OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

If you are a student of history, you will realize that there are many parallels between the decline and collapse of the Roman Empire and the current state of the USA. Just like the end of the Roman Empire, the USA has become an unmotivated, complacent, hedonistic, perverse and effeminate society. And, just like the end of the Roman Empire, unless we wake up real fast, the USA is going to have its head handed to it by more serious countries (i.e., China) that don’t care about catering to every special interest and minority group, and I’m not talking about racial minorities. My guess is that the USA as we now know it won’t exist in another 50 to 100 years.
IMO, if they are successful with their CBDC, it's game over.
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IMO, if they are successful with their CBDC, it's game over.
China will have taken over most of the world, mainly through economics, while the dolts in this country will be fighting to have biological males compete against biological females in sports, subjecting drag queens to our youth, changing boys into girls and vice versa, etc. China and a few other countries are too ruthless to put up with the garbage that now is going on in this country, and they know that they now have a huge opportunity to fill the void that is being created by how pathetic the USA has become thanks to our horrible politicians and social mores.
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What happened to Australia? They used to be such a cool country that was on many peoples bucket list to visit. They were known for great beaches, chill people, crocodile Dundee, and throwing a shrimp on the barbe. How did things go so wrong in that country?
they had the oppty to grab power and did. Now they don't want to give it back to the people.
The death rate for Covid in the US is 3 times the rate in Canada, 4 times the rate in Australia, and 6 times the rate in New Zealand. That is outrageous.
It would be interesting to see that data only for the last 24 months. Between the old age home disaster and the US being fat I think our first 18 months put us way behind the 8 ball.
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China will have taken over most of the world, mainly through economics, while the dolts in this country will be fighting to have biological males compete against biological females in sports, subjecting drag queens to our youth, changing boys into girls and vice versa, etc. China and a few other countries are too ruthless to put up with the garbage that now is going on in this country, and they know that they now have a huge opportunity to fill the void that is being created by how pathetic the USA has become thanks to our horrible politicians and social mores.
Agree my friend. The democratic party is dead and is now a Marxist, revolutionary party that will do absolutely anything to gain power.
They also know that Trump can't win a national election and so they are going to keep him front and center of the Republican party.
It would be interesting to see that data only for the last 24 months. Between the old age home disaster and the US being fat I think our first 18 months put us way behind the 8 ball.
Also, even if those numbers are true, I say so what. Do you really want to live under the totalitarian restrictions that countries like Australia and New Zealand and even Canada imposed on their citizens to combat a virus that didn't negatively affect the vast majority of people? IMO, those countries lost their soul in what they did to their citizens, and really in the end for what? Life is full of risks. One of my nephew's hockey teammates was killed in a car accident two weeks ago; driving a car is a risk. We must accept some risk in order to live a life worth living.

I also believe that studies will show that many of the deaths that were attributed to this virus were of people who died with the virus rather than from the virus. In the end, I want to know how many people actually were killed directly by the virus and would have survived if they had not contracted it. My guess is that if somehow that number ever is computed, which I don't believe that it ever will, it will show that the number of deaths attributed to the virus was exaggerated grossly.
The death rate for Covid in the US is 3 times the rate in Canada, 4 times the rate in Australia, and 6 times the rate in New Zealand. That is outrageous.
I wonder if $4 Trillion has anything to do with these numbers? Rewarding the medical community AND the surviving family for listing/accepting covid as the cause is just plane stupid.

Here's a recent example. My wife's cousin had a massive stroke in January. He was taken to the hospital and they put him on full life support. He had no brain waves that could be monitored, and for some reason said they had to wait a period of time before turning the equipment off (I think it was about 4 - 5 days but not sure). Well, the day before life support would stop the hospital said he had covid. This guy was on full life support which includes a ventilator, so there was almost no opportunity for him to be exposed. The next day we all went to hospital to say a prayer and had a priest administer Last Rights before the equipment was turned off. Yes, his death certificate had Covid as the cause of death. The guys daughter went crazy on the hospital staff for lying about her fathers death, but they refused to change the certificate.
I wonder if $4 Trillion has anything to do with these numbers? Rewarding the medical community AND the surviving family for listing/accepting covid as the cause is just plane stupid.

