OT State College Wedding Venues


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Feb 9, 2007
I am getting married next May or June and I am torn between The Atherton Hotel and The Penn Stater for my venue. We are torn due to the prime location of The Atherton Hotel and the ample amount of space at The Penn Stater. Has anyone been to or had their wedding reception at either of these places? If so, can you provide any feedback or Pros and Cons of either place?

Thanks in advance!

We Are!
We were married at St Paul's United Methodist - attended there as students - and held reception at the Nittany Lion may want to check the University calendar/community calendar if you have a bunch of folks coming from out of town... you might not want to get married on a prime weekend when hotel rates are inflated.
IMO, there's no question that the Penn Stater... the better venue.

The Atherton is very nice....but all things (including parking) considered, the Penn Stater is just a better choice. With that said, it's a subjective question. Some may be turned off by the Penn Stater...the atmosphere can be a bit sterile.
My wife and I got married back in August of 2013 and had our wedding reception at the Penn Stater. However, our wedding was rather small and planned on short notice as we had found out only in Spring of that year that we had a baby on the way. So, we kept our wedding plans pretty simple and did not have a full blown reception but, nevertheless, I thought the folks there did a great job. They were all extremely responsive, professional and courteous. Everyone I spoke with afterwards spoke very highly of the food and, obviously, parking there is not an issue. Personally, I find the hotel there much nicer than the Atherton but, as you know, you certainly can't beat the Atherton's location. As far as costs go, it isn't exactly cheap there, but I definitely did not feel as though I got ripped off either. I actually feel as though I got more than what I paid for. If you are going to have a really big reception, and you end up having it at the Atherton, I'd certainly want to put a lot of thought into the parking logistics if I were you, especially if you anticipate having in attendance a decent amount of elderly folks or other individuals that may have mobility limitations. As someone with a physical disability myself, I prefer the accessibility of the Penn Stater over the Atherton both with parking and room accommodations...Either way, you probably can't go wrong at either place and you know you're going to have a great time in State College. Good luck with the wedding!
This post was edited on 4/6 5:01 PM by toobadface
I know you're talking more for the reception, but the view at the Arboretum for a wedding is fantastic. They have a structure that I can only assume is meant for that use- it overlooks the mountains to the back of the facility (see below- this is looking through that structure in that direction). I'd do the Penn Stater if you had the ceremony at the Arboretum, it's a straight shot down Park Ave.
Originally posted by ptomaselli:
Don't you need a lot of notice for the arboretum? I hear its booked.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
No clue, but the guy is talking over a year out, that might be long enough?
Honestly, I would go with the Penn Stater just on parking alone. They have so much space available and the catering is actually really nice there. A friend got married there a few years ago and it was a really nice ceremony and a great reception area. As nice as the Atherton Hotel is, I think the Penn Stater is probably a better choice for guests attending the wedding.
I was married at the arboretum and our reception was at the Penn Stater. Everyone was handled really well and they kept everything simple for us. Unless you have a lot of guests that want easy access for walking around campus I don't see any real advantage the Nittany Lion in would have. Our decision came down to those two as well, though.
I have heard that there is a new venue being considered by some

folks, and it is Lubert's basement, which is apparently quite spacious.
Thanks to everyone who already responded! We are set for the wedding ceremony. We are just looking to see if anyone had an exceptionally good or bad time at the Atherton or Penn Stater for their reception. Keep the comments coming!

Thanks Again!

We Are!!
Have this one at the Atherton

and your next one at the Penn Stater.

You're welcome.