OT: I always lie to the Lady of the house when I'm on a call with ......

Mr. Potter

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
a relative. As soon as I hang up and she inquires, "What did they say?"... more than not I will "claim", although they didn't....." My Aunt (Insert relative) wanted me to tell you hello...."

I don't know why I fib in those scenarios.
a relative. As soon as I hang up and she inquires, "What did they say?"... more than not I will "claim", although they didn't....." My Aunt (Insert relative) wanted me to tell you hello...."

I don't know why I fib in those scenarios.
On the scale of marital dishonesty (Fibs --> Lies --> Infidelity), that is actually a good fib. Technically speaking, your didn't just misunderstood your wife's question and thus answer tangentially.

Foremost, your wife shouldn't be asking what the other party said so shortly after you hang up...that's really intrusive. If she's that interested, she should have listened in on speaker phone or called the person herself.
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