I take it you never listened to Imus. The first comment was made by Bernard and Imus followed up. They said far worse things, including many comments about Sharpton. Imus regularly insulted Andrea Mitchell. They just took this one and ran with it - and he had no defense for the comment. The Rutgers girls did nothing except act very respectful.
the powers that be tolerated him and Stern. Bill Clinton called into his show on a regular basis until Imus made some comments in front of Hillary at the White House Correspondence dinner. Carvelle and Begalla and Lanny Davis all were on his show.
There is no need to defend what he said about the Rutgers girls, he never defended it. But those comments were no different than what was said on the show every day and accepted by the Liberal Elites in New York and D.C.
So Midnighter and Demlion, leave your political agenda out. I doubt if either of you listened to the show. And remember, the Liberal Elites didn’t just tolerate what he said, they embraced it and used it for their own purpose.