Other matches, results, news - 2024-25

Do you realize how far into the 💩 you are going to be in when we feel sorry enough for Iowa to politely cheer for them? Be careful what you wish for!
There have been times when I was rooting for a PA Hawk, knowing the Hawks weren't a threat.

I mean if we were wrestling for 3rd or 4th place I would have to careful rooting for PA hawks because then the Hawks would be a threat.
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That’s a really good win for Krazy Kueter TM. The kind of win he had to have to prove he can score points at nationals.
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That’s a really good win for Krazy Kueter TM. The kind of win he had to have to prove he can score points at nationals.
After Gable, Kerk and then Hendrickson a notch below them, Kueter falls into a large group of guys battling for AA. Trumble, Feldman, Schultz, Slavikouski, Trephan, Heindelsman, Luffman, Pitzer and Mullen
I believe it now. But needed to see this kind of win to believe it.
Totally agree. After the loss to Luffman last week and looking pedestrian against some lower tiered guys at the Soldier Salute, he needed to prove he could beat a higher ranked dude. He has 6 duals left and 3 are against the top 3 guys. Kerk next week, Gable after that and Hendrickson to end the regular season. Also has Nevills and Andrews from Nebraska. That's 3 ridiculously hard matches and 2 good challenges out of the 6.
Totally agree. After the loss to Luffman last week and looking pedestrian against some lower tiered guys at the Soldier Salute, he needed to prove he could beat a higher ranked dude. He has 6 duals left and 3 are against the top 3 guys. Kerk next week, Gable after that and Hendrickson to end the regular season. Also has Nevills and Andrews from Nebraska. That's 3 ridiculously hard matches and 2 good challenges out of the 6.
Not to rain on your parade but Feldman looked awful. What was his game plan?
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Not to rain on your parade but Feldman looked awful. What was his game plan?
You're not raining on any parade. Kueter will have to beat competitors similar to Feldman to earn AA. As far as why Feldman looked the way he did, maybe he was training through and had the flu. Seems to be a popular narrative when someone doesn't wrestler as expected.
The Brands’ boys were on top of their game. One calling the ref an asshole or asswipe and also saying “ I know you’re from Ohio” or something after he called a stall on Teemer
Nah. Fake news. The Brands boys are born-again Christians. They wouldn't do anything like that. 🤣
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You're not raining on any parade. Kueter will have to beat competitors similar to Feldman to earn AA. As far as why Feldman looked the way he did, maybe he was training through and had the flu. Seems to be a popular narrative when someone doesn't wrestler as expected.
I'd be pissed off as well knowing the end is nowhere in sight.
In a dual that means little to nothing to anyone here, Binghamton beat Brown 18-17, after Brown was deducted one team point for unsportsmanlike conduct. Brown had the tie-breaking criterion (one pin).

Even I, to whom (and from whom) nothing is meaningful, don't care enough to go back and see what happened.
Not much more annoying than BTN continuing to show the “new Moriah”. How many more years is that small little cheerleader on Iowa’s bench going to be in school ? They’ve shown him at least 3-4x so far today. 😡
Yeah. That dude loves to position himself where the cameras are. Was he still screaming directly into the camera, or is he being more subtle now? It’s so f’ing cringe. Has he ever actually wrestled?
Kueter won a scramble where Feldman's length hurt him big time. Still not really firing off his own committed attacks.

Regardless, good win.
It wasn't his length that hurt him if that was the case he wouldn't be in AA conversations, it was conditioning and bad position. I thought Feldman would win easy he did not.

I also thought Feldman was a lot bigger until I seen him beside Kueter, not just height.
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I see Van Dee hit another "broomstick", or whatever it is called, again today for a TD and back points. He is dangerous with that move.
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