OT: so after years of being manly...

PSU Mike

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001
Glencoe, IL
and shoveling a big driveway, today I slipped on some hidden ice and got my first ambulance ride. Thankfully no broken bones or knee ligament damage (amazing) but oddly I blew out my right quad. As in totally. Lot of uneasy in my little brain right now. Surgery is in the a.m. Nobody has a solid theory on the how of all this. Not cool with the snow storm, then -10 to -22 temps forecast for midweek.
and shoveling a big driveway, today I slipped on some hidden ice and got my first ambulance ride. Thankfully no broken bones or knee ligament damage (amazing) but oddly I blew out my right quad. As in totally. Lot of uneasy in my little brain right now. Surgery is in the a.m. Nobody has a solid theory on the how of all this. Not cool with the snow storm, then -10 to -22 temps forecast for midweek.

Feel for ya’ ... snowblower decided to take a weekend off when we were hit with 2+ feet couple weekends ago.... shoveled a metric ass-ton of snow... unlike you I stayed erect.... feeling every bit of it...
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and shoveling a big driveway, today I slipped on some hidden ice and got my first ambulance ride. Thankfully no broken bones or knee ligament damage (amazing) but oddly I blew out my right quad. As in totally. Lot of uneasy in my little brain right now. Surgery is in the a.m. Nobody has a solid theory on the how of all this. Not cool with the snow storm, then -10 to -22 temps forecast for midweek.

Mike, I told you your colonoscopy would be behind you quickly.

I share your pain re: our weather. Wed HIGH -15, Wed overnight LOW -26, temps, not wind-chill.

SERIOUSLY, if you or your family need anything, let me know, would be happy to get over to help. Hope all goes well tomorrow, sorry you have to go through this.
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and shoveling a big driveway, today I slipped on some hidden ice and got my first ambulance ride. Thankfully no broken bones or knee ligament damage (amazing) but oddly I blew out my right quad. As in totally. Lot of uneasy in my little brain right now. Surgery is in the a.m. Nobody has a solid theory on the how of all this. Not cool with the snow storm, then -10 to -22 temps forecast for midweek.
Genuinely sorry to hear. Good luck tomorrow. Then rest up, and take no prisoners at PT.
and shoveling a big driveway, today I slipped on some hidden ice and got my first ambulance ride. Thankfully no broken bones or knee ligament damage (amazing) but oddly I blew out my right quad. As in totally. Lot of uneasy in my little brain right now. Surgery is in the a.m. Nobody has a solid theory on the how of all this. Not cool with the snow storm, then -10 to -22 temps forecast for midweek.

The injury doesn’t make you unmanly. I’m assuming you finished shoveling before the ambulance arrived? If so your manliness is maintained.
Good luck with the surgery.
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Mike, I told you your colonoscopy would be behind you quickly.

I share your pain re: our weather. Wed HIGH -15, Wed overnight LOW -26, temps, not wind-chill.

SERIOUSLY, if you or your family need anything, let me know, would be happy to get over to help. Hope all goes well tomorrow, sorry you have to go through this.
Ha, yeah the scope was easy breezy. Thanks for the offer - that means a lot to me. Almost certainly my 5 year old won’t have preschool - I accept the challenge of watching him while on crutches. I think.
and shoveling a big driveway, today I slipped on some hidden ice and got my first ambulance ride. Thankfully no broken bones or knee ligament damage (amazing) but oddly I blew out my right quad. As in totally. Lot of uneasy in my little brain right now. Surgery is in the a.m. Nobody has a solid theory on the how of all this. Not cool with the snow storm, then -10 to -22 temps forecast for midweek.
Tore my left quad pretty seriously in 1975 playing football. Never had any treatment. I can still press my index finger down all the way to my femur on the left side.

Never gives me any trouble. But I am not exactly a workout monster. Carrying my chainsaw from one tree to the next is not exactly leg day.
Best wishes,

I’m now 10 weeks Post-Op from a ruptured quad, it’s a pretty brutal, long recovery and I’m still attempting to gain back more ROM with regular PT
Thanks for the well wishes. I fear this will really hinder my training plans for the big coolestfish/Boulderfish showdown some day ...

Yeah, but it’s good material for the pre showdown “Up Close and Personal” interview with Al Michaels.

Good luck and heal well!
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Ouch, I can't even imagine. I'm in my early 50's and started really lifting for the first time in my life. Sometimes it's difficult to not go all out and try to push that higher weight. But knowing how much longer it takes tendons to strengthen than muscles at this age, I try to keep my increases slow and steady. Takes a lot longer to see gains, but hopefully it's keeping me from this type of injury.

