OT: No poll, just name it . . . nastiest brew you drank at PSU

REading, IC and the old Yuengling Premium was really bad. Yuengling was piss until they came out with Lager.
I think their slogan was "When you're out of beer, drink Blatz"

Hey now! Young mothers & Fred McMurray LOVE Blatz®
Hey now! Young mothers & Fred McMurray LOVE Blatz®

Actually, I liked Blatz and never got the splats. They used to have it in one of the vending machines at the local fire hall. I think it was 25 or 35 cents a can.
You know, many of these beers that were truly "piss" in the 70's and thereafter were actually pretty good two decades earlier. The big breweries cost advantage dictated major cost cutting initiatives that were primarily achieved by lowering quality; especially in raw materials/ingredients. Labor costs continued to rise per the union scale and, voila, we had a lot of uncompetitive local breweries making piss in that era. Now, it has come full circle with the craft brewing revolution; which is a beautiful thing.
Also, Stroh's gave me the trots like no other beer of the era. Just sayin'!
You know, many of these beers that were truly "piss" in the 70's and thereafter were actually pretty good two decades earlier. The big breweries cost advantage dictated major cost cutting initiatives that were primarily achieved by lowering quality; especially in raw materials/ingredients. Labor costs continued to rise per the union scale and, voila, we had a lot of uncompetitive local breweries making piss in that era. Now, it has come full circle with the craft brewing revolution; which is a beautiful thing.
Also, Stroh's gave me the trots like no other beer of the era. Just sayin'!

One that I never drank but my notoriously frugal (I'd say 'cheap' but my Mother tried to raise me right) uncle did was called "Tech". I remember it came in a plaid can and he drank it warm even though he had a spring house handy.
I vote Stegmaier. We bought 16 oz returnables for $5.50 a case and consumed a lot of it. That stuff was nasty, but it was the cheapest available buzz and that's where our money went. What they cleaned the returnable bottles with had to taste better, but it probably didn't contain alcohol. Schaefer, Mickey's, Gibbons, Piels, Pabst, Colt 45, Schlitz or Iron City were gold next to a Stegmaier. Schaefer cold and out of a keg was actually not real bad. Out of a can, it was nasty. Mickey's was top shelf compared to the other stuff we consumed.
Yeah. It's skunk beer. It gets my vote for the Worst in State.

I was sitting in a pub in Maine back in the 90's and Rolling Rock was on the list of their premium craft brew offerings. I kid you not.
One that I never drank but my notoriously frugal (I'd say 'cheap' but my Mother tried to raise me right) uncle did was called "Tech". I remember it came in a plaid can and he drank it warm even though he had a spring house handy.
Tech was another "fine" Pittsburgh Brewing Company product. There was always an argument over which swill was taken out of the vat after the Iron City. Was it Old German, Old Frothingslosh or Tech? The world may never know!! Tech came in pony bottles; like Rolling Rock at the 'Skeller. Here is a shot of one (I had my first when I was 12 - special shout out to Uncle Kenny):

Here is what the label looked like on the big 16 oz. "wife beater" size bottle:
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I was sitting in a pub in Maine back in the 90's and Rolling Rock was on the list of their premium craft brew offerings. I kid you not.
Rolling Rock appeared in LA in the late 80's when I lived out there right after graduating. I was astounded. This was the only strategy going for the locals at the time. Go into other markets and hope to become a novelty.
Ha, no but I had a crazy one too and my wife had several.
Uncle Kenny wasn't crazy; he was a raging alcoholic. He was the only one who could drink more than two bottles of my older brother's home brew. This was the batch where we doubled the malt and tripled the hops!!! No problem for Uncle Kenny. Uncle Kenny "pioneered" the concept of walking into a local watering hole and asking for a quart. Assuming it was to go, the bar keep would put it in a paper bag. This kept it nice and cold while Uncle Kenny watched the ball game at the bar. Pretty soon, new policies regarding the sale of quarts were established!!!
If we're talking strictly about beer...and there were sooooo many truly awful beers in my Penn State days....I'd have to give it to Piel's Real Draft in a slight nod over Steg (as in Stegmaier) Light. If we're talking among ALL alcoholic elixirs, the rock bottom for me and my buddies was a drink we dubbed "troubles". That was Vladimir vodka mixed with econo-buy instant ice tea. All that drink brought you was troubles.

Edit: Hmmmm, had forgotten about Carling Black Label. Maybe I need to reorder

I used to work in a liquor store in Jersey. We had a guy that come in every once in a while who was a gym teacher at a high school and he would buy a six pack of Piels 16oz. cans. We named him Capt. Piels and would often refer to him as captain when he came in. A truly horrible beer.
Without a doubt "Iron City"

Was actually coming back from RV trip to ND/PSU game in early 90's and stopped in Pitt for six packs - man was that some bad sh!t
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Best I had at school way back in the day was Yuengling porter . Not to many high end beers were available then .
Well there was Curve Beer, Altoona's finest... which was awful. Then there was Boone's Farm Apple and Strawberry Hill. But the absolute worst stuff we ever drank at PSU was LaConga Rum. We got a great deal on it at the State Store, like $2.00 a bottle, so we bought several. You couldn't kill the taste of this swill with any mixer we had in our apartment. Of course, it wasn't until after we bought it that we discovered that it was distilled/manufactured in .............

wait for it.......

wait for it.......

Linfield, PA!?!
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Question - how many people here would hang out the morning after the party to help kick the keg. To me that is the real beer drinker -- downing a few warm ones the morning after. Wouldn't do it today...

Real beer drinkers don't have a keg to kick in the morning.
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Just two quick points of clarification on ole Uncle Kenny. He was the smartest of my mom's 9 siblings and read thousands of books over the course of his very colorful life (including "The Good Book"). He also was keenly aware that it was much more economical to feed twelve year old Zig one Tech pony than to watch him suck down four Yoo-Hoo chocolate beverages for every quart of Iron that he drank.
Sierra cans $3.99/case. Terrible but it was cheap to fill 200 cases into the walk in cooler at my fraternity house.
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I actually used to think this stuff was among the best of all the horrific swills we used to drink. Maybe paying $4.99 for a case of 12oz cans helped shape my outlook a little bit but I actually thought it was pretty good as cheap beers go.

For everyone beating on Stroh's, that was one of the "good" beers my father used to buy when he was stepping out a bit and busting open the wallet. I used to like that too. Of course that was back when it was still brewed by Stroh's itself and before the brand got taken over by Pabst. I haven't had it lately but wouldn't be too surprised at all if it's now just Pabst in a different can. That's what you get with modern Rolling Rock as well. It's no longer Rolling Rock, which was awful in it's own right, it's now just Budweiser in a green bottle.
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