Uni's 125 Anderson is looking real tuff against Smith.
He dominated that match it is a match worth watching, full of excitement.
He dominated that match it is a match worth watching, full of excitement.
And he takes out #5 SmithUni's 125 Anderson is looking real tuff against Smith.
Yes & very entertaining.Isnt it 9-6?
That score has nothing to do with it. Uni won 3 should've been 4 of the bouts they weren't favored in not to mention Nebraska as thinking bonus wins in a couple of their upsets. So yes dominating is what it is.Isnt it 9-6?
That score has nothing to do with it. Uni won 3 should've been 4 of the bouts they weren't favored in not to mention Nebraska as thinking bonus wins in a couple of their upsets. So yes dominating is what it is.
Rankings has it basically 4-4 with one could be 2 true toss ups. Nebraska should've owned the first half of the duel and UNI on paper should have most in the second half.FWIW, WrestleStat predicted Northern Iowa over Nebraska 18 - 12.
Me too. I also hope that UNI wrestles like this come come march. They are looking really good, wrestling tough and smart.don't know much about Doug Schwab but what i see on videos I like so I root for them when I can
Maanning blames PSU fans for saying mean things to Burroughs.24-9 UNI over Nebraska is the final. Ouch.
I didn't watch, is Manning still crying?TD. Reversal. Reversal. Reversal.
First period at 285. Nice.
Reversal. 4 pt nearfall. Escape. 2nd period. Great action for a 285 match.
Runyon (UNI) wins 11-6.
24-9 UNI over Nebraska is the final. Ouch.
In other action: At the Edinboro Open Penn States' Sam Beckett finished 2nd @ 174lbs. Cael Nasdeo won the Tournament with a 14-3 victory in the finals. What surprised me was that he wrestled at 141lbs. Congrats on your win ChubbyBEARCLAW IS BACK!
165: #4 Terrell Barraclough (UVU) over Drayden Morton (CBU) (MD 10
What's going on in Nebraska?
The world wants to know.
Wasn’t Hoffman a AA for Ohio state at like 184? Had no clue he transferred out285 - Seth Nevills (Maryland) dec Gavin Hoffman (Lock Haven) 4-1SV
He didn't transfer out. He went to Lock Haven to coach. But, he still had a year of eligibility. When he got to LHU he realized he still had the itch to wrestle, so he came out of semi-retirement for one more go.Wasn’t Hoffman a AA for Ohio state at like 184? Had no clue he transferred out
AA at 197. He's the same HS class as Beard, 6th year in college. Graduated from Ohio State, got hired as an assistant at Lock Haven (about 40-45 min from home), and decided to become a player-coach after the season atarted.Wasn’t Hoffman a AA for Ohio state at like 184? Had no clue he transferred out
Manning decided he was going to show the world how flawed Cael's approach is and, instead, have some wrestlers suck down in weight to dominate. Lol.What's going on in Nebraska?
The world wants to know.
Playing a lot of chess to get a bunch of dudes ranked 15-20 into the lineupManning decided he was going to show the world how flawed Cael's approach is and, instead, have some wrestlers suck down in weight to dominate. Lol.
Northern Iowa is wrestling fans Detroit Lions. Can't hate them, like what they do.
He has a case of bobbagitis, or inflammation of the NIL.
Word from last offseason was that he wasn’t interested in Bob’s bags.He has a case of bobbagitis, or inflammation of the NIL.