Answer away folks.
I spoke with a surgeon that is well-versed in immunology. Indicated that substantial does of D3 (5000 per day) can usually be well-tolerated, especially if you are not regularly exposed to sunlight. Blood levels need to be established. Said some doctors give 50,000 units (The Hammer) one time to those with acute inflammation or flu syndrome. Must use with Zinc. Also indicated that many immunologists use Elderberry gummies daily to avoid any influenza and IT WORKS. Uses elderberry syrup for patients with acute infections. I know two individuals who have used elderberry lozenges and ZInc for over 5 years with no flu or colds! Go figure!
Exactly the opposite from what I’ve readBe careful. Fish oil can increase triglycerides.
I do a Centrium Silver for men.
I do the Centrum Silver
Airborne Elderberry Gummies or the Sambucol which ever is avialable
Occuvite (macular degeneration is on both sides of my family)
a Timed release C
and a Tumeric & Curcumin
and finally a beet root vitamin.
I also do some pretty heavy juicing of Veggies (Kale, Beet, Carrot, Celery, parsley, ginger) or Fruit. But its not cheap.
but then neither are the vitamins.
I do a Centrium Silver for men.
I do the Centrum Silver
Airborne Elderberry Gummies or the Sambucol which ever is avialable
Occuvite (macular degeneration is on both sides of my family)
a Timed release C
and a Tumeric & Curcumin
and finally a beet root vitamin.
I also do some pretty heavy juicing of Veggies (Kale, Beet, Carrot, Celery, parsley, ginger) or Fruit. But its not cheap.
but then neither are the vitamins.
BB - Your line-up is VERY similar to mine (note my earlier post). 👍
I would not rely just on this this study. You need to examine how it was conducted. There are also many other studies clinically demonstrating how Omega 3's in Fish Oil improve cardiovascular health.The most recent study did not show a benefit of fish oil for heart health.
Omega-3s Humbled by Corn Oil Placebo in Two Trials
Implications for REDUCE-IT's icosapent ethyl
One of the vitamins I take is a Kirkland B12, according to the bottle it provides a 208,333% of the daily requirement. Why??
I would not rely just on this this study. You need to examine how it was conducted. There are also many other studies clinically demonstrating how Omega 3's in Fish Oil improve cardiovascular health.
D and lots of it. I’ve heard many times that D is the most essential of all vitamins. I also take B complex with lots of B 12. I am currently taking an immune booster with loads of D, C and zinc. In normal times it was just a bunch of D, but I will probably stick with the immune booster for some time.
I love salmon and am trying to eat more of it.
And my eye doctor just started me on a specific type of Omega-3 supplements, because she saw some early precursor/warning signs of macular degeneration. She said that certain elements
Apple Cider Vinegar (gummies)?Answer away folks.
The Fat-soluble vitamins are A,D,E and K. Those distribute into your tissues and thus, you can take too much of those. The others are water soluble and you do pee out "excess". Many are deficient in D and there are some COVID studies about worse outcomes in those that are deficient. But make sure you don't "overdose" on the fat soluble vitamins.
Vitamin C data for COVID is weak at best. It is water soluble. However, it can increase risk of kidney stones. So taking a lot it is harmless for MOST people. Zinc, green tea, and turmeric have some data supporting immune help.
I do a Centrium Silver for men.
I do the Centrum Silver
Airborne Elderberry Gummies or the Sambucol which ever is avialable
Occuvite (macular degeneration is on both sides of my family)
a Timed release C
and a Tumeric & Curcumin
and finally a beet root vitamin.
I also do some pretty heavy juicing of Veggies (Kale, Beet, Carrot, Celery, parsley, ginger) or Fruit. But its not cheap.
but then neither are the vitamins.
Unfortunately, there is no vitamin K2 in Centrum Silver. The human gut is very inefficient in converting vitamin K1 to K2 which means about 98% of Americans are deficient in K2. For most, the most practical and easiest solution to eliminating this critical deficiency is supplementation with K2 gel caps (only available online as VERY few vitamin stores carry the "mixed with oil" gel cap forms). Non-gel cap forms of powdered K2 are poorly absorbed.
Large, good quality study just out shows no benefit wrt heart health and fish oil. In fact, the strongest evidence found was that those taking fish oil had a higher incidence of afib.Fish Oil good for heart health
I am very curious to learn more.Seriously, do you want to drastically improve your eye health (and function)? Then take one capsule of's Synergy Saffron Extract with Saffr'Activ® twice daily (once when you awake in the morning and one at bedtime) for thirty days, and then one per day for the next 60 days. Your sight should improve dramatically such that you will be able to drop down and read smaller print at least one or perhaps two lines below what you can read now. Also, your night vision will improve somewhat. Concentrated saffron extract may also eliminate early-stage macular degeneration or at least slow down its advancement. I dropped two lines by the way and no longer wear eyeglasses (after doing so for 62 years)! I can see better at age 69 than I could at age 16 and passed my driver's eye exam for the first time without glasses at the age of 65!
The saffron alone might do the trick but if combined with's "MacuGuard" you should realize a dramatic improvement in your visual acuity. Omega-3 supplements will NOT improve your visual acuity although they may (or may not) help reduce or prevent macular degeneration. I am skeptical about that. Very few eye doctors know about the dramatic benefits that concentrated saffron extracts can bestow on their patients, and that's just too bad. Life Extension and Swanson Vitamins websites sell a similar Saffron extract product that is also effective (but at a higher cost). Ironically, these Saffron capsules are marketed for their weight-loss potential (via reduction of appetite) and not so much for their possible contribution to eye health.
I have friends in their 60s that have thanked me profusely for passing on this little bit of advice. One that had early-stage macular generation is especially grateful. Her macular degeneration symptoms have all disappeared. The saffron may slow down cataract formation too but I can't find research to confirm that.
Fish oil decreases triglycerides. That is what it is prescribed for.Be careful. Fish oil can increase triglycerides.
I am very curious to learn more.
Any scientific studies you can point?
Amazing...any negative side effects?I have a reference tucked away in a box but can't readily find it. Still looking. The proof is in the pudding though...this stuff really works...went from 20/200 to 20/40ish. The only have to take the SAFFRON Extract every day (forever) or your eyes will revert back to their original visual acuity fairly quickly. Three friends have also tried it now, all with positive results. Oh, and I can still read the fine print (now)...again, I'm 69 1/2 years old!
Well, there is a bunch of contrary evidence showing the heart health benefits of fish oil. So it is an individual choice.Large, good quality study just out shows no benefit wrt heart health and fish oil. In fact, the strongest evidence found was that those taking fish oil had a higher incidence of afib.
Amazing...any negative side effects?
My guess: life. They are essential after all.You need to clarify what exactly you need vitamins for.
I would suggest 5000units of vitamin D3 daily and 30 Zinc. o boost immune system. Tumeric or Curcumin would be another good choice.
I was reading about this subject and the sun has to be higher than 50 degree angle to produce vitamin d3. we live in a northern state where most of the population is deficient and probably don’t know it. I had problems with pain until I went to a rheumatologist and first thing she did was get my vitamin d checked and my level was low. I’ve been taking 3000iu in the morning and 3000iu after work and I have very little pain episodesTake D or better yet get at least 20 minutes of sun a day. Zinc as well and take a good probiotic. Gut health is incredibly important.
Alcohol thins that stuff right out.Be careful. Fish oil can increase triglycerides.