OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

I going to Italy also. Flight leaves on Monday morning back to USA so have would to get a covid test on Sunday (as 24 hour not even 48 hours) which I cannot as will be in a small coast town where the pharmacy is closed on Sundays and don't get back into Rome until 10PM at night. So have to do the airport Covid testing on Monday morning before flight which scares me as now I have to get to the airport another 1.5 hour earlier than I was planning just to make sure that if there is a line i don't miss a flight, plus what happens if the test comes back positive, then I am royally screwed.
Amalfi Coast. She loved it! Plus Rome and Capri.
I going to Italy also. Flight leaves on Monday morning back to USA so have would to get a covid test on Sunday (as 24 hour not even 48 hours) which I cannot as will be in a small coast town where the pharmacy is closed on Sundays and don't get back into Rome until 10PM at night. So have to do the airport Covid testing on Monday morning before flight which scares me as now I have to get to the airport another 1.5 hour earlier than I was planning just to make sure that if there is a line i don't miss a flight, plus what happens if the test comes back positive, then I am royally screwed.

Fly to Mexico and come across the border in Texas. Gov Abbott is supplying free transportation to DC.
So I am going to Europe next week. I can get into Europe with proof of vaccination (have to be boosted) and do NOT need a negative covid test if you have the vaccine card.

BUT, BUT, a US citizen I have to have a negative covid test within 24 hours of departure to get back into the USA. How stupid and crazy is that. As a US citizen, I cannot get back to the USA from Europe with a full vaccination. Just so stupid.
Tell them you are an "undocumented immigrant." No testing necessary.
So I am going to Europe next week. I can get into Europe with proof of vaccination (have to be boosted) and do NOT need a negative covid test if you have the vaccine card.

BUT, BUT, a US citizen I have to have a negative covid test within 24 hours of departure to get back into the USA. How stupid and crazy is that. As a US citizen, I cannot get back to the USA from Europe with a full vaccination. Just so stupid.
Talked to a guy this week whose friend had Covid and couldn’t board flight from Mexico. Not sure all the transportation modes used, but the last part of the trip was an Uber to Juarez where he walked across the border. No verification needed.
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Up at PSU this weekend for admissions day for my daughter. Definitely saw a lot of masks. Shocked how many of the employees had them on and I know it was not mandatory and some of them didn't have them on. Also shocked how many college kids saw walking outside around with them. Not like it was 20% or anything, but at this point in time, seeing anybody walking outside with them just is shocking to me. I would say of the kids and parents at attendance, maybe about 3 families I saw with them on of about the 30 that were in the larger room we went in for a presentation. Still think it is crazy when the kid has one on and the parents do not, saw that once or twice.
Up at PSU this weekend for admissions day for my daughter. Definitely saw a lot of masks. Shocked how many of the employees had them on and I know it was not mandatory and some of them didn't have them on. Also shocked how many college kids saw walking outside around with them. Not like it was 20% or anything, but at this point in time, seeing anybody walking outside with them just is shocking to me. I would say of the kids and parents at attendance, maybe about 3 families I saw with them on of about the 30 that were in the larger room we went in for a presentation. Still think it is crazy when the kid has one on and the parents do not, saw that once or twice.
The kids you see wearing a mask when the parents are not are “rebelling” and having “independence”

Earning their first paycheck? Not so much
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Up at PSU this weekend for admissions day for my daughter. Definitely saw a lot of masks. Shocked how many of the employees had them on and I know it was not mandatory and some of them didn't have them on. Also shocked how many college kids saw walking outside around with them. Not like it was 20% or anything, but at this point in time, seeing anybody walking outside with them just is shocking to me. I would say of the kids and parents at attendance, maybe about 3 families I saw with them on of about the 30 that were in the larger room we went in for a presentation. Still think it is crazy when the kid has one on and the parents do not, saw that once or twice.
virtue signaling

BTW Susquehanna finally removed mask rules for class and testing for anyone. So for first time in 2 years my son can see a professors face. And he can sleep in on Tues and Thurs instead of testing!
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Hmmmmm sounds like something most people have been saying for 2 years!

