OT: JZ on w/ Kevin and Ironhead this AM (audio link)

I thought the point about the PA OAG getting only 3 convictions (all misdemeanors) out of 28 Indictments against C/S/S, virtually all of which were brought as felonies, was staggering. The PA OAG was 3 for 28 on charges against the PSU Administrators - none of them felonies and losses on all of the conspiracy charges - and the OAG Propaganda wing (i.e., the PA media, led by the corrupt Harrisburg outlets) has cast this as a thundering victory for The State and confirmation of a conspiracy??? PA is a corrupt, rat-infested $hithole run by a bunch of scum-of-the-earth, evil, morally-corrupt, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, lying, public-abuse-of-power, tyrannical lawyers-turned-politicians and lawyers-turned-"public servants". It is these lying, evil, morally-reprehensible SCUMBAGS that have taken this country right down the $hithole at the same time they sit at their "bully pulpit" pedantically lecturing the public about "culture", "ethics" and "morals" - if this isn't the "Emperor has no clothes" (a "Parable" - i.e., a fairytale written to teach a moral lesson), COME TO LIFE, I don't know what is!!! This is how totally phucked-up and corrupt PA has become - it has literally made an old hyperbolic fairytale, come to REAL LIFE and just like the fairytale predicted, the RIGHTEOUS are persecuted for pointing out the OBVIOUS in regards to the lying, corrupt low-lifes who hold, and abuse, publicly-granted power. Unreal, you can't make this $hit up, except in fairytales and Pennsylvania!
I think this is by far the best, most concise interview with JZ, that he has done to date.
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So v5 lied through his teeth about being assaulted the first time he met JS which he claims was after the MM incident, but he's pictured in JS' book which was published before the MM incident. Just SMH.
When you see stuff like this (repeatedly), you see why some (like me) wonder why we're even discussing failures of C/S/S, TSM, CYS, etc.
So v5 lied through his teeth about being assaulted the first time he met JS which he claims was after the MM incident, but he's pictured in JS' book which was published before the MM incident. Just SMH.

Really!!! Ok I have bought the argument that you don't want to pick on a victim. How about these 4 questions
1. Originally you thought this incident occurred in 1998 . Is that correct - yes
2. Then you realized it occurred after 9/11 and the correct date was 2002. is that correct?
3 You have also testified that this incident [in 2002] was the first time you had ever met Mr S.. Is that correct.
4. Here is a picture of 4 boys with Mr S taken in sometime prior to the book being published in 2000. Isn't hat you here with Mr S in this picture?

Thank you no further questions.

How inflamatory could that have been? This vic is in their 20's at least, correct. we are not talking to a 10 year old.
Really!!! Ok I have bought the argument that you don't want to pick on a victim. How about these 4 questions
1. Originally you thought this incident occurred in 1998 . Is that correct - yes
2. Then you realized it occurred after 9/11 and the correct date was 2002. is that correct?
3 You have also testified that this incident [in 2002] was the first time you had ever met Mr S.. Is that correct.
4. Hear is a picture of 4 boys with Mr S taken in sometime prior to the book being published in 2000. Isn't hat you hear with Mr S in this picture?

Thank you no further questions.

How inflamatory could that have been? This vic is in their 20's at least, correct. we are not talking to a 10 year old.
Spanier Attorney Badgers Victim, Forces Him to Recollect Abuse on Stand
I get that but would those four questions really generate that response?

Maybe even open with "I am sorry the prosecution has made you re live this event but let me just ask you 4 questions that I promise won't take 2 minutes.
It would take less than 90 seconds to create doubt. Not even about IF he was abused but when he was abused. He could explain himself in his closing arguments.
Who knows..absolutely nothing has made sense to me
I think this is by far the best, most concise interview with JZ, that he has done to date.
Really? He's yelling about how nobody believes Sandusky is guilty because of the way they said Sandusky is guilty.

It's the same guy pumping his website and appearances, insulting people for not listening to him, and making sure to say the victim's name like it's his job.
Really? He's yelling about how nobody believes Sandusky is guilty because of the way they said Sandusky is guilty.

It's the same guy pumping his website and appearances, insulting people for not listening to him, and making sure to say the victim's name like it's his job.

I love how scared JZ makes you and your ilk. The only things keeping the false narrative alive are emotion and political correctness. Fortunately for you these things govern the majority of people's thought processes. And of course the media feeds the sensationalism. Btw, how pathetic was that collegian editorial?
People want to marginalize JZ as being a kook. Think about a few people who don't think he's a kook - Franco Harris, Jeff Byers and John Snedden (the government agent who investigated the case for 6 months and concluded there was no cover up because there was nothing to cover up) to name a few. And I love that JZ won't go away. The injustice here is so huge and so freaking obvious it still baffles and pisses me off whenever I think about it.
I love how scared JZ makes you and your ilk. The only things keeping the false narrative alive are emotion and political correctness. Fortunately for you these things govern the majority of people's thought processes. And of course the media feeds the sensationalism. Btw, how pathetic was that collegian editorial?
People want to marginalize JZ as being a kook. Think about a few people who don't think he's a kook - Franco Harris, Jeff Byers and John Snedden (the government agent who investigated the case for 6 months and concluded there was no cover up because there was nothing to cover up) to name a few. And I love that JZ won't go away. The injustice here is so huge and so freaking obvious it still baffles and pisses me off whenever I think about it.
John Ziegler is a mentally unstable fool that feeds people like you what you're desperate to hear to get the attention he craves.

He flat out admits he rejects any expert in CSA that doesn't agree with him. Think about that for a minute. It puts a new spin on his "nobody bothered to check the basic math" line. It's actually "I decided that the teachers who believe 2+2=4 are wrong".

