Other matches, results, news - 2024-25

I think Ferrari going to be the guy going forward. They wasted Arnold last year
I don’t know what they’re doing. Right now, Ferrari is still on redshirt. But he’s definitely the higher bonus point guy.
I don’t know what they’re doing. Right now, Ferrari is still on redshirt. But he’s definitely the higher bonus point guy.
If that’s true, why in the world would Brands give Arnold a loss on his record instead of just calling a no contest? Another brain fart by the twins?
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Yeah, but it’s wrestling and it’s on right now. And Arnold vs Ferrari should be awesome. No different than sending our guys to Black Knight for a wrestle off.
Difference is that the BWI forum didn’t promote the Black Knight as the second coming. The Cesspool makes it seem like the SS is the new and improved Midlands.
I watched the entire bout. Shawver backpedaled for much of the match; Davino was the aggressor and the guy moving forward. Thought Shawver could have easily been hit for stalling a couple times.

Came down to a 1 second difference in riding time in the OT ride-outs, but going forward I would take Davino all day every day.
Same thing vs. Phipps. Shawver should have been called for stalling.
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Should we create a 3rd Soldiers Salute thread or is two enough?
LOL Arnold will say he wanted to wrestle him but now he has grad!Arnold may be the odd man out, trans portal
Difference is that the BWI forum didn’t promote the Black Knight as the second coming. The Cesspool makes it seem like the SS is the new and improved Midlands.
Not my thing to defend GIA, but that really isn't accurate. The most common discussion seems to vary from "SS is pretty weak" to "SS is young but improving".

And the semi-final group at 197 (Buchanon, Salazar, Sinclair, Merrill) was actually worth watching. Most other weights, not so much.
What the hell happened to the Midlands Tournament? It's still has some solid teams and wrestlers, but its prestige has totally faded. When I was wrestling in HS (wayyy back in the 80's - I know ancient history) it was the premiere early season open tourney. There are many more options these days, Cliff Keen, the Scuffle, and yes the Soldier Salute, so maybe just chalk it up to more competition. I think the Midlands organizers shot themselves in the foot when they cancelled in 2021. Was that at the height of the pandemic? If so I understand, but isn't that when the Soldier Salute got started? If Iowa could pull it off, why not the Midlands? Anyway, I haven't followed these tourney's recently, so just a bit shocked how far the Midlands has fallen.
Yes, that's what happened. Northwestern canceled 2021 Midlands due to the pandemic. Son of Midlands was created when Brands found a last-minute arena in an Iowa City suburb that was willing to host a 2021 event.

When Brands decided to keep Son of Midlands, then Actual Midlands lost its anchor. PSU won't go -- it's too redundant with our existing schedule. (Midlands refusing to allow Mark Hall to compete, when they've taken individuals before, probably didn't help.) And all the other potential anchors go to CKLV less than a month earlier.
Something between Cael and the Midlands happened before Cael even got to PSU and the chances Cael was taking his PSU team to wrestle in the Midlands was always slim. When they couldn't find room at the inn for Hall, slim became as close to zero as one can get.
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For us locals, Pitt Johnstown has a match against big brother tonight at 6. Hopefully the weather doesn't cancel it. I'd expect Pitt to win easily, but hope UPJ can make a decent showing. I don't think UPJ is as good as some of those past teams have been though.
For us locals, Pitt Johnstown has a match against big brother tonight at 6. Hopefully the weather doesn't cancel it. I'd expect Pitt to win easily, but hope UPJ can make a decent showing. I don't think UPJ is as good as some of those past teams have been though.
Wait until Bo, Jax, and Melvin are at UPJ. They’ll beat Pitt. LOL.
Something between Cael and the Midlands happened before Cael even got to PSU and the chances Cael was taking his PSU team to wrestle in the Midlands was always slim. When they couldn't find room at the inn for Hall, slim became as close to zero as one can get.
Room at the inn for Hall? Not familiar with that story. Do tell
when Mark was redshirting his freshman year - word is they (Midlands) wouldn't let him enter... so he went to the scuffle.
Correct. Mark was shirting and would've had to pay for whatever tourney he competed in. He wanted to spend the holiday break at home with his family in Minny, and drive with his folks the 6-ish hours to Northwestern. But Midlands told him they were full. So he went to the Scuffle.