OT : Silly things you remember but are now long gone

We had two rotary phones in our house, I know decadent but my dad had a business and the second phone was in his office. If you would dial E-L-P-P-A (apple backwards) and hang up the phone it would ring on both phones. My brother and I had a lot of fun playing tricks on our parents getting the phone to ring.
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LOL, I remember watching those commercials with my older brother who did a stint in Germany shortly before they appeared on US TV sets. He went out excitedly and bought a case of Lowenbrau at the beer distributor and was very disappointed in the taste. He then became completely disgusted when he noticed on the label that it was brewed by the piss factory in Milwaukee named Miller’s. The Lowenbrau marketing farce failed miserably.
TV shows after school that played cartoons.

Sally Starr: Philadelphia
Percy Platypus: Lancaster
Pete the Pirate: Baltimore
Top Brass and Brillcreme, " a little dab will do ya". Hopefully they're gone.
I still have tube of the latter in my bathroom. Haven't used it in years, but it's still there. I still remember the mistake a family member once made--thinking it was a tube of toothpaste early in the morning...
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LOL, I remember watching those commercials with my older brother who did a stint in Germany shortly before they appeared on US TV sets. He went out excitedly and bought a case of Lowenbrau at the beer distributor and was very disappointed in the taste. He then became completely disgusted when he noticed on the label that it was brewed by the piss factory in Milwaukee named Miller’s. The Lowenbrau marketing farce failed miserably.
It's also pronounced completely differently in Germany.
I still have tube of the latter in my bathroom. Haven't used it in years, but it's still there. I still remember the mistake a family member once made--thinking it was a tube of toothpaste early in the morning...

Better than mistakenly using Preparation H :rolleyes:
Sports related -

1- Goal posts on the goal line. Think about that for a second with the risk of injury and you shake your head that this was the way you remember it.

2- Pitcher striking out - A wonderful tradition where the opposing catcher flipped the ball to the pitcher who had just struck out for him to take to the mound.

3- You will never forget the best PA man ever Dave Zinkoff telling you that Earl Monroe was at the line shooting three for two and how the words rolled off his tongue. Ditto for him saying whoever was shooting t-eeeeeeeew.

4- The best ever tradition of the fielding team leaving their gloves on the field when they went to hit.

Non Sports Related

I can’t understand it but you youngins will never have to eat pistachios with dyed red shells and then washing your hands to get the dye off it. Just about every pistachio nut bag you could buy were red.

As a kid I remember “Japanese Apples” which became known later as pomegranates. They were garbage often given to farm animals. You could buy them for nothing at the store. Then they became a wonder fruit.

What else you got for stuff you remember that are gone or changed dramatically.
Anybody else live out of state and called the 410 number ( I think) to listen to the live broadcast of psu football to get a score? Remember being upset with a toll call, and no score update for 5-20 minutes
Somewhat believable pro wrestling. Nobody like Pedro Morales could ever be champ these days.
Didn't read through all 7 pages so not sure if this was mentioned.

Getting a sore finger from dialing the rotary phone all the time and thinking how long it took to call my friend who had a 0, 9 and 7 in his number.
Our police number here in town used to be 445-9991. Hope it was never to pressing issue!

@berklion thought you were going with burning leaves after they were raked into a pile. Threw buckeyes in and the liquid on the inside would boil then explode.
I may be the Lone Ranger here, but I really enjoy the smell of burning leaves.

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Has anybody mentioned Bert and Harry Piel of Piel's Brewery?
Our police number here in town used to be 445-9991. Hope it was never to pressing issue!

@berklion thought you were going with burning leaves after they were raked into a pile. Threw buckeyes in and the liquid on the inside would boil then explode.
I may be the Lone Ranger here, but I really enjoy the smell of burning leaves.


We used to burn our leaves. love the smell too.
Reading this thread and seeing medicines and the like cited, two came to mind:

1. St. Joseph Aspirin for Children: They used to advertise on TV as a kid. This is what the package looked like back then:


Only widely approved by doctors?

I was surprised to see that the St. Joseph brand is still around. They don’t advertise like they used to.

2. Doan's Pills: Ugly green pills for back pain. They also advertised a lot when I was a kid.


They’re still around, but I also don’t see them advertise much.
How about using iodine or mercurochrome on a cut or scrape when you were a kid? It burned like heck and the red stain stayed on for weeks.
if it didn't burn, dad would put more on until it did just to make sure it was working
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