Let's take a look at some of Ziegler's greatest hits. He believes Sandusky's innocent because.....

He's got a great BS detector

Sandusky let his wife leave with Ziegler after a prison visit.

He couldn't get Sandusky to confess using a strategy given to him by Jim Clemente.

Dottie would have to be lying

Dottie hasn't relocated

Random people that know Aaron Fisher say he's lying.

That's off the top of my head.
$8,000,000 to V5.

Unreal racket. Wake up people.

To remind you, Sandusky was found guilty on 45 of 48 charges.

V5 was 1 of the 3 not guilty charges.

But...V5 was still the 'star witness' last week at the Spanier trial and he is the 'victim' that Spanier's misdemeanor conviction is based on.

And now he's an exceptionally weathly man.

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$8,000,000 to V5.

Unreal racket. Wake up people.

To remind you, Sandusky was found guilty on 45 of 48 charges.

V5 was 1 of the 3 not guilty charges.

But...V5 was still the 'star witness' last week at the Spanier trial and he is the 'victim' that Spanier's misdemeanor conviction is based on.

And now he's an exceptionally weathly man.

Curiously that's Tom Kline's client. The same Tom Kline who is influential here in Phila at Drexel, as is Ira Lubert.

So in a roundabout way - Penn State paid to have Kline & Specter painted across the squash / handball courts at the DAC and affix the Kline name to the law school.

I've always wondered if those two aren't like the old guys in that Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places - where they guffaw at their $1.00 bet that destroyed Akroyd.

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Really!!! Ok I have bought the argument that you don't want to pick on a victim. How about these 4 questions
1. Originally you thought this incident occurred in 1998 . Is that correct - yes
2. Then you realized it occurred after 9/11 and the correct date was 2002. is that correct?
3 You have also testified that this incident [in 2002] was the first time you had ever met Mr S.. Is that correct.
4. Here is a picture of 4 boys with Mr S taken in sometime prior to the book being published in 2000. Isn't hat you here with Mr S in this picture?

Thank you no further questions.

How inflamatory could that have been? This vic is in their 20's at least, correct. we are not talking to a 10 year old.

In this interview, Ziegler left out the best part about Victim 5's lies.

Now during the Spanier trial, Victim 5 says that he knows for sure that he was "abused" by Sandusky in 2002 because he remembers it was after 9/11. BUT, in the Sandusky trial, he says he remembers for sure that he was abused in 2001, because he was sure the abuse was BEFORE 9/11. Combine this with his initial testimony to investigators, where he says the incident occurred in 1998 the first time he ever met Sandusky, and it all adds up to a guy who is full of shit and got paid for his lies.
Really? He's yelling about how nobody believes Sandusky is guilty because of the way they said Sandusky is guilty.

It's the same guy pumping his website and appearances, insulting people for not listening to him, and making sure to say the victim's name like it's his job.
...and you're the guy clinging to pennlive and half a Giant Eagle hoagie, spitting shredded lettuce and boiled ham bits as you deny reality and defame a University.
In this interview, Ziegler left out the best part about Victim 5's lies.

Now during the Spanier trial, Victim 5 says that he knows for sure that he was "abused" by Sandusky in 2002 because he remembers it was after 9/11. BUT, in the Sandusky trial, he says he remembers for sure that he was abused in 2001, because he was sure the abuse was BEFORE 9/11. Combine this with his initial testimony to investigators, where he says the incident occurred in 1998 the first time he ever met Sandusky, and it all adds up to a guy who is full of shit and got paid for his lies.

Yes. And this guy was never "groomed" and he actually escaped Sandusky's rape attempt, but never bothered to tell anyone anything until after the Sara Ganim article came out and a few of his buddies started turning on Sandusky.

The fact that PSU, the OAG, and the media refuse to question a story even as absurd as this certainly makes you wonder about the others as well.
...and you're the guy clinging to pennlive and half a Giant Eagle hoagie, spitting shredded lettuce and boiled ham bits as you deny reality and defame a University.
What's with you guys and this obsession with people that post somewhere else?

You're mentally ill, and that's not a joke or a troll.

I listed several examples of what Ziegler uses to argue Sandusky's innocence. All you can do is default to a paranoid delusion and chase away the feeling that you're pathetic fool for buying JZ's brand.

By all means keep listening to the guy that rejects all expert opinions whilst claiming he's uniquely qualified to cover the story because he coached youth football.
In this interview, Ziegler left out the best part about Victim 5's lies.

Now during the Spanier trial, Victim 5 says that he knows for sure that he was "abused" by Sandusky in 2002 because he remembers it was after 9/11. BUT, in the Sandusky trial, he says he remembers for sure that he was abused in 2001, because he was sure the abuse was BEFORE 9/11. Combine this with his initial testimony to investigators, where he says the incident occurred in 1998 the first time he ever met Sandusky, and it all adds up to a guy who is full of shit and got paid for his lies.
Think bad on this entire matter.....How many outright "LIES" have been used to construct the "Story" of Penn State Criminality????

If what the "Story" said was true...why do you need MULTIPLE LIES to support it????

Case closed. If you ignore the possibility the there are government influences in all of the legal activities here, then the "case" that creates the "Story" almost makes sense - until you consider the $$$$ motives involved in each version -

In the Penn State version as it applies to all those accused - NO $$$$ - just protect reputation of Football as a motive.

In the OAG version - $650K KNOWN payoff - $60M fine controlled by the State (how much remains from "reduction" of NCAA of penalties -who knows) - Additional new "moral supervisory" personnel added - who knows. Reputation(and further investigations) exists also for OAG and State of PA Agencies.

So who has the greatest motives to deceive the public with their version of this affair???
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