OT: Yesterday


Gold Member
Nov 8, 2010
Interesting and entertaining movie. The premise of the movie was creative, done in a lighthearted and enjoyable manner. The acting was quite good, and Lilly James is cute as can be--she has that Rachel McAdams vibe going for her. It trends toward a chick flick, but anyone who likes the Beatles and their contribution to music will appreciate it. IMO not a must see film, but the rare film where you will feel that your investment in time and money watching it were worth it.
Interesting and entertaining movie. The premise of the movie was creative, done in a lighthearted and enjoyable manner. The acting was quite good, and Lilly James is cute as can be--she has that Rachel McAdams vibe going for her. It trends toward a chick flick, but anyone who likes the Beatles and their contribution to music will appreciate it. IMO not a must see film, but the rare film where you will feel that your investment in time and money watching it were worth it.

FLAG. :eek:

I plan to see this movie.
Picking up the FLAG. :eek: .

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The premise of the movie is very interesting. The review I read said that with a premise like that they should have done something more interesting than just use it as a device for a Rom-Com. I haven't seen the movie so I can't comment personally.
I am a Beatles fan, and the movie provided a nice tribute to their music, and its timelessness. I was hoping for a cameo from Sir Paul and Ringo, but such was not to be. Anyway, I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but the Beatles are not the only forgotten things after the incident....
Interesting and entertaining movie. The premise of the movie was creative, done in a lighthearted and enjoyable manner. The acting was quite good, and Lilly James is cute as can be--she has that Rachel McAdams vibe going for her. It trends toward a chick flick, but anyone who likes the Beatles and their contribution to music will appreciate it. IMO not a must see film, but the rare film where you will feel that your investment in time and money watching it were worth it.
Thanks for the review. Am planning on seeing it next week.
I saw this movie on release day. It is one of the better films I gave seen in a while. However I disagree with anyone who states it is a Rom-Com.

There is certainly a romantic element to it but the primary subject matter has less to do with that than with the struggles the main character has to deal with with this new found life changing gift he has received. The romantic component simply helps him make up his mind in how to deal with this new found gift.

It’s not a chick flick it’s not a biopic and it’s not a sci-fi flick. But it is, in my opinion, a good movie -well acted and fairly well put together. Some of the story seems to drag at times though. The lead actor did a great job and really sang well. The supporting actors especially the parents and Ed Sheeran did very well.

If you are a Beatles fan there is a scene towards the end of the film that might make you a bit wistful as it did me and some others in the theater.

I think its worth the money to see this film at the theater.
I finally got to see this movie on Friday. It was entertaining. If you're a Beatles fan, you'll enjoy it. It's an interesting plot. You have to suspend logical thought for some aspects of the film to work. IMHO, the writer(s) could have done a little more with an interesting premise, but perhaps not. I was glad I saw it on a big screen, and in a theater with many Beatles fans. That said, it's more of a cute film, or a mildly entertaining film, but not a great film.

Lily James was captivating in the movie. The OP likened her to Rachel McAdams. That's not a bad comparison, though my thoughts during the movie were more along the lines of a young Debra Winger.






I finally got to see this movie on Friday. It was entertaining. If you're a Beatles fan, you'll enjoy it. It's an interesting plot. You have to suspend logical thought for some aspects of the film to work. IMHO, the writer(s) could have done a little more with an interesting premise, but perhaps not. I was glad I saw it on a big screen, and in a theater with many Beatles fans. That said, it's more of a cute film, or a mildly entertaining film, but not a great film.

Lily James was captivating in the movie. The OP likened her to Rachel McAdams. That's not a bad comparison, though my thoughts during the movie were more along the lines of a young Debra Winger.







It was a very good film. It’s not a deep thought provoking film nor is it meant to be.

It does present the larger question of what would you do if, in a split second, your wildest dream come true-how would you handle it?
BTW, Toy Story 4 is a good watch if you have a kid who fell in love with the first and carried mom and dad along with him.

Toy Story 4 was better than I expected. Going in to it, I couldn't imagine what more they could do with the characters, and how they could expand the plot. I was pleased to see that they did a very nice job in each area for which I had concerns.
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I saw "Yesterday" tonight and I didn't like it. They did almost nothing with the very unusual premise. What's the point a premise like that if you make it just another "guy realizes that all along the girl right next to him was all he needed to be happy" movie? Someone said it wasn't a Rom-Com. I'm not up on movies lately so maybe it isn't a Rom-Com by current standards but if so then Rom-Coms are much more Rom-y -- Com-y than I realized.

A lot of it felt cliched to me. The big music crowd scenes. The hard driving, screw-anyone-over-if-it-makes-you-a-buck manager. The wacky friend. And of course the girl right next to him that he starts to go apart from before realizing they should have been together all along.

The incident happens and the guy is the only one that remembers Beatles songs. But he can't remember some of them an decent size chunk of the story is him trying to jog his memory. They should instead have had him pre-accident be a Beatles expert and then after the accident he'd know everything about the Beatles music and nobody else would know anything. That's a good setup from which you could go many places and we wouldn't waste time watching the guy stumble over Beatles lyrics that he can't remember. And the "longtime friend that's a girl that eventually becomes a girlfriend" thing wasn't necessary at all.