Dr. Fauci on
: #covid19 “is not going to be eradicated and it's not going to be eliminated…. each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take in going to indoor dinners [and] functions…”
Hmmmmm sounds like something most people have been saying for 2 years!

Dr. Fauci on
: #covid19 “is not going to be eradicated and it's not going to be eliminated…. each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take in going to indoor dinners [and] functions…”
With that, I am submitting my resume to the CDC as I believe there will be several vacancies soon.
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Hmmmmm sounds like something most people have been saying for 2 years!

Dr. Fauci on
: #covid19 “is not going to be eradicated and it's not going to be eliminated…. each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take in going to indoor dinners [and] functions…”
which is what literally should have been the case since after Memorial day last year when at that point cases were ultra low, anybody how wanted a vaccine above 16 had one, etc....talking points changing purely due to politics and not science. And to make it worse, those that did espouse this scientific opinion were censored as crazy. I think ultimately that is one of the worst things to come out of Covid was the fact that we cannot trust our own government to tell us the truth and secondly that big tech and media will censor things that appear to be common sense and true. Very bad things.
which is what literally should have been the case since after Memorial day last year when at that point cases were ultra low, anybody how wanted a vaccine above 16 had one, etc....talking points changing purely due to politics and not science. And to make it worse, those that did espouse this scientific opinion were censored as crazy. I think ultimately that is one of the worst things to come out of Covid was the fact that we cannot trust our own government to tell us the truth and secondly that big tech and media will censor things that appear to be common sense and true. Very bad things.
totally agree. without getting political, I an run through at least five items that the media ran with even though they knew they were complete fabrications. I guess I am not sure who I trusted five years ago but there isn't an institution I trust today. Not a single one. At least, with businesses, I have a choice. With the govt (including the FED and the CDC) and the media, I don't have a single ally. I post this often on the test board, "We are on our own."
which is what literally should have been the case since after Memorial day last year when at that point cases were ultra low, anybody how wanted a vaccine above 16 had one, etc....talking points changing purely due to politics and not science. And to make it worse, those that did espouse this scientific opinion were censored as crazy. I think ultimately that is one of the worst things to come out of Covid was the fact that we cannot trust our own government to tell us the truth and secondly that big tech and media will censor things that appear to be common sense and true. Very bad things.
I'd go back to Memorial Day 2020 by then we knew who was dying and should have let everyone else decide for themselves. Had we all been out living that summer the winter may not have been as bad
which is what literally should have been the case since after Memorial day last year when at that point cases were ultra low, anybody how wanted a vaccine above 16 had one, etc....talking points changing purely due to politics and not science. And to make it worse, those that did espouse this scientific opinion were censored as crazy. I think ultimately that is one of the worst things to come out of Covid was the fact that we cannot trust our own government to tell us the truth and secondly that big tech and media will censor things that appear to be common sense and true. Very bad things.
I think that is the BEST thing to come out of the Wuhan pandemic. Our government has been corrupt and arrogant for decades. And the news media being in bed with progressives isn’t news. They have been aligned together working to mold the country to their ideals and damned what the people think about it.

Its about time the people became aware of the enemies within. Actually, it may be too late to save the country from the damage done. But at least now, they have finally been exposed.
I think that is the BEST thing to come out of the Wuhan pandemic. Our government has been corrupt and arrogant for decades. And the news media being in bed with progressives isn’t news. They have been aligned together working to mold the country to their ideals and damned what the people think about it.

Its about time the people became aware of the enemies within. Actually, it may be too late to save the country from the damage done. But at least now, they have finally been exposed.

Let it all collapse. The entire stinking, fetid mess.
I think that is the BEST thing to come out of the Wuhan pandemic. Our government has been corrupt and arrogant for decades. And the news media being in bed with progressives isn’t news. They have been aligned together working to mold the country to their ideals and damned what the people think about it.

