They don't go Lavar Arrington, more like Warren Sapp.
enough of this. So crocs are more dangerous. As are hippos, etc. Great. Whats more dangerous was never the point in this thread about a woman who was killed by a gator.If gators could attack the same way as most croc species, there would be way more human deaths from them in the Americas. I think you would have a hard time finding a wildlife biologist who would rate gators equally dangerous to humans. Crocs are faster than gators and obtain more of their prey on land versus water than gators. They also are more tolerant of salt water, which means they have a bigger range in estuarine environments.
So whatever rises to thre level of scary for you, I still hope you don’t get on the wrong side of a gator. They’re very dangerous if they want to be. And yes, they’re ambush predators. Even if most 6-year olds can outrun them on land with a small head-start.