Good luck to you sir. Hope your surgery is successful.
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Ouch, I can't even imagine. I'm in my early 50's and started really lifting for the first time in my life. Sometimes it's difficult to not go all out and try to push that higher weight. But knowing how much longer it takes tendons to strengthen than muscles at this age, I try to keep my increases slow and steady. Takes a lot longer to see gains, but hopefully it's keeping me from this type of injury.

Good luck to you sir. Hope your surgery is successful.

In their book "Easy Strength," Pavel Tsatsouline and Dan John say that an elite athlete has to spend 80% of his/her time on their skill, 10% on strength, 10% on others, and above all - NO INJURIES! At our age/responsibiities, I submit that we also need to follow that 10% strength/NO INJURIES mantra - Easy Strength is better than a lift too many or a weight too high!
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Looks like the operation went well as expected. Six weeks immobilization to keep from flexing knee, then if all looks well at that point rehab, rehab, rehab. Doc says realistic 12 month goal is to be jumping if I so desire — all assuming I don’t have a misstep. I
won’t break doc’s orders intentionally for sure. He said it is likely same situation as Oladipo, with same time line. I just don’t have as many rehab hours to burn of course.

Thanks, guys, for being my crutch here.
Looks like the operation went well as expected. Six weeks immobilization to keep from flexing knee, then if all looks well at that point rehab, rehab, rehab. Doc says realistic 12 month goal is to be jumping if I so desire — all assuming I don’t have a misstep. I
won’t break doc’s orders intentionally for sure. He said it is likely same situation as Oladipo, with same time line. I just don’t have as many rehab hours to burn of course.

Thanks, guys, for being my crutch here.

Mike, glad it went well. Where / who did the surgery? Let me know if you need anything.
Thanks for the well wishes. I fear this will really hinder my training plans for the big coolestfish/Boulderfish showdown some day ...
Damn you! You stole my joke. It was wide open.

But yeah, it’ll take you a while to work up to 4.5 on a flat track
Best wishes,

I’m now 10 weeks Post-Op from a ruptured quad, it’s a pretty brutal, long recovery and I’m still attempting to gain back more ROM with regular PT
Really sorry to hear that js. We can share war stories sometime — maybe at Iowa’s epic 2020 NCAAs ;)
Mike, glad it went well. Where / who did the surgery? Let me know if you need anything.
Rajeev Garapati, North Shore Skokie. I would have liked to shopped around more, but it was nice to knock it out without coming home. But I couldn’t have more confidence in a surgeon after speaking with him pre-op.
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and shoveling a big driveway, today I slipped on some hidden ice and got my first ambulance ride. Thankfully no broken bones or knee ligament damage (amazing) but oddly I blew out my right quad. As in totally. Lot of uneasy in my little brain right now. Surgery is in the a.m. Nobody has a solid theory on the how of all this. Not cool with the snow storm, then -10 to -22 temps forecast for midweek.

Horrible news. Get well soon. In all honesty that is part of the reason I moved to Florida. Can't tell you how many people I know slipped and fell on ice in PA as they got older and broke hips etc... Broken hips seem to be a downfall for so many and never recover. I don't miss shoveling at all. Praying for quick healing for you.
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Thanks for the well wishes. I fear this will really hinder my training plans for the big coolestfish/Boulderfish showdown some day ...
Yeah, but now you have an excuse. You have to look on the bright side.
Here's wishing you a reasonably rapid recovery. I'd wish you a painless recovery, but that isn't happening no matter how many wishes you receive.
Did you rupture the quad or patellar tendon or was this a bad muscle tear? I ruptured my patellar tendon , had it repaired that way and was working out is 12 weeks , aside from PT stuff.
I had to start light but was at full strength in 10 months with no residuals really . ROM was normal in maybe 3 months? Maybe sooner?
Horrible news. Get well soon. In all honesty that is part of the reason I moved to Florida. Can't tell you how many people I know slipped and fell on ice in PA as they got older and broke hips etc... Broken hips seem to be a downfall for so many and never recover. I don't miss shoveling at all. Praying for quick healing for you.

You nailed it about hips. It seems most everyone can recover from most other injuries but hip injuries almost seem like the whisper of death among senior citizens.
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Really sorry to hear that js. We can share war stories sometime — maybe at Iowa’s epic 2020 NCAAs ;)

Yes, screw TNT, but let me know if you’d like to know anything about my experience or what to expect,be happy to help, I’ve also had to care for two youngsters during, so I can empathize With the 5 year old on crutches piece
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