OT: Greatest PA stores/Shops

LL Stearns & Sons - Williamsport:


Hess's - Allentown. My dad managed the menswear section and tailor shop in the late 70s. Great restaurant in there...The Patio.

When I first started going out with my wife in the 70's, she "took" me there shopping several times and of course we ate at the Patio. I ordered a turkey dinner there once, I ate half to 3/4 of it and what I couldn't finish could have fed two adult people. Don't get me started about the deserts, pies and cakes you needed a step stool to eat the were piled so high.
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Strawbridge and Clothier

Yenko Chevrolet - if you are a car guy, you know why

Krass Brothers - Store of the Stars

Lit Brothers
I just saw a new Yenko Camaro run through the Mecum Auto Auction on TV - Man was it sweet and glad they brought them back.
The Penn Traffic store was pretty awesome too

There was a Penn Traffic in Somerset, PA on what locals call "The Diamond" IIRC it was the only place around, short of driving to Johnstown, to get furniture.
Oh wait I think there was a place called Henry's in New Centerville, PA and a place called Stoner's in Rockwood, PA. that sold furniture.
We also had a Grants and Hess's.
There was also a Newberry's and a Sun Drug On the Diamond .
^^^ The old Pomeroy's in Hershey is still an eyesore today! ;) At least the spa made the ground floor better. On second look i believe the building in this picture is fake to make it look nicer. LOL