And Ed Sheerhan has a more than a minor role. Nothing against Ed Sheerhan but it seems clear he has such a large role because he's a famous musician and that people will enjoying seeing in the movie. It's like product placement of famous people. How about instead focusing on the how a substantive story unfolds from such an unusual premise?

There's a part near the end that I'm not going to spoil that is supposed to be a big, interesting thing and I didn't do anything for me.

Okay, sorry for being Negative Nancy over here but it's just my honest opinion. I would be interested to hear others opinions. AFAIC one of the best things about seeing a movie is hearing what other people thought about it.
I saw "Yesterday" tonight and I didn't like it. They did almost nothing with the very unusual premise. What's the point a premise like that if you make it just another "guy realizes that all along the girl right next to him was all he needed to be happy" movie? Someone said it wasn't a Rom-Com. I'm not up on movies lately so maybe it isn't a Rom-Com by current standards but if so then Rom-Coms are much more Rom-y -- Com-y than I realized.

A lot of it felt cliched to me. The big music crowd scenes. The hard driving, screw-anyone-over-if-it-makes-you-a-buck manager. The wacky friend. And of course the girl right next to him that he starts to go apart from before realizing they should have been together all along.

The incident happens and the guy is the only one that remembers Beatles songs. But he can't remember some of them an decent size chunk of the story is him trying to jog his memory. They should instead have had him pre-accident be a Beatles expert and then after the accident he'd know everything about the Beatles music and nobody else would know anything. That's a good setup from which you could go many places and we wouldn't waste time watching the guy stumble over Beatles lyrics that he can't remember. And the "longtime friend that's a girl that eventually becomes a girlfriend" thing wasn't necessary at all.

And Ed Sheerhan has a more than a minor role. Nothing against Ed Sheerhan but it seems clear he has such a large role because he's a famous musician and that people will enjoying seeing in the movie. It's like product placement of famous people. How about instead focusing on the how a substantive story unfolds from such an unusual premise?

There's a part near the end that I'm not going to spoil that is supposed to be a big, interesting thing and I didn't do anything for me.

Okay, sorry for being Negative Nancy over here but it's just my honest opinion. I would be interested to hear others opinions. AFAIC one of the best things about seeing a movie is hearing what other people thought about it.

I was the one that said it was not a rom-com. I really liked the movie. My comments as to why are in my previous posts.
And Ed Sheerhan has a more than a minor role. Nothing against Ed Sheerhan but it seems clear he has such a large role because he's a famous musician and that people will enjoying seeing in the movie. It's like product placement of famous people. How about instead focusing on the how a substantive story unfolds from such an unusual premise?

Chris Martin, of Coldplay, was slated to play the role that Ed Sheeran did. Chris Martin ended up not being able to be in the movie due to scheduling conflicts, so they turned to Sheeran. Sheeran was up for the role, and had some fun with it. He said that the Beatles are his main inspiration for his songs, so I doubt that his appearance is any type of product placement. FWIW, the flight attendant on the private jet was, at the time of filming, Sheeran's fiancee, and he's since married her.
Great movie. Just great.

Not only did Himesh Patel sing during the movie, he sang all scenes live. No overdubbing.
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Chris Martin, of Coldplay, was slated to play the role that Ed Sheeran did. Chris Martin ended up not being able to be in the movie due to scheduling conflicts, so they turned to Sheeran. Sheeran was up for the role, and had some fun with it. He said that the Beatles are his main inspiration for his songs, so I doubt that his appearance is any type of product placement. FWIW, the flight attendant on the private jet was, at the time of filming, Sheeran's fiancee, and he's since married her.

I didn't mean that Sheeran's agreeing to appear was product placement on his part but rather on the part of the moviemakers. So they tried for Chris Martin first and when that didn't work they got Sheeran but the point is they were looking for a famous musician to put in the movie because that generates viewers and buzz.

In addition to Ed Sheeran, the James Corden show was in the movie and Jay-Z got a mention and Benedict Cumberbatch got one and probably other current pop culture figures that I've forgotten. Coke and cigarettes and Harry Potter disappeared from the culture too, for reasons never explained.

But imagine a movie where the plot is "There is an extremely famous musical group over the past 50 years and an event happens such that afterwords only one person remembers the songs by that musical group. What happens then?"

It's an interesting idea except that if you made it a fictional band it wouldn't have the emotional impact so you have to make it a real band instead. So you make it The Beatles. But all the other references to current culture, be it Ed Sheeran or otherwise, aren't what makes it interesting, to me at least. But since those other cultural references are popular with moviegoers it's hard to resist the temptation to put them in the movie.
It's not a move to over-analyze or a candidate for greatness.

It's got some likable characters, sweet moments, comedy, and plenty of Beatles music. Worth the ticket and popcorn prices.

I fess up to be an over-analyzer at times so I've my droning in this thread has annoyed some then forgive me.
Ha...very good.

By the way @Ranger Dan , did you make your trip to the Research Triangle area, and what were your thoughts, experiences?
Yes, I did the weekend in Raleigh Durham. It was a nice area. Something for just about anyone to find their thing to do or place to hang out.
My wife and I saw it today and it was really entertaining. Novel premise and interesting characters.