Its about time the people became aware of the enemies within. Actually, it may be too late to save the country from the damage done. But at least now, they have finally been exposed.
Great post. But it does assume it is a correctable problem. I am not sure it is. As a person that was truly blue, I am not sure I'd answer the call to fight in the military if called. I don't see the point. After being called every name in the book, the recent message is that we need to "defend democracy and our values" in Ukrain. Why would I shed blood to defend a corrupt government, media, and big tech even when hundreds of thousands of people are needlessly lying?

It horrifies me to post this, but that is where I am.
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Great post. But it does assume it is a correctable problem. I am not sure it is. As a person that was truly blue, I am not sure I'd answer the call to fight in the military if called. I don't see the point. After being called every name in the book, the recent message is that we need to "defend democracy and our values" in Ukrain. Why would I shed blood to defend a corrupt government, media, and big tech even when hundreds of thousands of people are needlessly lying?

It horrifies me to post this, but that is where I am.
I assumed nothing. Even stated ‘it may be too late’. Been telling people for over ten years the country’s on the path to full collapse. Pegged it around 2030-2035. People used to laugh and tell me I was crazy. Now they say we won’t make it that long.

But they still say I am crazy.....🤪🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏽
I assumed nothing. Even stated ‘it may be too late’. Been telling people for over ten years the country’s on the path to full collapse. Pegged it around 2030-2035. People used to laugh and tell me I was crazy. Now they say we won’t make it that long.

But they still say I am crazy.....🤪🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏽
the media is hastening the timing. So much censorship and burying of stories that later turn out to be 100% true. If somebody would have told most Americans a decade ago that there would be full on censorship of true stories by all major media outlets that would have been though of as crazy and yet now it literally happens all the time.
the media is hastening the timing. So much censorship and burying of stories that later turn out to be 100% true. If somebody would have told most Americans a decade ago that there would be full on censorship of true stories by all major media outlets that would have been though of as crazy and yet now it literally happens all the time.
Sadly, not limited to COVID. That censorship still continues to this day.
Great post. But it does assume it is a correctable problem. I am not sure it is. As a person that was truly blue, I am not sure I'd answer the call to fight in the military if called. I don't see the point. After being called every name in the book, the recent message is that we need to "defend democracy and our values" in Ukrain. Why would I shed blood to defend a corrupt government, media, and big tech even when hundreds of thousands of people are needlessly lying?

It horrifies me to post this, but that is where I am.

I'm sure some can think of American democrat values to defend, but I can't. We've become a Potemkin village with all the trappings of America still visible but behind the facade is movie set, hollow and without vibrancy.
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I'm sure some can think of American democrat values to defend, but I can't. We've become a Potemkin village with all the trappings of America still visible but behind the facade is movie set, hollow and without vibrancy.
That is only because the GOP has little power. If the GOP gains power, they'll do the same crap in reverse. Trust me, they are corrupt as any other party. Right now, the best thing we have is govt stalemate based on the two parties not being able to get any legislation done. At this point, we are in a position where NOTHING getting done is better than anything championed by dumb and dumber (more like corrupt and corrupter)
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I'm sure some can think of American democrat values to defend, but I can't. We've become a Potemkin village with all the trappings of America still visible but behind the facade is movie set, hollow and without vibrancy.
In the history of the world, most countries and even empires have not lasted as long as the USA has, save for England and the British Empire. Therefore, time already is against the USA existing as it currently is constituted for much longer. I really believe that in another 100 years, the USA is going to be made up of several large geographical states with their own governments, etc., and the only common entity may be the military.
In the history of the world, most countries and even empires have not lasted as long as the USA has, save for England and the British Empire. Therefore, time already is against the USA existing as it currently is constituted for much longer. I really believe that in another 100 years, the USA is going to be made up of several large geographical states with their own governments, etc., and the only common entity may be the military.
In 20 years we will be a global community. One world tied together with a unified technology and, coming, currency. The USA has already lost the battle to defend our borders. A nation without borders, without citizens, is not a nation. The future will be aligned behind where you get your food, shelter, and creature comforts. That will be your "nation". Nations will be virtual with no physical location or border.
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Did you know that hospitals can give you the COVID vaccine while you are out due to other sedatives?