Here's a recent example. My wife's cousin had a massive stroke in January. He was taken to the hospital and they put him on full life support. He had no brain waves that could be monitored, and for some reason said they had to wait a period of time before turning the equipment off (I think it was about 4 - 5 days but not sure). Well, the day before life support would stop the hospital said he had covid. This guy was on full life support which includes a ventilator, so there was almost no opportunity for him to be exposed. The next day we all went to hospital to say a prayer and had a priest administer Last Rights before the equipment was turned off. Yes, his death certificate had Covid as the cause of death. The guys daughter went crazy on the hospital staff for lying about her fathers death, but they refused to change the certificate.
I am totally UNSURPRISED that something like that happened. The vast majority of everything associated with this matter was based on a fraud.
Stanford sent out a notice that while they are highly recommending COVID shots and boosters, it will no longer be required. Yesterday. 2023. Over the years since the shutdown.
So I go to an appointment yesterday with a health care provider and they have changed to no masks anywhere except in the actual patient room with the doctor. I'm headed there with the nurse ahead of time and she brings this up as we walk down the hallway so that I put my mask on in the room and she is complaining that she knows it is a nuisance.

So she shuts the door and I tell her that it isn't the inconvenience that bothers me, it is the complete lack of science. I point out the several centimeter width opening all around the door as it is closed which is about 100,000 times larger than covid's diameter (didn't get into aerosol propagation but I think she understood) and that the room is not separately ventilated and the nurses and doctors walk the hallways where patients aren't required to mask. She agreed but said they are just following the CDC. I told her this and other anti-science recommendations are why the public no longer trusts the CDC.
I've said for a long time that corruption was the #1 problem facing the US. My understanding of the fall of Rome was that it had a lot to do with corruption. You have pols selling out their own people, on levels local to national, for the dollar bill. There's no digging out of it at this point. Even if there are a few rare people in government who aren't as crooked as a dog's back leg, nobody trusts them anyway. Hope the boat and the 4th home was worth it.
The Orange Guy pretty much said this last night with Tucker. However, because Orange Man said it, nobody will listen.
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The Orange Guy pretty much said this last night with Tucker. However, because Orange Man said it, nobody will listen.
I turn 56 this August, and must say that I both am happy that I probably won't be around when this country completely implodes and am very sorry for the youth of today who are going to grow up in the mess in which this country has and will become.

Growing up in Pittsburgh in the 1970s and 1980s, I know that a lot of things weren't great back then, especially economically. However, this country, even after the Vietnam War malaise and scandals like Watergate, had a sense of being special, and a certain leader who came into office in 1981 did begin a brief revival and restored pride and the can-do attitude. However, that has disappeared totally now. In fact, this country, especially at the federal level, is being run like a Central American Banana Republic and has become unbelievably corrupt and morally bankrupt. Other than that, everything is going really well.
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In fact, this country, especially at the federal level, is being run like a Central American Banana Republic and has become unbelievably corrupt and morally bankrupt. Other than, everything is going really well.
Some people just want to watch the world burn. Sadly they all ganged up on the rest of us at the same time.
I turn 56 this August, and must say that I both am happy that I probably won't be around when this country completely implodes and am very sorry for the youth of today who are going to grow up in the mess in which this country has and will become.

Growing up in Pittsburgh in the 1970s and 1980s, I know that a lot of things weren't great back then, especially economically. However, this country, even after the Vietnam War malaise and scandals like Watergate, had a sense of being special, and a certain leader who came into office in 1981 did begin a brief revival and restored pride and the can-do attitude. However, that has disappeared totally now. In fact, this country, especially at the federal level, is being run like a Central American Banana Republic and has become unbelievably corrupt and morally bankrupt. Other than that, everything is going really well.
The Gipper is needed…stat!
Man I wish all those people who told me I was wrong in August of 2021 were still around. The US has lied about their data from day 1. Thank God the UK published their data even though their conclusions were wrong. That data never lied there!

