OT: So your Facebook friend posts 24 individual posts over a 4 day vacation.

I kind of understand why people might do this, but it's not my thing, either. When I go away, I want to be in the moment and soak it all up.
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I get you've been married 30 some years and don't get away,but reallly?
Facebooks is for old farts, the youthful prefer instagram, so younger folks tell me. I’ve never been a social media guy. Just don’t find the concept interesting at all. If you’re into it, good on ya
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I agree with one of the posters above in that 24 posts over a 4 day period is pale compared to some people who feel the need to post their every waking moment on whatever social media platform they subscribe to. I swear some people post 24+ times in a single day just doing ordinary crap.

Social media has some good uses, but overall I pretty much hate it. I think it has turned us into a self-absorbed society that makes a lot folks think they are way more important than they really are. And, God forbid, something doesn't go their way, they throw tantrums that a 2-year old would be embarrassed by.

Hence, why I limit my Facebook time to 20 minutes a month and 3-5 posts a year.

End of rant.
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Social media is simply a device by which all of us can be and are surveilled and we approve of it... and let it happen. The company’s who enable this have much greater agendas than just seeing “what we ate for breakfast”! Those who engage have willingly given up their right to privacy just for the sake of collecting likes and followers. Scary stuff and it’s getting scarier all the time. If they manipulated an election, what else have they been doing?
Post_ShockTherapy_MackDaddy said:
Yeah. Lots of people like that here, too.
I've always questioned the intelligence of those who choose to continually let their 2000 "close" friends on Facebook know they are away on vacation. And depending on their privacy settings, I'd bet half of those people are letting the whole world know.
I am extremely technologically proficient, but I refuse to use Facebook. I used it once upon a time and then failed to see the point. It seemed to be used by some to spout off their far right or far left political views (looking for fights, worse than when osu fans post here at bwi) and others to chronicle their ordinary days. My wife uses it enough to be able to capture all of the family and friends invitations which only come out on Facebook anymore, so there’s that issue if you don’t use it.
Facebook is mostly a bunch of crap but every once in a while it is really great. Some people post way too much. I don't need to see another picture of you grandchild. They look the same as they did a day or two ago. But it can be a good way to keep in touch. Sometimes there are friends or relatives who live on the other side of the country or another country and they post something I wouldn't otherwise know about. Maybe they get engaged or something else interesting or funny happens in their lives and I wouldn't know about it if it wasn't for the post.
I don't do Facebook so please bear with me but don't you sign up for this when you choose to be someone's friend? I mean, this person is your friend, right? Or do you receive things from people who you don't know?
I don’t think it’s to excessive. One thing to remember, posting it on Facebook is also a method of storage . They can go back on their timeline and look at their vacation photos .
Attention whores drive me crazy.
Went on a beach vacation a few years ago. One of my kids sent a cellphone picture to a cousin, who showed it to her mother (my sister). And she posted it on Facebook telling the world our family was having a wonderful time at the beach.
She was surprised that I got angry.
I have a sister-in-law who is constantly posting “Send your prayers.” She gets a bunch of “What’s wrong?” replies. Turns out her third cousin’s neighbor has the flu.
At family events, the two of them sit around with their noses in their phones asking each other “Did you see what so-n-so posted?”
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Facebook is mostly a bunch of crap but every once in a while it is really great. Some people post way too much. I don't need to see another picture of you grandchild. They look the same as they did a day or two ago. But it can be a good way to keep in touch. Sometimes there are friends or relatives who live on the other side of the country or another country and they post something I wouldn't otherwise know about. Maybe they get engaged or something else interesting or funny happens in their lives and I wouldn't know about it if it wasn't for the post.
Pretty much where I'm at. One thing, though, I never post vacation pix until I get home. Lots of stories about folks who did that and came home to a cleaned out house. I'll give an example of a useful post (IMHO--YMMV). I posted some pix from out Italy trip this summer. Part of it was pix from my wife's grandparents ancestral village. Lots of relatives from that side got to see a place important to their family history that they would ordinarily never get to go to.
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I’m not on Facebook or Instagram and never have been. But I do wonder where the Penn State message board folks rank amongst all schools in “get off my lawn” posts.
I mute people that annoy me with constant posts about them doing their laundry or get too political.

One thing that annoys me on the Penn State Parents FB group is that people really ask some stupid questions. Like "Does anybody know what the weather is supposed to be like in State College tomorrow?" I want to reply "Do you know the device that you just used to make this post has the ability to find the weather in State College." There is a lot of good information in that group but it does get clogged with people who seem to have an inability to use google.