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Locked down in China 🇨🇳 with no more food.
there was a video on LinkedIn of an area in between several high-rise apartment buildings where residents were going on their balcony and just primal screaming. It was like a horror movie. I didn't post it because who knows how accurate twitter is but it was freaky.
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there was a video on LinkedIn of an area in between several high-rise apartment buildings where residents were going on their balcony and just primal screaming. It was like a horror movie. I didn't post it because who knows how accurate twitter is but it was freaky.
There’s a video of that one on the test board too. Also, a video of people jumping off their balconies because they are starving and can’t get food. 😟
Boosters really don't do much unless you at least get a different vaccine than the original as then at least you have some variety in the potential anti-bodies that you are developing (I had a Pfizer original vaccine and went Moderna on the booster). But I cannot see how taking the same exactly vaccine over and over is going to get much after two shots. It appears to me that you get a 4-6 week 'boost' as your body sees the spike protein and elevates it's defenses which is what you get for that period. Then the body fights it off and you are back to where you started with no additional protection as you already had the anti-body's in your system before the vaccine booster. I think the 4th booster shot really is about worthless and unless I was in the ultra high risk category don't see a reason to get it and the medical science is also showing that.
Lancet again.
Holy crap.
194, 472 users?

For the analysis of vaccine effectiveness of two doses, we included 620 793 UK app users who reported being fully vaccinated and subsequently tested for SARS-CoV-2 with an RT-PCR-based test or a lateral flow test between May 23 (once the SARS-CoV-2 delta [B.1.617.2] variant became predominant) and Nov 23, 2021, and 40 345 unvaccinated users who had a PCR or lateral flow test result in the same period (appendix p 6). 204 731 (33·0%) individuals received two doses of BNT162b2, 405 239 (65·3%) received two doses of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and 10 823 (1·7%) received two doses of mRNA-1273 (demographic characteristics are shown in the table). The study sample was predominantly female (409 065 [61·9%] of 661 138) and 137 939 (20·1%) were obese (mean BMI 26·61 kg/m2, SD 5·33). On average, fully vaccinated individuals completed their second dose 3·84 months (IQR 3–5) before the analysis.
TableDescriptive characteristics of the study population, by type of vaccine used in the primary immunisation series
BNT162b2 (n=204 731)ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (n=405 239)mRNA-1273 (n=10 823)Unvaccinated (n=40 345)
Female134 032 (65·5%)242 829 (59·9%)6235 (57·6%)25 969 (64·4%)
Male70 699 (34·5%)162 410 (40·1%)4588 (42·4%)14 376 (35·6%)
Age, years50·0 (13·9);52 (38–62)54·8 (9·9);56 (48–63)39·1 (8·3);39 (33–46)37·7 (13·2);34 (27–47)
BMI, kg/m226·6 (5·6)26·8 (5·3)25·2 (4·6)25·4 (5·3)
Health-care workers27 110 (13·2%)9522 (2·3%)84 (0·7%)1794 (4·4%)
Comorbidities41 136 (20·1%)66 471 (16·4%)755 (7·0%)3958 (9·8%)
Infection post-vaccination16 037 (7·8%)45 384 (11·2%)751 (6·9%)6726 (16·7%)
PCR confirmed11 491 (71·7%)32 082 (70·7%)525 (69·9%)4868 (72·4%)
LFT confirmed4546 (28·3%)13 302 (29·3%)226 (30·1%)1858 (27·6%)
Infections with symptom assessment15 320 (7·5%)43 706 (10·8%)739 (6·8%)4962 (12·3%)
Symptomatic infections post-vaccination13 682 (6·7%)40 354 (10·0%)646 (6·0%)4575 (11·3%)
Booster98 008 (47·9%)
120 525 (29·7%)
Data are n, n (%), mean (SD), or mean (SD); median (IQR). BMI=body-mass index. LFT=lateral flow test.
* Infections during the study period.
† Data indicate that of 204 731 individuals who received two doses of BNT162b2 in the primary immunisation series, 98 008 received a booster dose, including 91 692 who received BNT162b2 and 6316 who received mRNA-1273.
‡ Data indicate that of 405 239 individuals who received two doses of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 in the primary immunisation series, 120 525 received a booster dose, including 102 780 who received BNT162b2 and 17 745 who received mRNA-1273.
We investigated changes in infection rates after completing the second dose. After the second dose, 62 172 (10·0%) of 620 793 vaccinated individuals and 6726 (16·7%) of 40 345 unvaccinated controls tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Data were available for up to 8 months after the second dose for BNT162b2, for up to 6 months for ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and for up to 5 months for mRNA-1273. In line with our previous reports,
we observed that 1 month after the second dose, infection risk in the vaccinated group was significantly lower than in the unvaccinated population (vaccine effectiveness of 91·6%, 95% CI 90·7–92·4, for BNT162b2; 83·1%, 82·2–84·0, for ChAdOx1 nCoV-19; and 94·1%, 92·3–95·5, for mRNA-1273), after adjusting for confounders using Poisson regressions
(figure 1, appendix pp 7–8). As depicted in figure 1A, vaccine effectiveness gradually started waning after the second shot. BNT162b2 effectiveness was 82·1% (81·3–82·9) at 5 months, 81·6% (80·8–82·4) at 6 months, and 75·7% (73·4–77·7) at 8 months; ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 effectiveness was 75·7% (74·9–76·4) at 5 months and 75·2% (74·3–76·1) at 6 months; and mRNA-1273 effectiveness was 84·3% (81·2–86·9) at 5 months (appendix pp 7–8).
Figure thumbnail gr1

