With yesterday being the Angels game 138, it seems an appropriate time to compare Ohtani’s best season (this year) with Ruth’s 1919 season (not even what is considered his best year) when his team’s season was limited to 138 games because of WWI when Ruth did his most pitching while being a top batter.
As pitchers (IP-W-L-ERA):
Ohtani 132.0 10-6 3.14
B.Ruth 133.3 9-6 2.97
Almost a complete wash, Ohtani with slightly more wins, Ruth with slightly better ERA.
As batters: (R-HR-RBI-BB-BA-Runs Produced)
Ohtani 102 44 95 91 .304 153
B.Ruth 103 29 113 101 .322 187
Ruth was the top hitter in MLB and his runs produced numbers exceed Ohtani’s by a significant margin. If Ohtani finishes the season at his rate, his final run producing number would still be below Ruth’s.