Man I wish all those people who told me I was wrong in August of 2021 were still around. The US has lied about their data from day 1. Thank God the UK published their data even though their conclusions were wrong. That data never lied there!

i don't think that article tells us anything. it uses that 20% of hospitalized people were vaccinated in july 2021. what percent of people in the age group of people hospitalized were vaccinated. that is the data that is apropos and not shown. so when i read articles like this, that also reference that more people vaccinated end up in a hospital by a raw number and are not looking at percentages again they are trying to push an agenda.

my personal opinion is that vaccine DID greatly help those who were at risk for covid at the time. so if you were over 65 or had co-morbidities the vaccine helped greatly. for everybody else who was reasonably healthy, it didn't do much. I also cannot prove that point as the data was never provided to be able to make that conclusion which in and of itself tells you the government was hiding it as anybody science person knows that is the data that is most important.

the fact that the government and CDC still does not recognize natural immunity at this point is more damning than about anything in my mind.
i don't think that article tells us anything. it uses that 20% of hospitalized people were vaccinated in july 2021. what percent of people in the age group of people hospitalized were vaccinated. that is the data that is apropos and not shown. so when i read articles like this, that also reference that more people vaccinated end up in a hospital by a raw number and are not looking at percentages again they are trying to push an agenda.

my personal opinion is that vaccine DID greatly help those who were at risk for covid at the time. so if you were over 65 or had co-morbidities the vaccine helped greatly. for everybody else who was reasonably healthy, it didn't do much. I also cannot prove that point as the data was never provided to be able to make that conclusion which in and of itself tells you the government was hiding it as anybody science person knows that is the data that is most important.

the fact that the government and CDC still does not recognize natural immunity at this point is more damning than about anything in my mind.
Except the UK numbers proved that by June of 2021 the vaccine was doing nothing.
Boom! And there it is

So they lied to and misled Americans, kept the data from us, forced draconian anti-science policies on us that ruined some careers (like unvaxxed who were fired or discharged from military and government service), harmed children and set back their educations, and we are supposed to respond by giving them more tax dollars?

These clowns need to be criminally prosecuted for their crimes against millions and they think that they deserve more money.
So they lied to and misled Americans, kept the data from us, forced draconian anti-science policies on us that ruined some careers (like unvaxxed who were fired or discharged from military and government service), harmed children and set back their educations, and we are supposed to respond by giving them more tax dollars?

These clowns need to be criminally prosecuted for their crimes against millions and they think that they deserve more money.
Yeah I laughed at that too. Any money going to fund these agencies goes for yachts and 4th homes.

Senate COVID origins report details lab leak theory

The coronavirus pandemic appeared to originate from a laboratory accident, based on biosafety issues in the epicenter in Wuhan, China, and factors observed in the nature and early spread of the virus, according to a 302-page Senate report obtained by Axios.

What they found: "The preponderance of information affirms the plausibility of a research-related incident that was likely unintentional resulting from failures of biosafety containment during vaccine-related research," the extended report concludes.

  • The report describes this evidence as "circumstantial." Both leading theories are missing key supporting evidence, which may never become available or would likely be obtained through intelligence gathering.
  • Burr, in a statement, said the report is "credible and worthy of inclusion in the international effort to determine how the pandemic started so that steps can be taken to prevent, or mitigate against, future pandemics."
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Senate COVID origins report details lab leak theory

The coronavirus pandemic appeared to originate from a laboratory accident, based on biosafety issues in the epicenter in Wuhan, China, and factors observed in the nature and early spread of the virus, according to a 302-page Senate report obtained by Axios.

What they found: "The preponderance of information affirms the plausibility of a research-related incident that was likely unintentional resulting from failures of biosafety containment during vaccine-related research," the extended report concludes.