Figure 1Primary immunisation series effectiveness against infection over time, overall (A) and by age (B) and presence of comorbidities (C)
Show full caption
For each vaccine, we observed a larger waning of effectiveness in individuals aged 55 years or older than in those younger than 55 years, with similar trends observed over time (figure 1B). For this analysis, we included 300 944 participants who were doubly vaccinated and younger than 55 years, of whom 41 137 (13·7%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, and 319 849 aged 55 years or older, of whom 21 035 (6·6%) tested positive. The control group consisted of unvaccinated participants: 34 355 younger than 55 years, of whom 5992 (17·4%) tested positive, and 5990 aged 55 years or older, of whom 734 (12·3%) tested positive.
At 5 months, BNT162b2 vaccine effectiveness was 76·3% (74·0–78·5) in those aged 55 years or older compared with 83·0% (82·0–83·8) in those younger than 55 years; at the same timepoint, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 effectiveness was 67·8% (65·1–70·2) in those aged 55 years or older compared with 76·7% (75·9–77·6) in those younger than 55 years.
We found that individuals with comorbidities who received the BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine had lower vaccine effectiveness than individuals without comorbidities (eg, 77·5%, 74·9–79·9, vs 82·8%, 81·9–83·6, at 5 months with BNT162b2; and 70·8%, 68·0–73·5, vs 76·1%, 75·3–76·9, at 5 months with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19; figure 1C). For this analysis, 512 431 participants without comorbidities who were doubly vaccinated (52 058 [10·2%] tested positive) were compared with 36 387 unvaccinated individuals with no comorbidities (6106 [16·8%] tested positive); and 108 362 individuals with at least one comorbidity who were doubly vaccinated (10 114 [9·3%] tested positive) were compared with 3958 unvaccinated individuals with at least one comorbidity (620 [15·7%] tested positive). Because the mRNA-1273 vaccine was offered to younger individuals without comorbidities, we could not do analyses stratified by age or comorbidities.
We did sensitivity analyses in participants who test frequently (ie, health-care workers), those who were previously infected, and those with symptomatic infection; we found that vaccine effectiveness at 5 months was not substantially different in any of these subgroups compared with the main analysis (appendix p 9). To assess whether loss to follow-up was a source of bias, we compared the characteristics at baseline of individuals who stayed enrolled in the study and reported testing results several months post-vaccination with those of individuals who were lost to follow-up; we found that these groups were broadly similar (table; appendix p 10).
Vaccine effectiveness against severe infection and hospitalisation remained high 5–6 months after completion of the primary vaccination series (effectiveness against severe infection of 78·8%, 95% CI 77·1–80·3, and against hospitalisation of 84·1%, 81·0–86·7; appendix p 11). Moreover, vaccine effectiveness was higher among individuals younger than 55 years (effectiveness against severe infection of 79·2%, 77·4–80·8, and against hospitalisation of 84·3%, 80·7–87·2) than among individuals aged 55 years and older (effectiveness against severe infection of 66·5%, 57·5–73·5, and against hospitalisation of 80·4%, 70·7–86·9; appendix p 12). As the mRNA-1273 vaccine was offered to the younger age group with less severe infection outcomes, we could not do an analysis of effectiveness against severe illness or hospitalisation separately for this vaccine. For BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, vaccine effectiveness estimates were greater in younger than in older individuals (appendix p 12).
During the study period, 194 472 app users registered receiving booster shots with BNT162b2 and 24 061 with mRNA-1273. We assessed the effectiveness of homologous and heterologous booster doses in 135 932 participants aged 55 years or older who received a booster dose (2123 [1·6%] subsequently infected). For individuals who received a booster, we saw significant increases in effectiveness against infection in 0–3 months post-booster compared with the same time period after the second dose in 33 466 individuals aged 55 years or older doubly vaccinated without a booster (824 [2·5%] subsequently infected; appendix p 13). This translated to a vaccine effectiveness versus unvaccinated individuals aged 55 years or older of 95·3% (92·3–97·1) for homologous BNT162b2 schedules (n=63 632), 91·0% (89·2–92·5) for those receiving a BNT162b2 booster after two primary ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 doses (n=63 922), 88·8% (84·4–92·0) for those receiving an mRNA-1273 booster after two primary ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 doses (n=6000), and 92·5% (86·0–96·0) for those receiving an mRNA-1273 booster after two primary doses of BNT162b2 (n=2378; figure 2, appendix p 13).
Ill give a quite summery over 55 with comorbidities did the worse. Those under 55 without comorbidities didnt need a shot
Appears the good thing with Omicron (as many virologists suggested would happen with the virus mutating to more contagious form but less virulent, appears Delta was the acception hopefully) is that the virulence is down to the point where for generally healthy people Omicron is nothing. Omicron really only affecting the very, very old and people with a lot of co-morbidities.

