ex-players from publicly speaking about him. This HBO movie will drive in another nail or three, as the 3 people referenced above will view it as a documentary.
There is so much to tell about JVP and his true legacy. Some films have touched on it, but a comprehensive one done by a major film company would be worth telling for generations, if only on campus at a JVP wing of the Sports Museum. PSU could be marketing the concept and showing how Franklin has taken the concept and built on it in his own way.
We are missing out because of BS. I'd like to see a couple of steps taken to try to right that ship beyond where we've been so far. So kudos to JZ for his attempt, despite me disagreeing with his focus and his tone most of the time. I'd like to see what would happen if just the JVP angle were told... would that bring out more investigations from the media, and maybe even add pressure to the PA state gov't to re-look at some things? Would it create some pressure to allow access to the Freeh docs, whether that would go anywhere or not?
I think there are posters here who know more than they've let on. Maybe somehow telling the JVP angle would give them more courage to spill what they know. I don't know. It's worth a shot, imo.
Just my thoughts. Sorry you asked?