  • The report describes this evidence as "circumstantial." Both leading theories are missing key supporting evidence, which may never become available or would likely be obtained through intelligence gathering.
  • Burr, in a statement, said the report is "credible and worthy of inclusion in the international effort to determine how the pandemic started so that steps can be taken to prevent, or mitigate against, future pandemics."
I don't believe it. China told us it was NOT a lab leak therefore we must believe them. I am pretty sure that is what I was told. So until China admits it could be a lab leak, then it came from an undercooked bat sandwich in a wet market.
I don't believe it. China told us it was NOT a lab leak therefore we must believe them. I am pretty sure that is what I was told. So until China admits it could be a lab leak, then it came from an undercooked bat sandwich in a wet market.
I beg to differ Cletus. It was a raccoon dog not a bat sandwich.
I don't believe it. China told us it was NOT a lab leak therefore we must believe them. I am pretty sure that is what I was told. So until China admits it could be a lab leak, then it came from an undercooked bat sandwich in a wet market.
Agree but that isn't even my major problem. My problem is that the healthcare industry was BOUGHT OFF by China and/or the US Govt to not only dissuade this from being an option but to shame, bully, humiliate and deplatform anyone who dared say otherwise.
Agree but that isn't even my major problem. My problem is that the healthcare industry was BOUGHT OFF by China and/or the US Govt to not only dissuade this from being an option but to shame, bully, humiliate and deplatform anyone who dared say otherwise.
yes. agree 100% there. basically let's agree with China in order to (1) swing the election and (2) big pharma bought off the politicians, and (3) Fauci & Collins cover-up of illegally funneling money to Wuhan.
yes. agree 100% there. basically let's agree with China in order to (1) swing the election and (2) big pharma bought off the politicians, and (3) Fauci & Collins cover-up of illegally funneling money to Wuhan.
yep..and this is really no longer under dispute. It is fact.

Furthermore, the wuhan lab was funded by the western world because it was outlawed in most western nations. So instead of doing that research here, they simply funded it in China. Nice work there. I am still uncertain if similar wasn't going on in Ukraine. Regardless, it was a massive coverup when millions of people died. We jump up and down when a guy gets shot 46 times after shooting at police yet, nobody seems to care about China potentially killing millions of people.
At the airport. With all that has come out and the ability to have multiple boosters, and the current lack of potency of the omicron variant. I really, really want to go up to these people wearing masks, especially surgical masks which now even Fauci admits are about worthless, and ask why they have a mask on.
At the airport. With all that has come out and the ability to have multiple boosters, and the current lack of potency of the omicron variant. I really, really want to go up to these people wearing masks, especially surgical masks which now even Fauci admits are about worthless, and ask why they have a mask on.
Just give them odd looks. These people are followers and enough odd looks and they'll stop. Right now they think they are virtue signaling but if they realize they just look like clowns then they'll follow those that are smarter.
Just give them odd looks. These people are followers and enough odd looks and they'll stop. Right now they think they are virtue signaling but if they realize they just look like clowns then they'll follow those that are smarter.
Majority of the mask wearing is being done by college kids on the flight (out of Raleigh Durham). Definite social statement but I don’t even know what that statement is at this point other than stupidity.
Just give them odd looks. These people are followers and enough odd looks and they'll stop. Right now they think they are virtue signaling but if they realize they just look like clowns then they'll follow those that are smarter.
I was thinking about this last weekend when I drove past a Giant Eagle in the West Hills of Pittsburgh while reflecting on the fact that we were mandated, coerced, forced and shamed to wear masks in places like that long after the "science" indicated that that was pure folly, and have experimental chemicals injected into our bloodstreams. I also thought about how even more ridiculous this will seem fifty years from now, and how our relatives who haven't even been born yet will wonder in amazement how a situation like that ever was allowed to happen and why people, many of whom are otherwise intelligent, simply became like mindless zombies in blindly following their "leaders."

And then some people wonder how situations like what happened in Germany in the 1930s develop. Well, unfortunately, what we saw in 2020 and through much of 2021 is an example of how otherwise good people become sheep when they are "led" by corrupt and treacherous leaders.