Still not seeing any Omicron BA.2 spike in the USA (knock on wood) as the daily positive rate is pretty constant at about 30K per day for a few weeks now and the hospital admission and hospitalizations are still on the very slightly downward trend. Fatality rate also continuing to move down some. So I know that the Omicron BA2 variant was becoming the dominant strain here in the USA and you would think would start to cause a spike in some numbers if it was going to spread fast which we have not seen. I think the amount of natural immunity USA has combine with general vaccine immunity is keeping it at bay.
Appears the good thing with Omicron (as many virologists suggested would happen with the virus mutating to more contagious form but less virulent, appears Delta was the acception hopefully) is that the virulence is down to the point where for generally healthy people Omicron is nothing. Omicron really only affecting the very, very old and people with a lot of co-morbidities.

Still not seeing any Omicron BA.2 spike in the USA (knock on wood) as the daily positive rate is pretty constant at about 30K per day for a few weeks now and the hospital admission and hospitalizations are still on the very slightly downward trend. Fatality rate also continuing to move down some. So I know that the Omicron BA2 variant was becoming the dominant strain here in the USA and you would think would start to cause a spike in some numbers if it was going to spread fast which we have not seen. I think the amount of natural immunity USA has combine with general vaccine immunity is keeping it at bay.
Clearly you weren't following Dr Fauci over the weekend...he's restarting his doom and gloom tour! LOL
You'd think one of the most vaccinated cities in the state would never needs masks again. At this rate they will institute them every winter forever since the Flu even in a mild year is worse the the IMACOLD variant part duex
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